Immodium AD - Is there some type of Nationwide Shortage?
I need Immodium AD to regulate my semi colon on a daily basis. I've been to three major chains in the last 2 weeks and not ONE immodium AD to be found. Only generic, Is there a shortage or has someone found a way to make a new recreational drug with this too? Peggy
Expeirences with Erbitux
Onc wants to start chemo again, in two weeks for Robert, and he wants to start him on Erbitux........IF he doesn't have th KRAS mutation. From what I read about this drug, it can cause some issues with the skin, hair, nails, eyes, and a whole other host of problems, including cardiovascular. Robert is ready to keep…
Chemo back on!
I never thought I'd be happy to get my folfox6 but after a week off, I'm glad to get back on track. My platelets were 149, double from last week. It was a relief that I cam bounce back yet. My white count is still little low. Any suggestions for raising it, vitamin C or zinc? My onc reduced my oxaliplatin by 25% to reduce…
What is the PET scan process like?
I'm getting my first PET scan tomorrow and wonder what the process entails... I've had CT scans, MRI and ultrasound...and each has been different. For the PET scan, I've been instructed to consume NO CAFFEINE all day today and am expected to not do anything strenuous today...keep my body in "rest state" for the test…
Blood Test Tomorrow
Well tomorrow is the big blood test on the immune system. Because the red/white count still is not coming up to the normal range, my oncologist wants to do a complete immune system blood test, including HIV, hepatitis, lupus, CBC, etc. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, and vibes, and anything else you can think…
Thoughts are with all of you
Just a note to say I read all posts everyday and to everyone, newbies, oldbies and people like me who only post sometimes, my thoughts are with you when it is good, bad or just ok. Your experiences have kept me going, and when you are having a bad day, good day or just want to scream or give us updates on information, it…
OT - tough week
Aloha, I am thinking about all of you. This week has brought so many emotions for me. **** had his 41st chemo this week. I am so grateful that he will go through this to keep the cancer from growing. A colleague of mine committed suicide this week. It has been very, very hard on everyone at our school. I taught both of his…
Roby's surger
Surgery was yesterday, lasted a little longer than they had thought it would. Could not remove all of tumor, removed anus now has permanent colostomy. We will have to get with onc to get a plan together possible radiation and more chemo for sure. Doc said liver looked good cancer has not spread. He's doing well, Doc said…
Anyone taking Bioidentical hormones while recovering?
DX June 21, 2010 - rectal cancer Stage II T3-N0-M0 - Rad/Chemo summer of 2010, surgery Nov 3 with ileostomy, more chemo (Xeloda) Dec 10-April 10. April CT scans looked very good. Reversal surgery scheduled for next week. I have about 3cm left of my rectum and a J-Pouch out of the Sigmoid Colon. I have been taking…
Cycle 1 of oxaliplatin/irenotecan/5FU Chemo Treatment
Hi all: As promised I am going to report on my treatment today, cycle 1. I think I am getting Folfiri (spelling?) and not Folfox, so my sheet read anyways. Long day, went in at 7:30 am and got home at 3 pm. They started the process with 5 pills and then the oxaliplatin, then an injection for the irenotecan, the other…
Hi all. I was just diagnosed with Colon cancer Aril 16th while in the hospital for something else. Have surgery scheduled Wed May 11th. I can honestly say I am not afraid but I have my wonders of course about the unknown. I think we are catching it pretty early because I had my last Colonoscopy 5 years ago. I guess I…
Hi everyone, I have a question. I am going to have surgery on the 24th to remove a small 2.5 x 1.5 cm malignant lesion from the liver. That is how big it was 2 months ago. Anyway, the past couple weeks i have had bouts of extreme fatique and when walking the dog my knees get shaky. Now here is my question. Isn't it too…
small rectal carcinoid, need help with pathology
Hi all, Few days ago presumptive benign 0.5cm rectal polyp came back positive for 0.3cm carcinoid tumor. Unfortunately the pathology report does not talk about margins. I asked my doctor he is not talking about margins. All he is saying is he will go in after 3 months and check. I am currently fighting another cancer so I…
New to site - My dad has Stage IV Colorectal cancer
My dad is 61 years old and has been receiving treatments since the end of 2009. In January of this year they said they couldn't cure the cancer and he may only have 12 months left. I am having a really hard time dealing with the fact that he won't be around for much longer and I just needed to get it out. I cry almost…
Hi have not posted for a long time, 2mths after my husbands chemo has finished for stage 3c cc. Things are going well, have colonoscopy june 9th and another ct to follow. Still early days and keeping our fingers crossed for good results. My husband has developed a hernia near the site of surgery, what happens with this?…
I wish this to all of us for at least 90 years! The last one.
