Fourth Round
Yesterday saw the Oncologist yesterday and started round four of treatment. The Oncologist said that there were hopeful signs from bold for and he was hopeful that the treatment was working. He said that he was ordering a CT in the next weeks and then we would meet with the surgeon one more time. He said that he felt…
Home from surgery
Home from surgery on Monday, the Drs said I was doing so well, walking, passing gas, (the important one!) and finally bowel movement. I had my rectal tumor removed, gallbladder, and liver tumor. I have 33 staples down my abdomen. The original plan was 7-10 days in hospital - I got out in 6 days, yay! I don't like…
" the Regoranfenib Post & other new drugs"
Just started a clinical trial for regorafenib, the first dose , of the first day. Hope this drug is effective for everyone who will take it. It is nice not to have to go to the infussion center for the day and come home with that pump. This drug is taken for 3 weeks on 1 week off. Weekly blood tests and monthly dr appt.
One year anniversary
So one year ago today I was having surgery for what I thought initially was some benign mass at the base of the appendix (detected by my first colonoscopy). Coming out of surgery and anathesia (sp) I was told it was malignant and needed to see an oncologist. As everyone here knows, that discussion turns your world upside…
News Not Good
Hi, 3 weeks ago I had my left liver lobe removed. There was one tumor and one lymph node both of which were cancerous. The lymph node has led to the determination that the cancer will spread through out my body. The original plan a month ago was to do the liver and then go back in and remove the 2 very small lesions on the…
Multiple Lung Mets
Hi there. Has anyone on here had 20 or more lung mets? If so will you please share your story with me either on here or as a private message?
Study suggests mCRC patients who take Bevacizumab beyond progresssion have significantly increased s
I just read an article in press for Clinical Colorectal Cancer Survival Outcomes of Bevacizumab Beyond Progression in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated in US Community Oncology - T. Cartwright it indicates that mCRC patients who have completed their first line therapy and then take Bevacizumab (Avastin) during…
Rec'd a lovely email from a CSN member...so here's an upate on my now 21yo son advanced colon cancer
Hello all, it's been some time since I posted here...almost 2 years actually. I was doing a google search on a natural supplement and was lead hear due to a post on the supplement (which was heated...it pains me when people knock others down who choose a NATURAL approach to cancer...at the end of the day, it's that…
Microwave ablation
Robert had his 2nd opinion yesterday @ UAB. After waiting over 3 hours, we finally saw the doc. He has agreed that Roberts treaments and surgeries have been in line, so far. He said that there are several targeted therapies that may be of benefit. Microwave ablation is one of them. Anyone heard anything or have experience…
Choosing between a local hospital and a cancer center
I realize I am very lucky to have this option. My insurance company added Sloan Kettering, a cancer hospital this past January as an in network provider and so I won't have to pay 50% of the hospital bill if I choose them. Except copays, it will be free. It's about an hour and a half from my house. My current surgeon is a…
follow up treatment after stage 3 rectal cancer
hi,,,i was wondering if anyone knew the protocol for followup treatment after rectal stage 3 cancer....should you be getting a ct scan, x-ray, pet scan ...and if yes ,,,how often for the first 5 years???? is it normal to not have a ct, pet, or x-ray for over 21/2 years post surgery??????
My Story
Hi everyone, this is my first post but I have been following you all for about a year now since my wonderful news that was laid upon my shoulders. I was diagnosed here in Korea, about a year ago, with the stage 4 wonder growth in my colon that was nice enough to share it with my liver, thank you Mr. Colon, I will miss the…
New Here
Hi, My name is Debby and it is my boyfriend who has rectal cancer. I do not know what stage, as he is not too forthcoming with information. He lives with his widowed Mom about 20 minutes from me. He had a mass removed from his rectum along with his rectum,in Feb. There was no spread anywhere but they did radiation before…
Hello Again, I am new here and I have a question. My boyfriend just had his colostomy reversal about two weeks ago. He is home but still experiencing quite a bit of stomach pain. The Dr. said his surgery was very difficult as there were so many adhesions in his intestines that she literally had to pull everything apart. I…
HI everybody - new member
Hi. My name is Karen and I was just diagnosed (today) with stage iv rectal cancer. Big mass in my **** (5 cm) and pretty good sized ones in my liver, plus some little dots in my lungs. Ovarian cyst as well. Answers to name of lucky (remember that joke about the poster for a lost dog - one leg, one eye, etc.) that's me! Had…
Stage IV updates JUNE 2012
Just starting a NEW thread for this. I understand the pain some of us "old-timers" feel when reading a thread started in 2007, which includes friends we have lost. Reality is that more people die from stage IV than are cured. But the hopeful part is that many of us do live a long time with this as a chronic disease, even…
Port won't draw blood - has anyone had this happen?
