Friday Riddle
Remember NO Googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS MAYBE TOO EASY :) Take the number 4, and the number 5... What mathematical symbol can you place in between them that will result in an answer greater than 4, and less than 6?
Tasty, brief news item:"Whole grape-seed and skin-may be the perfect colon cancer fighting food"
medicalxpress.com/news/2011-06-grape-seed-skin-colon.html or.....medicalxpress.com/print226231289.html "......Although researchers have known that resveratol, a compound in grape skin and compounds in grape seed extract may prevent colon cancer cells from growing, scientists have not known how the two compounds work…
So if travel plans and handling my mom's estate weren't enough.....more....
I just closed a condominium for my daughter yesterday!!!! We have been looking for 2 years, and this one had a huge price reduce 2 weeks ago. We put in an offer, and I now have the keys!!!!!! LOTS to do, but we have a month before we switch countries, so it should be time enough to get her moved in and settled. And, my…
"a long life may not be good enough, but a good life long enough" by benjamin franklin
this quote is from a book "why worry" by a wise buddhist k sri dhammananda. i hope this title is ok, how much trouble can this post cause. fingers and toes crossed. isn't a good life the sum total of our good days. hoping today i do some good. hugs, pete
Thought of the Day
“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.” ~ Socrates (B.C. 469 – 399)
yoo hoo it's me, jj
Hi all, I am finally heading home from the hospital today. My liver resection was on the 24th. Surgery went well. It is what comes after.body would not wake up and get rid of the stuff it was aupposed to. so they shoved a balloon up my nose & down my throat. won't go into gory details, just wanted to check in.as fare as i…
Great News!
I went for my 3rd treatment today. On my 1st treatment my CEA level was 20 up from 7; on my 2nd treatment it jumped from 20 to 337. I couldn't take a treatment for about a month then I went today and my level was down to 70. Even better was after I got home, the Nurse Practitioner called and said my CEA is at 17!!…
Forgeting about Cancer
I am 1-month past a clear scan and busy with a new job and a relocation across the country. All this going on has allowed me the opportunity to forget about cancer. No treatments and just appointments/scans every 3-months. I caution myself not to be too hopeful, but I do enjoy the momentary lapse from constant cancer…
When is one considered disabled by colorectal cancer. Of course never would I'd be available to serve on a jury because of going to the bathroom as many times a day as much as 15-20 times a day, but haven't worked in about 8 years. Just wondering your thoughts on this. Hugs! Kim
Join us Walking, Swimming, Cycling, Weights, Paddling, Jogging. Surfing. Gardening and get SURVIVAL
Join us Walking, Swimming, Cycling, Weights, Paddling, Jogging and get SURVIVAL BOOST 1 had 147 posts. that lots of exercise friends. Now we have survival boost 2. Lets play poker with our cancer and take him to the cleaners. See the first post here about the science of exercise. This post started out as walking, but we…
Yes, I did get your personal message so it came through just fine but it does say that sender does not accept replies so go back look at your settings so people can reply to you. Take care - Tina
Flex Sigmoid Friday
Well Friday I'm having a flex sigmoid. Doctor wants to check the j-pouch out. Had a colonoscopy last June and that was normal. Thing is the price is about the same, but this one has no twilight sleep - but that never worked for me anyway. I'm paying for this procedure as my insurance won't. They don't pay for the upkeep.…
Sundance CT Scan Finally Scheduled *** (NEW UPDATE) ***
Well, I had blood and lab work today and a meeting with my onc. The first question out of his mouth was “Why haven’t you done scans?” LOL:) Apparently, I fell through the cracks, which is hard to imagine with my immense girth:) Somehow, the orders never got to me so I was completely unaware and nobody ever called me to…
Just wanted to update you guys
Ok!! Life is pretty crazy these days. Mostly filled with good things happening: the bank has agreed to modify our loan so no lossing my house, won a lawsuit (can't talk about it at all but I didn't think I had a chance HAHA ) my husband and I have been going to couples theraphy to try and over come our faults, looking for…
Just got off the phone with my DR assistant, she said another doctor was reading my results, so I asked to wait, then she went to check and he was gone, but wrote on the results NO EVIDENCE of malignant, don't know exactly what that word means, but its an ALL CLEAR TO ME!!!!! I think I had myself convinced it was back and…
Iron infusions
Hubby will have to have a 2nd infusion of iron tomorrow. He had an infusion 2 weeks ago, when his count had dropped to 9.1 Since then it has dropped to 8. He is currently only taking Erbitux every two weeks for stage 4 colon/liver. Anyone have any experience with what the causes could be for this drop? Haven't gotten any…
Good news i think....
