Roby asked me to post this question. He had his apr surgery May 16th. He is still draining from where his rectum use to be. Anyone else had this for a prolonged time? Surgeon says it may not stop till after his chemo treatments are over, he's not concerned about it, no infection. This is just getting old ya know, dealing…
Vitamin D. Interesting.
Dr. starting me on ERBITUX- I don't think I want it any one have any suggestions
Greetings, Need anyones advice on ERBITUX- I used to be on here a few yrs ago (slammer, Amy) anyways now since I have been doing a year of chemo, 2 different types, with changed oncologist now, He wants to but me on irroteecan, avastin & this ERBITUX (cetuximab). I already received fisrt dose last week, but I am so…
Got some answers
I asked my colon cancer nurse navigator to assist me in getting more info from the radiologist that read my last two PET/CT scans. They talked about a node in my chest, and 2 in my abdomen that were still enlarged and active (but shrinking and getting less active). But with the abdomen, the wording was "for instance"…
"Popular Herbal Supplements May Adversely Affect Chemotherapy Treatment"
as per various website today, such as: medicalxpress.com/news/2011-08-popular-herbal-supplements-adversely-affect.html
A promising future ( I'm glad I like cheese)
As someone who is getting surgery next month which may result in a permanent colostomy, this article sounds promising to me.... Maybe someone can put the link in... Biologists grow replacement sphincters in mice…
Hi...new member
Hello All…. New to this forum but have been reading your entries for the last few days...ya'll are inspirational, informative and funny! I was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer in January of this year, had surgery to remove cancerous polyp along with lymph nodes, and have been on chemo since March. I’m down to my last 2…
This Book is Becoming More About "US" Than Me ***** REVISED EXCERPT ****
I just experienced a pretty emotional moment and felt so strongly about it that I had to stop writing and come here for a minute. That's how strong it is. Got me choking up and teary eyes, even as I write here to you trying to tell you about it. I'm deep into Chapter XI "Recurrence" and it's another in a long saga of…
Exercise Discussion and Sharing Information with Your Medical Team
Pete posted an article about exercise and the benefit to CRC patients, though it may have been a bit confusing to some as his delivery (to me) came off as a bit militant where it did not need to be. It does raise the question: How do we share the information we read with our medical team? Using the review Pete brought our…
How do you know if your port is infected?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has ever had their port be infected and how would you know. I'm having alot of pain with mine, when i sleep, move or touch it. Has anyone else had this problem? I feel like no one is listening to me and chalking it up to being paranoid. Can anyone give me any info. Thanks,
Recently diagnosed stage 1-3 may get the most benefit from walking therapy
Recently diagnosed stage 1-3 may get the most benefit from walking therapy Not much exercising being reported on the walking post, oh well thats life. I hope its being done anyway. I have have been exercising since diagnosis 3jun2010. Its just dawned on me that as most recurrances occur within the first couple of years,…
no right to complain, but...
I feel awful. Last Tuesday (the 9th) my aunt called me here at work and for the first 3 minutes the conversation was fine, then something set her temper off and for the next 20 minutes she yelled, screamed and banged the phone at me. I have never, in my entire life, had anyone talk to me like she did. She hung up on me and…
Norms for Scan
What is the norm for scans, if you know. Know two people that had colorectal cancer (neither one of them post on this board). Jane found out she had cancer about the same time as me and also had surgery the same time as me. Betty found out about 9 months after me and had surgery 11 months after me. Both Jane and Betty (not…
Onc has finally broken the news
My parents still believed that mum could rid of her cancer altogether with the chemo - they went for a second opinion this morning and the onc broke the news that her cancer will always be there and that the only option is chemo for life. They're devastated as you could expect, given how badly mum is doing with the chemo I…
Cancer is back on liver
Hi, probably alot of you don't rem me.. I was dx in 2003 and have been in remission. My husband however was dx in 2008 with colon ca had a liver resection in 2009. He was taking Avastin for spots on his lung that showed on a ct scan, and it caused him to have congestive heart failure. That chemo was stopped and he has been…
Wow! . . . . possible exciting cancer breakthrough!!