Hello all: Yesterday was a chemo infusion no. 6 and they could not get this to work even after the altapaste sp? I have an order to get it checked at my local hospital where it was placed. When I had my second surgery in April this problem occurred and when I went for chemo infusion a month ago it did work. The nursing…
Do I buy a car?
So, I'm relatively new here - have posted a few times. I'm recently diagnosed - stage 3, rectal, and tomorrow is my last day of radiation/chemo!!!! Yippee! Surgery will follow in August, and then Folfox for 6 months. The doctors say I am tolerating treatment exceptionally well and there's no reason not to expect a good…
Calling All 4's..
How many colorectal stageIV's-(mets to lungs,liver,etc) do we have ON csn,what kind of treatment are u recieving,and how many years have you lasted? Oh yes, and how many are NED? Nanuk/ mets to lungs-not growing)/Avastin/Erbitux; no tx 3 months
Help Please..Distance of Tumor from Rectum..Surgery Next Week
Hi everyone, I'm really new here and everything is happening fast. Overwhelmed today. Long story short..(If anyone has any knowledge about this; pretty please reply)...I'm having colon resection in a week..the tumor is (on surgeons report from flex sig) 14 cm from anal verge. He said he's planning to resection and sew me…
A Taste of Honey
Has anyone else had a change in their taste buds since starting chemo? I've found that I can no longer even tolerate the smallest amount of peppers. Even a little bit of black pepper makes food inedible anymore. I've had other people taste foods that I thought were too peppery and they couldn't taste any at all. Other…
dr visit update
hey semi's. well went to dr thursday and he was pleased with my weight loss and everything is looking good. i go back in 3 mohths for a stress test and than i can start to work out. for fyi i had congestive heart failure in march and i am doing well now so far. never,ever give up!! bruce
Does Minimal Ascites means metastasis?
Hi My mom, was diagonosed with stage 3c (10/26 lymph nodes +ve) rectal cancer May'11 and underwent durgey, radiation and chemo (folfox) which ended in dec'11. Onc has advised for ultrasound scan, CEA every 3 months. Her last scan in Mar23rd, said Mild hepatamegaly with fatty changes with liver measuring 158mm Doc said its…
Reflection for Today
How do you keep enthusiasm going? Form a mental picture of the goal you wish to attain and another picture of that goal as being already achieved, and you have put wings under the hard toil of trying. Norman Vincent Peale
My 19-year-old is getting a colonoscopy Friday - UPDATED
UPDATED*** All is well. After giving me a scare (fainted while sitting in the chair pre-procedure, which the nurse said is common) all went well. The GI took a few tissue samples to check under miscroscope for early IBD, just in case, but said all looked well and he is good to go until age 35. His labs came back normal.…
Of kids, cancer.....and turnips
Steved's post made me think about how hard our cancer can be on our children/loved ones---I felt like sharing this story with you all. My girls---identical twins---are now 7 and they were age 4 when I was dx with Stage 3 rectal cancer. It was a brutal road to get where I am today (currently NED) and I think all the…
Surgery tomorrow APR & liver resection & gallbladder out
I go in at 730 tomorrow morning for surgery. Getting really nervous. Have not eaten since yesterday breakfast - been on clear liquids and tonight get to do that wonderful MoviPrep to clean the rest of me out, yay. Sandy
Rainy days and cancer always get me down.
Hi all, 3 something in the morning. We had a full on thunder storm and the lightning was hitting the park one block from my house so I woke up. Good thing because my teeth were clenched and serious acid reflux. I'm going to go the GI about the reflux. Colonoscopies did a number. I think I'm having it a lot more than I…
Lot Going On.....
Hey Guys...... I have been putting off posting until I had all my ducks in a row...... I guess the row is as straight as its gonna get for now. I have had some very minor lung mets recur but that is not the issue. I went to the hospital a few weeks back with a major headache. I never get headaches so it was odd. I had just…
post holiday
Hi all, posted to ask advice on going away while my husband was receiving chemo, took your advice and we both had a fab time, hot and lots of swimming, so nice to be normal for a short time. Got home Wed and hubby had bloods done then on the Thurs he had his chemo. Would love to do it again. All take care Chin up.