Hi all, I haven't seen this mentioned before, so I was wondering if anyone has experienced constant hiccups after chemo? Rick is on Folfiri/Avastin, and every time he receives treatment he hiccups every 10 seconds for hours at a time (it's now been four hours straight as I type this). The hiccups are bad for at least two…
Hope for us all...
I am sort of new around here and to this dreadful disease. My husband was diagosed in Feb.(stage IV with large mets all over liver) this year. When first diagnosed we were given no hope and told to do the chemo if we wanted 2 years but that was the best we could hope for. I want to share the good news about my husband but…
Left high and dry by BCBS regarding Xeloda
Hi again everyone. I am supposed to start Xeolda on Friday, adjuvant therapy for stage IIIA colon cancer. Because it is regarded as a "Specialty pharmacy" by BCBS and taken at home, it is not covered as chemo as my Oxaliplatin is. I do not have pharmaceuticals on my policy. Anyone dealing with this? I'm distraught. It's…
a big day daughter turns 10 today at 5.45pm to be precise
Its been a great day i wanted to share. Its started with an 8am visit to my naturiopath who has been away for a few weeks. so i see her with my box of the 40 supplements approx, my blood tests, some new research. I update her on the gym and my physio and my great results from the oncologist. we agree to do live blood…
Checking in....
Hey Guys..... Thanks so much for keeping an eye on me. Makes me feel good that Ya'll care that much. Sorry it took so long to check in but I just haven't felt like talking. I have been doing a lot of research on different options to treat my lung mets. Next week is a big week for me. I will be talking to several new…
KathiM !
Not pics of the cruise yet?. Tot ziens !
Food philosophies
It has been fun and interesting to read everyone's thoughts on nutrition. So I thought I would share what I feel (through study and prayer) is right for me. Isn't it great that we can all work out for ourselves what is best for each of us? Abundant vegetables and fruit (I like to blend, rather than juice. Or I eat them…
Back from ER....
Went to ER this morning after talking to my PC doc. They ran blood/urine/CT/xray. They have no idea why area by my naval hurting. I have nothing there to hurt. I do have a hernia above naval that is small and not of concern. Other than that the entire stomach cavity is clean with all organs intact and not even a lymph node…
Delaying chemotheraphy in between
My mother underwent the surgery for - Stage 3c Colorectal cancer. And she has completed her first chemo and then radiation 3 weeks back . Her 2nd chemo is due this week and she needs to start by 26th. But she wants to delay the chemo by 1 week and wants to start from 2nd september. Is that ok? Can we delay the chemo by 1…
Anyone on this? Any thoughts?
Do An Act of Kindness
Hello All, Sometimes we need to take a step back and take a look at ourselves.Do a Act of Kindness for Someone. The last 3 weeks have been crazy with bring Dennis home from the hospital and making the decision to do Hospice in or home. During the last 3 weeks I have even questioned myself, can I do this? But in my heart I…
10 yrs Stage III Still kickin'!
Hello all you wonderful Semi-Colons! Yesterday was my 10 year I HAVE LIVED BEYOND CANCER anniversary day. Just wanted to pop in here to give hope and encouragement to everyone on this journey. I remember well the intense fear and foreboding that accompanied my cancer diagnosis, not to mention the feelings of isolation that…
Not good news today
I honestly am not sure why I felt like I needed to write this tonight. Maybe a selfish need to just get it out. I was dx with Stage IV colon cancer in July of 2009. Since then it has been a roller coaster. Declared NED in April of 2010 only to find out in Sept 2010 that I have a recurrence in my ovary. I had surgery, did…
hey guys what kind of things can make your cea count go up other then cancer growing thank you all hugs tina
Feeling Hopeful Today
I measure the quality of my days by how hopeful I feel. Today is a good day. We met with husband's oncologist prior to chemo. I came armed with questions thanks to my discussion board friends. My first question was in regard to a 2nd opinion by an oncological surgeon. I had read about the HIPEC surgery on the discussion…
5.9 Earthquake on East Coast
Felt up here in NY. Epicenter in Virginia. Minimal damage it seems. It's always something isn't it...