Wow!!!! . . . . . I am quite excited! - but trying to remain calm. I have just been watching the National on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corpporation) and there was a piece on a possible new cancer treatment breakthrough. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania treated 3 leukemia patients with an injection of modified…
CRC and vitamin D;plus excercise vs TV
eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-08/vdio-ctv081611.php which is a layperson's (one i can understand)version of the original posted at plosone.org,titled "Vitamin D Receptor Deficiency Enhances Wnt/B-Catenin Signaling and Tumor Burden in Colon Cancer" which,with footnotes, is 21 pages of "science" also, in a report on a…
Pope is arriving to Spain for the world youthness days one of the biggest celebrations in the cathol
Great ambience hundreds of thousand people all over the world walking and singing on the street, more than 2 Milloin young people from all the continents ,lots of canadians by the way, are expected to arrive these days!. If have the opportunity ,beside your beliefs I will pray there for all of you!. If somebody refuses due…
Anyone interested in roomies to save $$ for CP9?
For those that want to come but need to be careful these days, are you interested in sharing a room? There are single rooms with suites that include a fold out sofa bed in a seperate room as well as choices for 2 beds vs 1 ($209 for each night). There are also 2 room suites that could sleep up to 4-5 ($239 for each night).…
midnight bath club
Just when I thought it was safe to sleep without nappies. Oh well, thank god for washing machines. The person who invented them needs a medle. is the little surprises, that crc delivers so unexpectedly. It's approaching dawn here, I can hear kookaburra waking up. I better get out of the bath. Who is not in this club ?…
CEA Count
2.5, same as three months ago!!! YES!! Thank you all for rooting for me! Got to keep doing what I'm doing for now.......keep the faith. Love Ya!!!
Hi mates it is FRDAY any interesting plan for the weekend ?
Beach here! very very warm!
Hi all
Hi, It has been suggested I ask on this board about Modified citrus pectin, I was wanting to suggest to my mum with PPC ( primary peritoneal cancer) that she try this, I looked online and saw a site that suggested it was a waste of money to get MCP and that CP was just as good, any opinions gratefully recieved X
Biz...so you should be done with the first day in a little bit.....
Just know that yes, all of us here are aware of what this road holds and know we are in your corner every minute. If you feel bad we understand, if you feel good, celebrate it. Its a short 6 months but there will be nasty times and better times. You will find your routine and the time you get things all settled in, your 6…
I had a colonscopy five years ago at the age of 48 when I had a return of IBS after 20 years. My colonscopy results were negative for pathology but now I have been diagnosed with Stage III rectal cancer. Those colonoscopy results gave me a false sense of security so I've ignored symptoms as being nothing for awhile. I…
Backpain with Neulasta
My wife is on Xeloda, Irenotecan, and Avastin. She is having trouble with backpain, affecting her ability to walk. Anyone else have this problem, and what are some remediation steps. Best to all
Cancer Insurance
I believe that the insurance agencies who sell cancer insurance are taking advantage of people's fear of getting cancer in the selling phase and then taking advantage of the stress of cancer patients in the settlement phase. I was sold a Cancer policy on three premises: 1) there are many expenses associated with a cancer…
First round of Folfox/Avastin and mum's ready to throw in the towel already
My poor mum is back in chemo hell, this time with Folfox/Avastin. She's spent the last 2 days in bed suffering from strong headaches, severe diarrhoea and nausea. I thought Emend would do the trick but it hasn't. How can I help her? I told my parents to contact the medical team tomorrow and explain how bad it's been. Why…
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer in June of this year. He had his first FOLFOX/avastin treatment with not many side effects other than fatigue and nausea. We wonder if this means the chemo is not working. He has been told by his surgeon that he needs chemo to shrink the tumor before they can do surgery.…
Bump: Feel-Good Video/Cover of The Beatles Obla-di Obla-da
I know it doesn't have anything to do with pooping or tumors but it's a nice distraction... Clever cover of The Beatles Obla-di Obla-da. Enjoy! ;-) -phil