Cycle 1, day 8 with trial drug TRC 105
Today was first infusion of the trial drug.....5.5 hrs long, taking vitals every 30 min. Fairly uneventful, altho' Robert's BP went up (expected side effect), lightheaded, and nauseous (not expected). No migraine they were half expecting. He gets another dose on Thursday (split first dose) and next week he gets a full dose…
Good news my latest CEA is 47 a 1 point rise this month
So this month i have been having iv c, lipoic acid and sodium bircab 3 x a week. I had a clear MRI with liver contrast. I have started wheatgrass juicing. Back on most of my full supplement and tcm load. Have had lots of probiotics trying to heal my bowel. My thrush is stable, maybe getting better. My general health is…
Pete did you get scan results??
Just wondering I thought you had onc. appt to go over your scans.
Accupuncture-Has anyone had treatments?
Hi all: Yesterday I had folfox #7 and an accupuncturist stopped by and offered a treatment and introduced her services. I tried it. It was not painful. I am wondering if anyone has used it for the varied symptoms we all experience with our surgeries and treatments. I hope to try some sessions but need to check if it is…
Scan question-post surgeries and chemo
Having a L lung lobectomy and R lung and L liver tumor removed/wedged etc., I realize my chances for reoccurence are high. The lobectomy hes been an uncomfortable and long recovery...it was in Feb. Anyone else experienced this? Talk about the 'new normal' I am trying to find the balance... My oncologist has one more Folfox…
Why Military Date and Time
Yesterday no avatars and now all dates and times are posted in military style. Unless it's just mine I'd like to know how to change it back to civilian mode. Any ideas? Kim
Xeloda or 5fu, did any of you ever have problems with your Voice?
I'm loosing int ! First time it happens to my in 3 1/2 years! Hugs Bros&Sis.
Update on Jennie
She has been released from hospital and home health nurses are coming in to continue with IV antibiotics and other good stuff to continue to build her up. Cyber Knife is still on for Thursday at 9 a.m. They will go after both brain mets. She has been having difficulties with controling blood pressure and potassium in…
New to the board and need some input
Hey Guys I am new to the board am in a fog right now trying to grasp everything that has happened in the last month. My mom who just turned 60 was doing yard work in late april and thought she threw her back out. She suffered with sciatic pain and what started to alarm her was a feeling in her bowel and bladder of…
Will Other Discussion Boards Help or Hinder
Hi there... Now that I am dealing with mets to the lungs I was wondering if the Lung Discussion Board would be helpful or not since this is metastic rectal cancer. I do not want to scare myself anymore than I already am but this board is always so helpful I was wondering if the other board would help too.
The Beautiful Things
One thing that cancer has given me is a greater appreciation for the simple but beautiful things in life. In the evenings I enjoy going outside and reading while enjoying the night air. The past two nights, however, I've been distracted from reading by sights that are truly breathtaking and really made me realize what it…
Cheryl Hutcherson (CherylHutch)
Cheryl Hutcherson has been a member here for some time, but does not post regularly lately. She is from Vancover and has been very active in the Live Arts community there. Christine Carlson posted the following today on FB: Cheryl Hutcherson is in the hospital now with severe breathing problems. She is sedated so not in…
Cramping after surgery
I am 16 days post-op. My ovary, fallopian tube, and omentum were removed. They stopped there because the gyno/onco found it was a muconious cancer (PMP), and not ovarian. Anyhow, my question is, is it normal to have very bad cramping still. It does appear to be gas. It does seem relieved from passing it, but it can build…
Problem With Website Or Just my Antiquated Computer??
Hi Gang, Need some help from you computer gurus (John, Phil, or anybody who has an idea). I can't access CSN by directly going to it. I get a page simply stating FALSE SETT. If I Google Cancer Survivors Network and go directly to Login, I get a Login page that says Drupal at the top with the ACS logo, space to login, etc.,…
3 Months Ago Today 4/11/2012
Its hard to believe that 3 months and 1 day ago I was at work at the hospital taking care of patients. I was preparing for a Colonoscopy the next day, 4/11/12 and drinking only clear liquids. My friends at work were giving me a hard time because they know how much I love to eat and had to do clear liquids all day. I never…
Depression - Where Do I Go For Help?