Got my scan results today,.CEA has fallen to 5 so in the edge of normality!. Lymph nodes disappeared and now on its normal size, small lung mets shrunk in a 50% aprox but difficult to calculate since they were so small in the beginning ,6mm, that scan can,t be so sharp to say if its now 4mm or 3mm any way 50% or near!.All…
questions, questions.
Hi everyone. My aunt, diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer the end of February and given 6 months if she chooses to do "nothing". She chose chemo/radiation but they still haven't started anything. I hope she hears from the Dr./Nurse this week, since her last test was an EKG this past Friday (5/27). My questions are: How…
Cyberknife tomorrow!
Hello friends. After a bit of waiting, I am finally starting my Cyberknife treatment - tomorrow morning. I just got the call today. This is for a bone met which is too close for comfort to my spinal cord (I'm still aysymptomatic at this stage -- no pain or other symptoms). Curious if others have had Cyberknife for bone…
Just a funny story to make you laugh
I was feeling strong for a few days and yesterday I decided to tackle a job in the attic. It was a big window fan that hadnt worked in 2 years. My late husband, rest his soul, was the king of half **** home repairs. the fan was hot wired right into a large electrical box and nailed to the window frame, not that I could un…
Has anybody had to have a second portal vein embolisation to enlarge liver for surgery to liver
My husband (aged 65) was diagnosed with bowel cancer, secondary liver mets (two large ones in section 8 and smaller ones scattered) in July 2010. He's had ten treatments of folfox, large tumours 6cm and 5cm reduced by half most other ones disappeared. Now on path of surgery. Had portal vein embolisation over a month ago.…
Diagnosed today
Am 49 years old. Went in for my routine baseline colonoscopy before the magical age of 50. Doc came out and said he didn't like something. Sent me for bloodwork and a CT scan (which I had a major allergic reaction to). Got the results tonight. I have cancer. This is oddly scary and empowering at the same time. The polyps…
My Blood Results
Well finally got my blood results in the mail today. Oncologist was testing for any and all immune disorders including HIV, lupus, hepatitis, nephelometry, also, CBC, CEA, liver tests, sugar and more. All immune disorders are negative - yipee. CEA, liver, etc. all normal - yipee again. CBC - well my white and red count are…
Surgery is tomorrow!!
I have never really posted since being diagnosed last fall but have been a regular reader of the boards. It was very helpful to me to read how everyone is so supportive and hopeful. I have had 11 rounds of folfox and the tumor shrank a good amount and the removal surgery and colostomy reversal is tomorrow. Hope all goes…
Scouty , Pete the answer is.............
Andorra! you can go skiing from Spain to France ski resorts across Andorra, excellent facilities in both three! just in the middle of the Pyrenees. Hugs!
Irenotecan and Diarrhea Help
Hi: I am on both Irenotecan and Oxaliplatin. Right now the irenotecan has kicked in with constant liquid diarrhea. I am taking as directed Imodium every 2 hrs during day and 2 pills every 4 hrs at night. I am eating "white" food like white bread, white bagels, bland fruit, Ensure. Any other hints? I seem to be getting…
neuropathy good news and bad news DON'T READ THIS IF YOUR HEAD IS IN THE SAND!!
Dear CRC friends, Here I go again. Don't read this if you don't want to be frustrated about the truth of neuropathy re some pretty detailed research. the experiences of this board, are well a more accurate indicator of what to expect then our onc. Sadly I believe this seeing our comments and yes the implication that our…
count down is on for surgery
ok guys the count down is on for Jorge's surgery 12 days from now and let me tell you i'm shiting my pants.i can't sleep can't eat i'm so scare .on jan 2011 ct scan show the tumor let go of his back and the colon doctor said this ct scan the tumor is still in his back what the hell is going on thanks all Tina
The best Birthday gift....hoping to bring you a smile as well
Well friends...last week was my last chemo treatment. Today I saw my onc and he said I am all good. I am just going to take his words and go with it. I don't ever need another birthday gift ...I just want to keep this one forever... Ct in 3 months...... For this day.....I am filled with joy!!.....I love you all very much…
pain in lower back, buttocks area following surgery, radiation and chemo treatment.
I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in nov 2007 and had magor surgery to renove a large tumor from that area. I had radation/chemo treatment in 2008 which was tough going but i got through and the scan results have been good sinse. unfortunately i've had to have some more surgery for adhesions ten weeks ago but i'm well…