Ileostomy question.
Hi everyone I am new to your discussion board. I do not have colorectal cancer, but ovarian Cancer stage 3c. I am here because I need advice and I don't know where to go. Since I have a temporary ieostomy I feel like I don't get enough fruits and veggies. Juicing gets old and messy and I am concerned because I know you…
Pete's condition
cant seem to find any entries after the 11th. I am not looking in the right place?
Superawesome cancer resource page - for newies and pros alike!
This superthread just posted on the head and neck forum is a super awesome resource for cancer information, frequently asked questions and much more... HNC Superthread. A COLLECTION OF HELPFUL LINKS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. Excellent for new people to CSN.
Help tell me what to expect! ....Chemoradiation
I am beginning my 28 day chemo radiation treatments on Thursday and I am worried about what to expect physically. I will be taking 5 xeloda pills daily (2 in the morning and 3 at night) along with the radiation. Does this cause nausea, stomach upset, will I be able to continue working during these treatments (I have an…
Just wanted to tell you all that my colonoscopy was normal. Not sure what my oncologist will do now. Having a repeat CEA level next week so I guess we'll see. One step at a time, one day at a time, one test at a time right? thanks for all the concern and encouragement Betty Jo
American Society of Clinical Oncology (asco.org) is having its convention next week
but their website is already posting abstracts of stuff to be presented at this annual meeting...Some of you may be interested in some of the research being presented.....Good holiday reading, perhaps to put you to sleep as some is rather technical......
last night with the old bag UPDATE1 post op infection UPDATE2 getting better feeling good UPDATE3 fe
Of course I am not talking about my lovelly wife. I am the first patient on the day surgery list today, need to be at the hospital 6.45am. I am going to miss you old bag, its been so much fun. Just when I'd forget you you would find a way to remind you are there and you care. By bursting or sprining a little leak. Even…
What's your take on this anyone tried this juice??
AbstractFormat SummarySummary (text)AbstractAbstract (text)MEDLINEXMLPMID ListApplySend to:Choose DestinationFileClipboardCollectionsE-mailOrderMy Bibliography Format Summary (text)Abstract (text)MEDLINEXMLPMID ListCSV Create File 1 selected item: 17408071 Format SummarySummary (text)AbstractAbstract (text)MEDLINEXMLPMID…
Is this what the future bodes for cancer care? "Oncologists Hold Key to Curbing Cancer Costs"
at medicalxpress.com/news/2011-05-oncologists-key-curbing-cancer.html I can understand containing costs,eliminating unnecessary procedures,not destroying the person being treated with chemo that's not evincing positive results but who's to say just because two or even three treatments failed that another combo or something…
My mother starts that next week. Can anyone who is on it what they think about it and how long have they been on it.
plastic stent in liver..anyone?
I have had a biliary drain (several in fact ) for the past year. we have decided it is time to place a stent instead of the drain tube as the tumors that had been blocking the biliary drain are gone (hooray)!, they will use the existing tube (which exits my side ) as a guide for a wire that will capture and guide the…
Buzzard you fine?
Just know i miss you a lot!
Hi people it is FRIDAY you know.....Any interesting plans for the weekend? newbies welcomed!
Dinner today with friends and family, tomorrow ...BEACH if whether allowed, it seems it's changing!,Then saturday night Final European Soccer leage , Manchester U vs Barcelona FC.Sunday TV, Montercarlo Grand Prix! Happy and peaceful weekend to all of you, God bless!.
Low dose Naltrexone
Anyone have any experience with this modality of treatment?
