Achy legs?
Quick question. I'm in between chemo/radiation and surgery. I'm feeling really good now that the treatment effects have worn off, but my legs get really achy and weak by the end of the day. I'm wondering if that's residual radiation effects? Or (and more likely) lack of exercise? Thanks! Robin
Is It In My Head
Here's another of those "has anyone else experienced this?" and please I hope someone has. A few nights ago, about an hour after I went to sleep, I suddenly bolted upright from a deep sleep because I heard my bedroom door click shut. Right away, I was in full fight mode with my fist cocked and ready to hit something and…
5th Folfiri today
Funny how some people know there med and others don't... I met a woman today with the same diagnosis as me but she didn't know the drugs she was getting,, I don't know.. I think that is irresponsible of her... but I know i shouldn't judge her.. Today was my fifth treatment in this round of meds.. Folfiri w/vectibix.. I…
Cleaning for a Reason
If you know any woman currently undergoing Chemo, please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning - 1 time per month for 4 months while she is in treatment. All she has to do is sign up and have her doctor fax a note confirming the treatment. Cleaning for a Reason will have a…
Vitamin D dosage ?
whie consulting a second oncologist and going over my wifes diet and supplements the doctor indicated that the 2000 IU of Vitamin D per day my wife takes is too high. the conversation took a turn and I failed to follow-up. I couldn't find anything on the NIH web site in terms of research to suggest that 2,000 IU of vitamin…
Question for wig wearers
I just recently started FOLFIRI, and my hair started falling out in clumps, so I shaved it. I had purchased a couple of wigs just in case. After wearing them for 3 weeks now, I've noticed I've got little red bumps all over my head, they seem to be worst in the back. Could these be heat bumps?? They also itch a little bit.…
Chemo brain. Unsavory thoughts
With lack of a better way to describe what is going on, I feel like an addict trying to withdraw from drugs. I don't actually know what it feels like but I would imagine this is is as horrible as it gets. Is this what they call chemo brain? Why is it making me think about suicide (I'm not going to do it, I'm just…
MDAnderson ??
My husband has an appointment at MDAnderson this week for testing. He has stage 4 colon cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes & bone. He has gone through all of the standard treatment for stage 4 & his doctor wants to see if mdanderson can come up with something else. Those of you that have gone down there can you give…
“The Story of the Man They Call Big Billy” - The Man, The Myth or The Legend?
It was late winter of 2010 and the nights were long and dark. I had ‘tied one on’ at the Infusion Center Lounge that day with yet another “Folfiri Bender” - one of the most popular cocktails that they serve at the waterin’ hole I imbibe at. It packed quite the knockout punch on me – you could say that I could do “One and…
Blood work
So, 4 months ago when I had my last onc. appt. I was handed stuff for my next appt., date of oncologist appt., CT Scan appt. and requisition for blood lab work to be done 2 weeks before the onc. appt. I went to the Cancer Centre where they always did my blood work, in same suite as oncologist. No one waiting for blood…
New to this mess....
This is my first post so hope I am doing this right. Been lurking since June 1. Hubby diagnosed on 5-29. Stage IV colon cancer. I have few questions...first one is the CEA that you all talk about the same thing as a "cancer number" referred to by the Dr? I just forgot the other questions I had. Guess I'll have to wait til…
Any one watching Barbara Walters - What and Where is Heaven.. I will be back later to tell you what I think of this special.. if you are watching let me know your thoughs..
Ice cream cake and chemo. Not the best idea for me.
Hi all, thanks for all of the help over the last months. I started xeloda this week and 5FU infusion was Monday. Aside from some serious heartburn that actually made me cry until I got some Maloxx in me (in addition to the 12 hour zantac that I took 3 times that day) and today when I stupidly tried to eat ice cream cake…
My mommy is dying
My mother just turned 50 and has struggled with colorectal cancer for the past year. Her cancer has finally metastasized to her lymph nodes, kidneys, uterus and intestines and is inoperable because she is too weak to undergo surgery. she is not responding to chemo anymore. I live in rhode island and my mama is in Colombo…
need support
i have metastatic colon cancer in the peritoneal, right ovary. & abdomen ( 2 tumors 1.3cm & 3.6cm). doctor not giving me much hope. with chemo treatment he said 3 months to 2 years to live. that seems quick! have an appt at ohio state next week to see about hipec. any thoughts on it?
