How do I know when it's time to go to ER for fluids????
Diarrhea has been INTENSE NON STOP for 3 days..... I am talking all thru the nite...even all over the couch! LOL....sorry...it's really nasty! Gotta laugh or I'll cry cause my butt is knots of blisters. My concern is I know I am getting dehydrated. I am drinking constantly....until I am so full I feel like I am gonna bust…
Did anyone's cancer spread quickly. I need to find just one living person who had this experience
Couldn't sleep so I'm up researching. Tethering seems to have nothing to do with curability. You can still be cured if you can get tethering cancer just like untethered cancer. But spreading quickly, no one seems to live beyond 18 months. At least not those online. And I know that the only ones who generally post are those…
Bird watching
I am work from home today.. and sitting on my couch.. emailing and processing system updates but I have to say the Robin have been visiting my patio all day. I may have to start naming them.. maybe Red and mini and pearl and I am thinking. I used to have squirrels out there that would have coffee with me.. Charlie and…
Bone Cancer from CRC Mets
Hi everyone, I am wondering if anybody else has experienced a bone tumour (recently discovered in my left shoulder) mets from Stage 4 (colon,liver,lungs) Was very painful until controlled by drugs and now about to start daily radiation treatment. I believe its uncommon for bone tumours originating from colon cancer, rather…
For those who are In Xeloda or those who are Sceptic about Xeloda.
I have finished just my first round of Xeloda +Avasin , not too strong drug, but just in one round CEA dropped From 64 to 30 this is a 60% in only one round. Don't miss Hope! hugs to all.
Update on George
Sorry I haven't been around much, I had George in the hospital for several days. I don't scare easy at all but this time I was. His immune system was shot. We even had to wear a mask to go into the room. He received 4 or maybe it was 6 units of blood, platelets and some other stuff. Poor guy was weak as a kitten. When they…
FYI - Program at MSKCC: Scanxiety! Managing Fear of the Follow-Up Visit
I thought this might be of interest. It is a presentation in NYC, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, per information below: Scanxiety! Managing Fear of the Follow-Up Visit Support Meeting Most cancer survivors feel anxious before follow-up scans or tests. This anxiety can sometimes prevent people from going to…
Just by curiosity ,is there anybody interested in EURO CUP beside
Marjan and Steve ? Just curiosity . Hugs dear friends! oeoeoeoe oe oe! A mad Spaniard soccer fan.
Decision time- thoughts welcomed
I don't often post about myself but have been hanging out awaiting a surgical opinion that is finally in today and I now face decision I would welcome people's thoughts on. I am a 39 year old diagnosed with rectal cancer in 2004- treated traditionally with chemoradiotherapy and surgery. Was 7 years clear until November…
update (i want to runaway)
Seen the doctor today. He said that the pathology report shows that there is still cancer on my liver. Port goes in on Friday. AND Start chemo again on Tuesday. For three months and then they will do scans and see if I need to have surgery again then more chemo.Does this ever end.......,.
Chemo starts tomorrow
Starting chemo tomorrow. Have all the supplies suggested. Have my emergency pickups and some very lovely people from work made me want to cry because they are going to go to HR and ask if they can each donate a vacation day. I know the job will say no (it's a very corporate rule following place) but the thought is so…
does anybody know how to contact with the administrator ,a member needs help urgently!
There is something wrong on her account and I don't know how to help!
hi mates it is FRIDAY ! any interesting plan for the WEEKEND?
Tomorrow party in a cousin's house ,that is leaving to work to Argentina. Sunday bath on the beach ,mass, and watching Euro cup Final, Spain vs Italy! What about you?
Back in the dance. Took some time off to think about turnips.
I really liked that turnip story. Needed time to let my head rest (it didn't really but it wasn't constant). Back at Sloan this week finally. Got my pill scrip for chemo. We're going for 5FU (lol you know exactly what I was thinking when I heard those letters . . yeah you can say that again!) and low dose radiation every…
Hello Everyone! Update on Mauh!
I have been taking a little break, but here I am. I started Xeloda last week, and so far so good. My CEA had jumped another 30 points to 85 or so... PET shows a bit of increase in activity, but this is the same .04 area that comes an goes every couple months, since my liver resection. Nothing on the CT as of yet, so we…
“Eight is Great” – A Reflective Commentary + Scan Results Are In
As Month Python used to tell us…”And now for something completely different…” Well, I’ve made the “Eight Mile Marker Club” now…I’m now one of a handful of folks here who can claim to have done so. As always, the road was fraught with many a steep hill to climb and far too many nights walking in the shadows of the dark…
anybody have experiences w/partial small bowel blockage after APR surgery?