New Chemo Regime Working
But it's kicking my wife worse than FOLFOX. The regime, Xeloda, Irinotecan, Avastin, Neulasta has brought the CEA down from 432 to 174!!! But she is more tired and mentally down this time. I sat on her yesterday to make sure she drank plenty of fluids. From reading the newsgroup, this regime causes dehydration, so I'm on…
Calling tomorrow
well guys im calling tomorrow to get jorge's CEA count im so scared on friday the doctor was talking about the CEA count and told us that the cancer can be growing because back in april the count was at 2.0 and a month it was 5.1 .i so mope its not growing hugs to all Tina
Earthquake in Maryland
Yes I'm a wimp! It felt like the building was being shoved sideways. Scary. I hope all on the east coast are OK. Best
any stage ll colon cancer out there?
Hi all, I went for my post op check up yesterday and my surgeon said my cancer was stageIIa. he took out 43 lymph nodes and all of my colon and all nodes were clear. He said that he would not recommend chemo because the chances of survival only incresaes by 3% and the effects of chemo outway the 3%. He still referred me to…
Avgame looks like another scammer. Greta- help!
It makes me so mad when I see scammers like this messing with us!! Makes me want to kick some booty!!!
little bleeding after PET/CAT scan
Anyone ever have small amount (like a drop) of bleeding after scans. Last time thought maybe it was from Avastin, but today had scans and had a small amount either from urethral or (the other) area. As far as I know, I don't have kidney disease. Just another thing to worry about, i guess...sigh.
Anyone used or heard of this.....any opinions ?
Photodynamic Therapy......I will check into this after my appt Wednesday at Vandy...They offer this at The Jewish Hospital in Louisville Ky..... What is photodynamic therapy? Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a medical treatment that uses a photosensitizing drug (a drug that becomes activated by light exposure) and a light…
Making plans - a good thing
Hi Everyone, Well I am happy to say that our family has been enjoying the beginning of our vacation in Massachusetts. When we made plans back in January 2011 for this summer, it seemed so far off. I was hesitant to book airline tickets and a house on Cape Cod. We made sure everything was refundable. We booked everything…
Has anyone had HIPEC in the state of Florida?
I may be a candidate for HIPEC and am looking for the best surgeon and hospital. It would be great if I could stay in Florida for insurance purposes, but I also want a surgeon and hospital with lots of experience in this procedure. I have been told by my oncologist that Dr. Lavine and or Dr. Sugarbaker are the best in the…
Upset and scared *Update*
I get a call from my partner telling me my ONC office called to remind me of my appointment, then I panicked, I don't have an appointment, do I and for what? Not supposed to do scans till Sept, then I started counting to my last scan and sure enough its been 3 months. I called my ONC office to find out what time the scan…
Anyone have strange sensations during infusion of Oxaliplatin?
Hi, having my first infusion of Oxaliplatin on Friday in combination with 14 days of Xeloda. Heard there were some side effects during the infusion. Can anyone shed any light on that for me. Just would like to be prepared. All the best to everyone. Mary
Any one take Probiotics and know if they are safe for us to take? Are we considered to have a compromised immune system, even we we are not currently on chemo and NED? I have read the web but they of course refer you to your doctor if you do have a compromised immune system.....just wondering if anyone has done any…
HIPEC costs
Hi First post on here, so bear with me. I live with my partner of 10 years in Surrey, England, he is a 33yr old african american who was diagnosed with colon cancer in Aug 2009. Since then he has had the colon resected to remove the primary tumour (sucessful), 6 rounds of chemo, followed by a liver resection. liver mets…
Need your quick opinion...Go to Hospital..or not????
I don't know what to do. I have a full week planned next week with various doctors BUT..I have a few ongoing issues I may need to address before I can even put that foot forward. Here's the deal. I have had a hoarse barking cough for over a month now. Onc gave me some swish and swallow crap that was useless. Not coughing…