I'm a little bit emotional. This is the last day before my last chemo. At least I hope my last chemo forever. Only I feel some guilt that I am not taking you all with me. I want this to be for us all. And then I also have this fear that at my scan I will hear something I don't want to hear. I have tears streaming down my…
My most frequently asked question.....
"So, do you think attitude is the reason you survived?".... Just got it yesterday again at the bank (celebrating my birthday and 5 years post any treatment on both cancers this July).... My response: "Well, I can tell you that it doesn't hurt. I am very blessed that for a whole bunch of reasons (including luck...heredity…
neurapathy??- jaw, neck
On folfox 3rd treatment. Can u have neuropathy along the jaw and under chin, or is that just on hands and feet? I have terrible numbness and tightness under the chin and upper neck. I wrote about this before, but maybe someone else knows about this. My onc (or the nurse) suggested OTC glucosamine and chondroitin... maybe…
Ablation on the liver twice, Anyone? microwave thermal or laser?
My husband has a four spots on his liver all around a centimeter. Except for one near his hepatic artery which is stable from 2009 (fingers crossed DEAD)We just emailed someone from the mayo clinic. The doctor said they could procede with the procedure if it wasn't too painful or disruptive to his daily life style. Well I…
cheat sheet for acronyms
Since I'm fairly new to all of this, even though I've lost many family members to different forms of cancer, I see lots of acronyms that I don't know what they mean. Is there a cheat sheet posted anywhere that might list different acronyms for words/words for acronyms? Thank you Marianne
Terrible Cough -
My Mom has had a terrible cough for about 1 month. She is at her 8th chemo treamtent as I type this. They decided not to give her 5-FU (Fluorouracil) at this treatment - to see if this is causing her cough. My concern, I hope that this cough is not cancer spreading to her liver. She had a chest x-ray last week to make sure…
this is an amazing site!!!!
hi all i havent posted in awhile i have been reading all the post. ive been laughing ,crying and praying for you all. i was dx in may 2010 with stage 3 colon cancer took tumor and 70% of my colon out, did 6 months chemo(folfox) i just did all my test again and the beast is gone (praying) i have beat it for the second…
fever broken feeling better pain decreased suddenly might be going home in a few days
Hi everyone, just an update, been ill for a few days. I went in for stoma reversal and hernia repair 9 days ago. i have had a yoyoing temp from 39 to 36 over the last week and some pain that was sometimes extreme. this reminded me of the worst pain from the rectal radiation damage about 10 months ago. I have been on iv…
3 hours to go, meaning in suffering and "A Mans Search For Meaning"
While I have been laying in hospital in pain i read the book below, it got my mind working. "A man's search for Meaning" by victor frankle "Experiences in a Concentration Camp" See the extract below, one of so many that touched me. this book is so rich and just what i needed. i hope you read the extract if your interested.…
Neuroved -anyone hear of
Has anyone heard of Neuroved for neuropathy? It's a pop-up ad on my computer. Homeopathic. (Needing relief for stiff-numb neck after Folfox.) Not getting relief. Chemo was 4 days ago. Seeing chemo nurse tomorrow for labs. (I had surgery on my neck 2.5 years ago....does anyone know if a surgery would increase side effects…
Update on George
Well I'm home now but George is still in the hospital. Oncologist visited with us this afternoon at the hospital and it was decided to keep him until most likely Monday. Since he is already there it is best to keep him there and get things under control. It does not appear cancer spread causing trouble but the diarrhea.…
Black Cumin Oil
Hi, It is now 3 weeks after my surgery, lost 10 pounds of cancer, 1/3 of colon, left side and 7 cm of rectum and I am doing very well I think. I was cut open from breastbone to all the way below. Healing very well. All 8 lymphnodes taken came back clean and the cancer has not gone to any of te organs, so far, I was told…
Hey guys tomorrow Jorge is having his ct scan to see how well the radiation and the 5fu chemo has worked on his tumors wish us luck thanks to all of yous hugs Tina
Bucket list?
I'm not sure this is an appropriate question or not. I do not wish to upset or offend anyone here in any way at all, so forgive me if this seems inappropriate to you. I would like to know if, when diagnosed, any one here decided to do a "bucket list" of sorts and wrote down all they would like to do, try, achieve before…
scan results
I havnt been online here much, been pretty buzy. I had my scan yesterday and just heard from my ONC. My scan shows no evidence of disease. I feel very blessed, thank you all for your help, prayers, well wishes etc etc Love to all, Tom