Mom's second treatment of Erbitux is tomorrow
Mom had her first treatment of Erbitux last Thursday. Her next one is tomorrow. She is experiencing some of the side effects. She doesn't have the rash yet but she said her skin feels tight and itchy and she has some sores in her mouth. Whoever has been on this chemo how long does it take for the rash to appear? I also…
Lori-S & Leslie how are you ?
just know we miss you here ! Love!
OT - My Excellent European Adventure Day Three
All right, time for a little bit of information about why we went to Europe now (you know, rather than some other time…): The company I work for (a winery) ran an incentive for our largest customer, with the grand prize winner getting six days in Germany and Italy. I used this as a kind of anchor for our trip, and today is…
This is the shirt I had made when we were going to do a Colorectal calander.... I had the month of May...Memorial Day. I wore this shirt to chemo today to pay tribute to my friends. Please feel free to post YOUR tributes.. Love to all the Semi's! In my heart always..... DONNA...ERIC...KIMBY....FRANK....JR....KERRY Jennie
Tammy41 passed away this morning.
Her husband posted a note on her Facebook page to let us know. He said it was peaceful and that they'd had a lovely few weeks together.
denied insurance
You may remember my Mom- dx 2 1/2 years ago Stage 2B with resection and chemo that followed. She has had good follow up scans and CEAs so far. She still has some ill affects from the chemo. I'll feel better after she hits her 3 year mark this Thanksgiving. She is 62 and is wanting to retire. She has her insurance through…
of you and your hubby today. Hope all goes well for his liver re-section. Please let us know how things went if you get a moment. Peace, Laurie
Thanks to my GF/caregiver I am now the proud owner of a
(Ginger Baker drumroll, please--but no Toad)...... I'm now the proud owner of a white, long -haired ,domestic RAT!!!!!!! Our last pet, Cat, died two days before my Dx (Rambo, our Dobie ,went the year before) and I kept putting off another pet so while out shopping today, girlfriend returned with Bella......, Appreciate any…
had first good nights sleep since reconnection a month ago
a good sleep makes so much difference. managed a 10km walk at the gym as well. i think i am over the worst of it with the reconnection. thank god. its the worst i have felt in the last year since dx. found one great tip. squat when you poo. get down low and relax. pretend your living 10000 years ago, before toilets. it…
So I got my CT Report......
I was slightly dissappointed, I will admit. I was hoping for a complete response with the two cycles of 5-FU I've had , but that was not the case. I do have some shrinkage but nothing has disappeared. I guess I'll just keep on fighting. My naturopath has put me on modified citrus pectin and some type of mushroom blend and…
CEA up
Dear all, I'm very sad... my mum's blood test result was out yesterday. Her CEA was up after two cycles of FOLFOX. Her CEA dropped from 8.9 to 6.1 after the liver resection. But after 2 rounds of FOLFOX, it went back up to 6.8. We are planning for a trip to US end of June and her WBC and neutrophils are so low, and she…
Summertime advisio to fellow ostomates:
Last summer was my first hanging out with a bag. don't know if the problem I had will present itself to you too so I'd just like to say, make sure you carry extra ostomy supplies when the heat and humidity rise--as your sweat increases you might find your wafer/flange separating itself from your stomach skin and you'll…
Well.... platelets in 129 after one week resting, not bad but now the problems are...
neutrophils part of the withe cells, I'm in 1.5 ,we go to chemo again tomorrow but .....what's the solution for that ? how long takes to recovery neutrophils?. Any comment highly appreciated!
Naturopathic Dr.
I've seen some postings on this, and, again, in preparation in case my aunt gets something that this may help, I'm wondering how I find an appropriate Naturopathic Doctor for her. I've searched and see mostly general family doctors and a few others, but none specifically state that they treat cancer issues (the joint pain…
Pathology report and results first CEA
I had my first CEA, it was 1.1 Good. Another one in 3 months. Onc. and GP advice after reading my pathology report, hold of on chemo and radiation. I got the all clear. Seeing a naturopath on thursday. My head is in cloud nine. I let you know when I am back to earth. I have been so lucky. Nerxt week a wedding and then a…
A lot of interesting stuff is starting to come from ASCO on CRC
Some sites you can check at your leisure include:physorg.com (cancer section) eurekalert.com (medicine and heath section or biology) medicalnewstoday.com (scroll thru) healthcanal.com (cancer section) asco.org most sites eventually post the same articles So far I've only looked at headlines/titles; i'll read later.....