Help!..my husband had his APR surgery w/permanant colstomy on May 23. He did extremely well..the tumor (which started as stage 3) was totally removed (rectum, anus & base of sig.colon) and 26 of 26 nodes tested negagive (thanks be to GOD, from whom ALL blessings flow)..so it was downgraded to stage 2. Post op problems have…
ready to go.... Added an update
So, Thorsten is in the hospital now and the countdown to takedown is ticking :-) The CT and all checks were clear (PHEW!!!!) and tomorrow at 10 a.m. the surgery starts. I will keep you informed... Keep all fingers crossed Petra
Hello My friend is 45.she has been diagnosed with stage4 colon cancer in the sigmoid colon with four metastatic lesioins in to the liver in 2011. She had surgery.and chemotherapy for six months.four months after chemotherapy her tumour markers has slightly elevated and ct scan has shown a new metastatic lesion in to the…
Just Checking In...
I am back from my mini vacation at friends house in GA for a long birthday weekend.. It was nice to catch up... It was very humid there and I brought it home to Jersey with me. The president delayed my flight home 3 times tuesday.. You could see the official planes and airforce 1 on the distant tarmac from the gates.. it…
Good news for KU and Kansas City...NCI
It looks like The University of Kansas Cancer Center is about to receive the NCI designation. They've worked on this for more than 7 years and spent $350 million to reach this point. The official announcement is a couple of weeks away, but our 2 senators confirmed yesterday that it's been decided. KU was my second opinion…
Rectal pain relief
Sharing a helpful tip: Yesterday the GI doctor wrote me a prescription for lidocaine cream to be used on my poor aching bottom. Talk about relief! It numbs the area and gives any inflammation a chance to settle down. Take care everyone~ Tommycat
5 year anniversary
Well today is the five year anniversary of my first cancer surgery. Wish I could say I was cancer-free, but I'm still alive and well except for one pesky little tumor. Seriously, I have most of my organs, I work full-time and pull weeds on the weekends. To look at me you would not know I had cancer. Since this is my third…
Hi all, my husband had an apt to see his oncologist today, just finished his 19th cycle of oxy, avastin and xeloda. He will not be able to have anymore oxy, so oncologist said will have scan end of July, and see how tumors are doing, one in liver one in lung and 2 in peritoneum. The chemo has been working, to keep things…
Here's another "has anyone else experienced this" question. I wear my chemo pump for 48 hours every two weeks. About the last hour that I wear it, I get very tired and have to fight sleep until I get home from the center. Last night I had a good 9 hours of much needed sleep and felt great until about 2:30 and then as usual…
Got my pet scans results- update
Well got my results back yesterday and found a spot on my liver and one on my lungs.I go for my liver biopsy in the morning.I also have an appointment next Thursday for my consult for radiation.I feel and the doctor does too that of course the cancer has spread so that makes me a stage 4 so this is going to be a long and…
HIPEC Surgery
Married only 2 yrs Husband just had major colon surgery. They call it HIPEC. In hospital 1 month. Thought they had got it all but just this week his CEA has gone up to 21. I'm told by nurse not to be concerned but how do I NOT be concerned. How do I live and breath each day knowing he is sick? They tell us there is no real…
Thanks Pete for clarification
Dear Pete, Thought I would start a new thread as the other was taking a long time to load because of all the responses! I am glad that you are getting the MRI to try to determination one way or the other about what might be causing the CEA rise. I really do hope that it is not bad news for you. Hugs, Marie who loves kitties
Anyone have experience with blockages
Hi, My BF had his colostomy reversal surgery two weeks ago! Yesterday,he was having severe stomach pains all day, and he hasn't moved his bowels in 3 or 4 days. He still has a visiting nurse coming every day to pack his surgical site. She told him to get prune juice. Last evening he started throwing up and finally (at my…
What is a well-placed stoma
Good morning, all. I've been doing some reading and planning for my surgery on August 2nd (Stage III rectal, post chemo/radiation). I'm hoping the treatments have been so successful that I won't need a temporary colostomy, but I know I probably will so I've been reading up on them to be prepared. Here's a question that…