Jennie (8675309)
I got an email from Jennie last night. She's not expecting to get online much in the next few days. They've got her taking Dilauded about every three hours and she's resting well. They're also pumping in more antibiotics and yesterday she had so much fluid infused that her ankles became swollen. Her WBC has come up to 8.8…
If anyone is on facebook
...https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/124022667659344/ hope you'll drop in. Some of you are already on it, but I just want anyone who isn't and they want to pop in they can. Sometimes the board does get to much, so there is a place to hide if you need it. Just we talk about anything and everything in there. Hope you don't…
5FU adjuvant chemo-advice
Greetings everyone looking to hear about any experiences, good or bad, of follow up chemo 5fu for rectal cancer. my husband starts this week..he had APR w/ perm.colostomy on May 23 (no lymph node involvement) -stage 2. He had the 5fu pump prior to surgery (with radidation) for 6 weeks and did fine, with no problems. We are…
Here we go again!
Well, here I sit in the emergency room.... Rick had severe stomach pain last night, but it had subsided by the time he woke up this morning. So, I left him dosing in his chair at 10:30 while I left to take care of my mom. When I got home at 1:00 I heard him groaning loudly. I rushed upstairs only to find him doubled over…
Prayers Deparately Needed-Update Still need PRAYERS July 3rd
So Bill has been in ICU since Friday. He is holding his own and getting a little better. He is on a ventilator and it is turned up fairly high because they are giving him massive quantities of fluids and the thought is there is fluid in his lungs. The Dr wants to go back in and connect his colon. They left everything open…
good news... gotta share
Greetings its been awhile since i've been online here, as we've been busy getting back to work (after six months of treatments) I've finished my 24th session of FolFox & Erbitux. It's working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my CEA level was 65 back in November 2011 and now is 2.0!!! I started with a large tumor in the transverse…
Lung Mets...your experience/significance?
My wife (Stage IV) just finished a 12 treatment course of FOLFOX6 w/Avastin having been dx w/significant liver involvment (50% in both lobes). Current CT scan shows 7 small (< 5mm) nodules in lungs, 4 of which are new since February. The size change in the 3 existing nodules is 1 to 2 mm. She still has a significant tumor…
The IP (Internet Protocol Address) is assigned to you by your Internet provider. In most cases, the IP address is "dynamic"; your IP address will usually change each time you disconnect your system from your provider, and reconnect to your provider. In other cases (like mine), the IP address is static; the IP address…
Nagalase testing may replace CEA testing, it is for me FULL TEXT article below
Dear colorectal friends, this is a great read. i just found this good full text from a pubmed citation. its for us colorectals, it read very well. http://www.revealtherapies.com/docs/Yamamoto, Immunotherapy of metastatic colorectal Can Imm Imm 2008.pdf i think the future has just arrived for me, would be interested in a…
Just wondering if anyone was familiar with this treatment for mets to the liver. It was a option a doctor discussed with my husband today. Thanks! Ellen
3rd time a charm?
Back in the hospital yesterday and this time they kept me. With no immune system to speak of it appears pnemonia snuck up on me and oh my gosh is breathing difficult. Heart rate is running thru the roof in the 130's. They got me on so many different antibiotics they have to swagger them to get them to mix. Man, I feel like…
Naproxen .... interesting.
ORLANDO, FL (April 6, 2011) – Numerous studies show that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce the risk of colon cancer. However, animal studies testing the NSAID naproxen or its derivative, NO-naproxen, have focused primarily on chemically-induced tumor formation. Now, researchers at Fox Chase Cancer…
shoulder pain indicating bone Mets?
Once again to ask for your opinions My mom was diagnosied to be stage IV with met to liver. And had resection of rectum and left robe of liver right away. Then she went through 12 cycles of FOLFOX and followed by about 2 months Xeloda alone by now. She felt pain in her left leg a few weeks ago for about 1 day, then right…
Good PET results! (Gemzar/GOLF)
Just got the results of my PET scan. After 4 cycles of GOLF (Gemzar + FOLFOX) plus Avastin. I've had a difficult time on this regime -- low blood counts, transfusions, bad mouth ulcers. I've ended up on a 3 week cycle instead of 2 week, by 'accident'. My onc has reduced my dosage. Hopefully getting the side effects under…
Advice? Watching loved one self destruct!!
It has been awhile since I have been on here but really feel this is my soft place to land!! My husband was diagnosed with 3C colon cancer July 2009. After tumor removal( colostomy ) , bowl resection ( illeostomy) , blood clots to the lungs and 9 months of chemo he became NED...He was 39 at the time and had to stop…