Hi - I'm new here
I was diagnosed with type IIIc colon cancer March of last year. Had one third of my colon removed (small intestine on up). Now I have a semi-colon. I started Chemo in April. Reacted harshly to the treatments, onc said I was having side effects that patients exhibit after eight treatments when I had only had two. Had all…
Hello, I am scheduled for a colonscopy soon. I have always prepared for the colonscopy the old fashion way. Drinking the dreaded drink in the evening and the morning of the test. Someone informed me there is something new. You take a pill to clean yourself out. Is there anyone who knows anything about this? And is this new…
MAGLETS are you back?
Gooooood! . Missed you!
What the heck??? When did Mary die???
I can't believe this! When did Mary die? I went to her facebook page, and saw that everyone was saying good-bye to her back in April? She never said anything about being that sick. Once in a while we would email about alternative cancer treatments and stuff, but...she never said anything. I'm shocked!
Surgery Tomorrow***********update*******a******
Just to let everyone know that the love of my life is going for surgery tomorrow we need to be at the hospital at 10am and surgery is to start at 1230 pm thanks for being here for us you guys are awesome hugs Tina
This is a question to Pete_lost_at Sea
Pete, how can I get to see that video about vitamins and good diet? thanks, Marjan
Low platelets need your advice!
Last week we had to stop my chemo one week due to my platelets , I was in the 70,s. How long takes to recover an acceptable amount of platelets? One week is enough? does it affects to the effectiveness of the chemo one week off ?. Thank you in advance mates!
OT - My Excellent European Adventure Day Two
We wake early, have a quick continental breakfast, pack and off to the train station again. We need to be in Frankfurt that night, so our bags go with us from Schiphol to Amsterdam Centraal. Two challenges to start the day: 1. I need to activate the Eurailpass (no more evil conductor problems) 2. I need to book…
READING ROOM: TIME Magazine Article (June 13, 2011)
Dr Oz has an article in the current issue of TIME that deals with his discovery of polyps in his colon. Pretty interesting reading. They devoted a section of the issue to cancer. I haven't read it all (yet). WARNING Take the stats with a grain of salt! ;-)
OT - My Excellent European Adventure Day One
We started out at LAX on May 12th, where we caught a 747 to Amsterdam, riding in the upper deck of the plane (Business Class baby! I used all my miles!). 10 hours later and we were in Amsterdam, staying at the airport Hilton. Kathy and I freshened up, then headed down to the airport to catch a train to the main city (yes,…
OT...but something that calms me, and makes me smile....
I bought a multi-station bird feeder! It's right outside my window! Filled with all sorts of different treats (well, seeds, anyway). I LOVE watching the birds...Because it's spring, there are even little ones, always begging for a meal...*smile*. And there are some birds that I don't recognize that just come occasionally,…
Interesting:"New pretargeted radioimmunotherapy for colorectal cancer"
at physorg.com (under their "Cancer" section) or:medicalxpress.com/print226584377.html "........has the potential to kill colorectal tumors with less destruction of healthy tissue. Further research could lead to use of this radioimmunotherapy to eliminate residual cancer after surgery or as a standard treatment to keep…
Roger (Crow71)
Kim has now updated her discussion of Roger's update with their caring bridge site if anyone would like to send Roger a note or read his latest journal entry(s). Kim will be reading these to Roger. Thanks - Tina
Xeloda after 2nd Stage II colon cancer resection
Hello! This is my first post. I tried doing a search for "Xeloda" on this Discussion Board, but that was taking too much time. There is more information on my "About Me" page, but I wanted to quickly post my question, as it's way past my bedtime! Has anyone had to decide between six months of Xeloda and surveillance after…