Good news for KU and Kansas City...NCI

JayhawkDan Member Posts: 205
It looks like The University of Kansas Cancer Center is about to receive the NCI designation. They've worked on this for more than 7 years and spent $350 million to reach this point. The official announcement is a couple of weeks away, but our 2 senators confirmed yesterday that it's been decided. KU was my second opinion (stage IV, chemo for life, terminal. blah blah blah), but they've been more optimistic about keeping me alive longer, and thinking that surgery may come into play. My local hospital is where I'm receiving tx, but they're giving me the goop prescribed by KU (folfiri, vectibix), so they're playing nice together ;-).

So...what will having NCI status mean, practically, for patients like myself? I know they tout the cutting edge trials and treatments, etc. I'm excited about this development, but just wondered what those of you being treated at NCI facilities can tell me -- is this so-so news, good news, or great news? Thanks, Dan


  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    great news
    It sounds exciting to be around top notch hospital. Pray for the best. Jeff
  • barbebarb
    barbebarb Member Posts: 464

    great news
    It sounds exciting to be around top notch hospital. Pray for the best. Jeff

    Excellent news!!
    Being treated at Northwestern Memorial, (Chicago) rated highly, but long stressful drive in for treatment, Dr.,visits, etc.

    Our local hospital is very behind in cancer care and since I am a "4" and had hope w/some back to back surgeries I chose NW.

    I think an addition of another midwest NCI is great!
    Hope its convenient for you too.....
    (One of my cousins I visited in Atchison KS, last Aug., was my angel in that I noticed wierd breathing and saw my internist when I came home. This led to a CXR. CT. etc., not that this has anything to do with the NCI status but the area is dear to my heart and a great city!

    Wishing you the best-Barb