Im fine............perhaps
Thank all of you for your concern...My health as far as I know it is fine...My wife as far as I know is fine and recoup is going very well with her. I overstepped my bounds in here with a pm and then with a little tiff on the site, over now but still, unnecessary. Im a lot like another gentleman in here..loves the art of…
i have got shrinkage
well i went for my first onc appt after having my ct scan last thursday.all tumors(3 on liver and 2 on lung)are actually getting smaller.so i am going to stay on iritatican+avastin for 2 more months and have another scan.thanks everyone for your support and prayers.love you all.you are the peeps that keep me going and my…
Good evening, My husband has been on Erbitux since last July. At one point, his CEA was a 5. It did not last long. It quickly rise and now is at 216. The onc is switching him to Vectibix next week. Can anyone please share their experiences with this drug for us? There is alot of talk on Erbitux but not so much on Vectibix.…
24 hours results, I can type without lead fingers, neuropathy alot better
My neuropathy is alot better after 30 hours of heavy dose l-glutamine. Some feeling in my feet now, none before. My fingers feel alot better. I am feeling alot better, not sure why but glad to have some relief. the way my neuropathy was getting worse really worried me. so just recapping, about 30 hours ago, while soaking…
A few questions about chemo options, IORT and HIPEC
Hi, I have a few questions to ask on behalf of my friend who has a large tumor pressing on his intestines and embedded in his abdominal tissue as well as some cancer in his peritoneal lining. He is being treated in Boston and had surgery back in Dec, but they were unable to remove the tumor. He has been on a combo of…
GOLFIG, new tx cocktail
I came across this cocktail treatment that systematically adds gemcitabine, granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor, and low-dose aldesleukine (interleukin-2). It's supposed to be much better than FOLFOX on progression free survival, the drugs are already generally available: GOLFIG Apparently this treatment…
Does anybody knows their SUV levels? ( PET levels)
New to site- SIRT, chemo and cirrhosis
I'm new to the site. My Dad who is 77 had colon C surgery in 2009 with 2 mets to the liver. He did chemo and 2 treatments of SIRT which killed the tumors. We later found he could have had resection but was mis advised. He developed ascites within the last 6 months and now has two new tumors. We are looking for options now.…
Just to forget C.
If you want a big fun take a look on tweeter to: "Queen_UK". then press any tweet to follow the whole thread since months ago, priceless , uproarious! just in case you need some fun !
Im going to fire my ONC!!!
I just cant believe this doctor. I had my scans on Monday, actually saw him on Monday too. I asked him why he wouldnt write the letter in support of my compassionate transfer. He looked me in the eyes and said he had been asked to do that before but has always said no because there is no proof that stress has anything to…
It seems my previous question was difficult to understand , here it goes again!.
What I mean is, if you got some minor Mets ,primary already sorted out and operated successfully ,We know that is very possible to make them despair just with chemo,So no tumor evidence so technically NED, not Cured,I know!.Ok if not tumor evidence ,nothing to operate!( it happened once to me).Question :Any body in this…
Body odor?
Has anyone ever experienced body odor while on chemo and did anything help? My mom is 7 treatments in for her recurrance and is noticing an ordor (she describes it as being able to smell the chemo drugs) that did not occur the first time she was in chemo over a year ago.
MY time to vent!!!!
Okay.....so, we have a bunch of friends up at the lake.....14 people....I went and did the shopping for the food, prepared everything.....my son did the actual b.b.q. of the meat on the grill, I did all the veggies, salads etc. Hubby sat in a lawn chair with a dumb grin on his face!!!! Like he would always do in the past,…
my heart aches for Brenda
My daughter's best friend's mother passed away yesterday. She had been diagnosed less that 2 months ago with multiple myleoma that attacked her spinal cord and had moved into her brain. She had just started on chemo which made her so sick they took her off after the second treatment because her kidneys were in failure and…
I ache, I ache, I ache, my shoulders seem like the weight of the world is upon them, every movement hurts. This goes on for a couple of weeks at a time. Does anyone else have this? Winter Marie
"How to die in oregon" is a documentary that will be airing tonight on hbo at 8 pm. It follows the lives and the struggles of quality of life over quantity of life. It is definitely something to see. Best documentary at Sundance Film Festival. Tell your friends and families unfortunately this is something we will all face.…