Where do you suggest that someone with Stage IV cancer go for help with depression? I am overwhelmed with sadness. I am trying to be strong for my family but I am so scared. Is it better to go to someone specializing in helping those with cancer?
Achy legs?
Quick question. I'm in between chemo/radiation and surgery. I'm feeling really good now that the treatment effects have worn off, but my legs get really achy and weak by the end of the day. I'm wondering if that's residual radiation effects? Or (and more likely) lack of exercise? Thanks! Robin
Is It In My Head
Here's another of those "has anyone else experienced this?" and please I hope someone has. A few nights ago, about an hour after I went to sleep, I suddenly bolted upright from a deep sleep because I heard my bedroom door click shut. Right away, I was in full fight mode with my fist cocked and ready to hit something and…
5th Folfiri today
Funny how some people know there med and others don't... I met a woman today with the same diagnosis as me but she didn't know the drugs she was getting,, I don't know.. I think that is irresponsible of her... but I know i shouldn't judge her.. Today was my fifth treatment in this round of meds.. Folfiri w/vectibix.. I…
Cleaning for a Reason
If you know any woman currently undergoing Chemo, please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning - 1 time per month for 4 months while she is in treatment. All she has to do is sign up and have her doctor fax a note confirming the treatment. Cleaning for a Reason will have a…
Vitamin D dosage ?
whie consulting a second oncologist and going over my wifes diet and supplements the doctor indicated that the 2000 IU of Vitamin D per day my wife takes is too high. the conversation took a turn and I failed to follow-up. I couldn't find anything on the NIH web site in terms of research to suggest that 2,000 IU of vitamin…
Question for wig wearers
I just recently started FOLFIRI, and my hair started falling out in clumps, so I shaved it. I had purchased a couple of wigs just in case. After wearing them for 3 weeks now, I've noticed I've got little red bumps all over my head, they seem to be worst in the back. Could these be heat bumps?? They also itch a little bit.…
Chemo brain. Unsavory thoughts
With lack of a better way to describe what is going on, I feel like an addict trying to withdraw from drugs. I don't actually know what it feels like but I would imagine this is is as horrible as it gets. Is this what they call chemo brain? Why is it making me think about suicide (I'm not going to do it, I'm just…
MDAnderson ??
My husband has an appointment at MDAnderson this week for testing. He has stage 4 colon cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes & bone. He has gone through all of the standard treatment for stage 4 & his doctor wants to see if mdanderson can come up with something else. Those of you that have gone down there can you give…
“The Story of the Man They Call Big Billy” - The Man, The Myth or The Legend?
It was late winter of 2010 and the nights were long and dark. I had ‘tied one on’ at the Infusion Center Lounge that day with yet another “Folfiri Bender” - one of the most popular cocktails that they serve at the waterin’ hole I imbibe at. It packed quite the knockout punch on me – you could say that I could do “One and…
Blood work
So, 4 months ago when I had my last onc. appt. I was handed stuff for my next appt., date of oncologist appt., CT Scan appt. and requisition for blood lab work to be done 2 weeks before the onc. appt. I went to the Cancer Centre where they always did my blood work, in same suite as oncologist. No one waiting for blood…
New to this mess....
This is my first post so hope I am doing this right. Been lurking since June 1. Hubby diagnosed on 5-29. Stage IV colon cancer. I have few questions...first one is the CEA that you all talk about the same thing as a "cancer number" referred to by the Dr? I just forgot the other questions I had. Guess I'll have to wait til…
Any one watching Barbara Walters - What and Where is Heaven.. I will be back later to tell you what I think of this special.. if you are watching let me know your thoughs..
Ice cream cake and chemo. Not the best idea for me.
Hi all, thanks for all of the help over the last months. I started xeloda this week and 5FU infusion was Monday. Aside from some serious heartburn that actually made me cry until I got some Maloxx in me (in addition to the 12 hour zantac that I took 3 times that day) and today when I stupidly tried to eat ice cream cake…
My mommy is dying
My mother just turned 50 and has struggled with colorectal cancer for the past year. Her cancer has finally metastasized to her lymph nodes, kidneys, uterus and intestines and is inoperable because she is too weak to undergo surgery. she is not responding to chemo anymore. I live in rhode island and my mama is in Colombo…