Need Help About to Start Radiation!!!
Hi everybody it's been a long time since I posted. I usually just read everybody elses posts and sit back and soak up the wealth of information you guys provide. I had colon resection surgery in june 2010 and then barely made it through nine treatments of 5-FU, Aastin and Oxalliplatin. I have been dong good since then,…
Following HIPEC - Recurrence or NED?
Hi everyone, My friend is going for a consult regarding HIPEC surgery in a few weeks. He is really anxious about considering this surgery especially since his oncologist is against it and several other surgeons have told him his cancer is inoperable. I have read a lot of people's online posts about HIPEC and although it is…
erbitux not working :(
Hi everyone, I went to the hospital with a fever on Monday, had a multitude of tests, including a CT scan which showed prgression of my cancer + therefore the erbitux not working. There is no traditinal chemo left fot me to try. I asked my onc about clinical trials ; the only ones nearby right now are stage 1 + my onc says…
chemo and weight loss
My dad is stage 4 colon cancer, doing chemo. He is losing weight! He is trying to eat and gain weight. Is anyone else losing weight? He just wants to make sure he is not the only one.
Folks from Utah with cancer
I saw a post from last year that had a few fellow Utahns commenting...wondering if anyone here is in Utah? Would love to meet... Janine
something funny happened picking up the kids from school
my wife and spent the day getting the kids passports and hers renewed for our trip to fiji in 3 weeks. we raced from the city to get the kids from school and i was in a bad mood. being late and this constant arse pain does that too me. we get to the school, my wife goes to pickup the kids. i get the urge to go. and its not…
hello all I'm new
I found out on may 7th that I had colon cancer had surgery that day and had eight inches of my colon taken out. Go tomorrow for first chemo, hope that goes well. Have lots of questions but that can wait just wanted to introduce myself. Matt
Liquid Lomotil
Did I spell that right?..... Phil and John....I know what you both are thinking....and I KNOW i spelled Liquid right!!! LOL Anyway....... I just had my second treatment of CPT-11...only... and man did it ever hit the bowels....oh yeah....sheeeeet DEFINATELY hit the fan and anything else within a few feet!!!! Wowie…
Hi Everyone, I'm New
OK so I'm the "new kid in town," I guess. . .;-) I was just diagnosed with colon cancer February of this year. I had a massive-sized tumor (soft ball size?) in my abdomen and by the way my doctors were talking, they were expecting a far worse prognosis than I received. It turned out my colon cancer was Stage IIa and…
I am weeks post chemo. I am still having bad joint pain. the only other med I take is lyrica. Do you think its still related to the chemo? It started then
Crow71 update*update*
thanks all for your posts. I will read them all to him when I can. Here is his caring bridge address: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/roger_fowler I am updating there. Love and hope to you all and many sparks from Roger Kim Hi all. Rog hasn't been on much. I am going to copy and paste what I wrote form caring bridge…
Friday Riddle Answer
This week's winner is abrub. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: Take the number 4, and the number 5... What mathematical symbol can you place in between them that will result in an answer greater than 4, and less than 6? ANSWER: A decimal point
What facility are you using to treat your colon cancer
Just checking to see where you are receiving your treatment and if you're please with it. I here that MD Anderson in Houston is the best.
For the moment just waiting for weather changes, it's cold and rainy here,even snowing 100 km away from the city but who knows tomorrow we can be in the 80's crazy weather here!.
Buck how was your trip to Europe?
You cut explain us about to make us forget C.for a while!. Take care my friend!
my SYDNEY colorectal support group dream canned today. if at first you don't succeed give up.
today i advised a few loyal supporters that i have given up on th bowel cancer support group i had started in my area of sydney 6 months ago. i could find no one else to run it. i could not find a good venue. it breaks my heart to think of the lack of emotional support most crc get from dx onwards. the group needed someone…
Flex Sig Appointment
This is my CaringBridge Journal so if it seems detailed this is for my family too. I did my prep yesterday for the flex sig this morning, but I was going all night, all this morning and even before having the scope. Saw Dr. Lee this morning for my flex sig and watching this was amazing and weird. He said that the pouch…
The Dreaded Prep
Oh my goodness. I'm not a gatorade person so usually I'll buy propel, but couldn't find any. But they did have flavored sparkling water and then thought that might be a little hard on tummy so then decided to add water and a crystal light lemonade mix with it. Tasted ok, but wow that was too much bubble and acid and my…
Starting a cancer support group
I just wanted to share what has me excited lately... I am going to start a cancer support group at my church for people in the communities of Fallbrook and Bonsall, where I live! This is pretty lacking in the area. I shared my enthusiasm for this need with my pastor and he's all gung ho for the idea! I was inspired to do…
Really depressed
Mom starts her treatment, Erbitux, Wednesday. So worried about her. She told me she wasn't afraid of dieing....she doesn't want to leave her family. She is strong person. I love you mom.
OT - The power of positive thinking
I've never seen anyone post a link to a video here, so I don't know if that is because it is against some rule??? This video is on Youtube and is about a little boy who just learned to ride his bike...he wants to share a powerful message of NOT GIVING UP...stay positive, and if you can't do that then just keep trying!…
OT - Humor - Redneck's Medical Dictionary
A chuckle a day keeps the doctor away? Redneck's Medical Dictionary Artery.............................. The study of paintings Bacteria......................... Back door to the cafeteria Barium........................... What doctors do when patients die Benign........................... What you be, after you be eight…
Sorry guys I haven been on here for a bit. But I'm need some help we had our doctor appointment for him to get ready for surgery . But what I would like to know has anyone on here had a tumor close or on the main altering by the colon were it mets the rectum .thanks everyone .hugs Tina
Update on Jim
Hi Everyone. Sorry I have been absent from here for so long. (Gracie...thanks for checking in and asking for an update.) Well, we started treatments at Cancer treatment centers of America in March right after scans showed little or no improvement. He was put on the Avastin, Irinotican infusion every three weeks with xeloda…
While We Are Waiting…..A Sundance Rant
I’m not known for rants and raves too much – I try to stay steady and calm in the face of adversity. But, quite frankly, I’m a tad bit “upset.” This must be one of those times when Shayenne used to say that Her Lion was “roaring.” And I am roaring mad – mad at a disease that continues to chip away at my body, my mind and…
happy anniversary tumour 12 months since dx 3rd june 2010
what can i say. 12 months, lots of love, pain and thinking and reading and posting. my tumour is resting in pieces!!! have a look at the expressions of a colour photo of it if you dare. its also 4 weeks since op and still recovering, the iv antibiotics was extreme. my thrush won't go away. loo visits getting better slowly.…
PET Scan Results / Liver Resection
My Mom's PET Scan results showed the (2) spots on her liver have continued to shrink as a result of the 8 rounds of chemo she received. All in all, this is the news we wanted to hear. She met with the liver dr. today and will have an MRI to make certain that there are only (2) spots and will have liver resection at the end…
anybody heard from her?havent seen her name in a while....Godbless....johnnybegood
high risk insurance pools??
I've just found out my private insurance company has a lifetime cap which I have just about met. I get insurance through my job, which covers about 50% of all expenses. That has just capped out this year! but kicks in again in September. I've got to cover my own expenses this summer (ouch! but manageable). Want to know if…
Combining SIR-Spheres with Xeloda to treat liver cancer with
potential to be applied to CRC liver mets, hopefully.....This is now being tried with liver cancer:www.genengnews.com/keywordsandtools/print/2/119547725/ Fox Chase Cancer Center is involved with this Phase I study (Lots more coming from ASCO convention) PS:the address I gave above may no longer be valid;…