Good News
My doctor told me yesterday that chemotherapy saved my life. I am having a Petscan and an MRI on July 6th after that I find out if I am a candidate for a laser surgery to zap the spots on my liver. The Dr said that if I do qualify for the surgery and the surgery is successful I will be cancer free and will no longer have…
Hi mates, it is FRIDAY, any interesting plan for the WEEKEND?
Going to the beach house ad usual , there dinner with siblings and wife or friends,.......oooops NO! No dinner, now I remember Saturday Spain plays quarterfinals !.Will remain at home watching the match !
confused on diagnosis
I am a 29 year old female who found out I have a tumor in my rectum,well it turns out it is a squamous cell cancer and because it is low in my rectum they say it may be anal.I went to have a colonoscopy because of pain in my abdominal area,blood and mucus in my stools,change in my stools and a very bad pain when I would…
Dupuytren's contracture.....does anyone else have this?
I am just curious to know if anyone else suffers from Dupuytren's contracture of the palms. I have a large lump on my left hand under the ring finger and now it is starting around the base of the thumb....general thickening of the fascia there. I understand this disease can be heritary.....my brother suffers from it and…
One of Twelve
My first FulFox infusion is nearly done. Yay. The nurse told me that the 5-FU will make me sensitive to sunlight and prone to sunburn. That was the first I heard of this side-affect. Is this true? She said I should wear long sleve shirts, sweat pants, and 50+ power sun screen on my hands and feet, along with a wide-brim…
My dad was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer 11 yrs ago; 4 recurrances since and now mets to sacr
Hi, I am new to posting but have read posts over the years. My dad was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer in 2001. He has had 4 recurrances since, has a colostomy, left kidney was removed and has a ureter stent in remaining kidney because of scarring from radiation. He has had all the radiation he is allowed. Biopsy in…
No more colonoscopies?
My oncologist told me yesterday there is no need to put me through any more colonoscopies as it would not change his approach to my Stage IV disease. My cancer spread to my abdomen area and at this point our goal is to keep everything stable. I have built up a resistance to the chemo that I could take to possibly kill it…
Clinical trial for TRC105 Phase 1b
Robert is a candidate for a trial in Birmingham @ UAB. This new drug works like Avastin. We weren't too sure about doing this trial since we don't know if the increased tx with Erbitux and Camptosar is working, yet. But Robert's onc said he worked with this drug in a trial last year for prostate cancer and the results were…
New member and new treatment
Just found out I had cancer 2 weeks ago. Started on the continuous pump with 5FU this week. Start radiation next week. Been a whirlwind so far! Hopfully they can shrink it enought before surgery so everything can be conected back ok since it's close to the rectum. Everything is going well so far but it's only been 3 days.
Petscan results in - relatively good news
My petscan showed just the one nodule in the lung - yes! My oncologist has offered two options - surgery of the nodule (he doesn't think a biopsy is worth it and they are often false readings) or waiting 6-8 weeks, do another ctscan (non-contrasting since it's just looking at the lung) to see if the nodule is still there,…
Here's To My Team of Angels
Good morning... I was just reading through some post and I am not sure of what and when things were said but this is how I feel about about my team of doctors. I have the love and support of my family so this is only addressing those in the medical field. I am not in this fight alone. My team of surgeons and nurses are…
Starting Chemo, nervous
Hi All, I am new on here. I had a diagnosis on feb 14, then a resection on march 28, which i'm still not feeling great from. i was going to start radiation 5 weeks later but they found a tiny leak at my resection and cancelled that. had a port put in last wednesday and not sure what day im supposed to start chemo, but sure…
Foot cramps?
Has anyone had foot cramps? I get them every night. I am post chemo/radiation. Surgery scheduled for 8/2. Any recommendations?
Treatment Plans
I thought I'd share what two oncologists have told me and invite your feedback and thoughts and comments. Any insights you may offer are very welcomed! I met with the small-town oncologist first. My diagnosis was a single tumor in the lower colon (just above the rectum). And a metastisis of the colon cancer in a single…
Pete ... the language of some of your posts ...
When I read language like this from one of your last posts ... I am confused and saddened. "just because we a desperately fighting for our lives in the presence of a few blood sucking scumbag conartist charletane doctors around does not mean they can out smart me and my many committed friends. we are simply smarter than…
Hand of Doom
Ok, that's the best song title I could think of for this string. Since treatment last week, some of my fingertips have been hyper sensitive. So much so that just brushing the tip of my left ring finger against one of it's neighbors is irritating. It reminds me of the way my feet felt before I started getting treatment for…
Tina Dasilva - How are you and Jorge?
Hi Tina, I just wanted to check in with you to see how is Jorge doing and to let you know that I've been thinking of you both. Hope that you and Jorge are doing well. All my best, Cynthia
How do I cope with the fear
Just told there was cancer cells in a polyp that was removed and it's almost crippling...my brother has stage 4 ....so it seems even scarier and the waiting for answers is so hard...fear of what the answers are is hard as well
Stage IV recent diagnosis - 2 year lurker
My latest CTscan showed a nodule on my left lung. Crushed - thought I had it beat. But now I'm back to working on a plan of treatment, taking one step at a time. I've been a lurker here since my initial diagnosis in February, 2010 of Stage IIIC rectal cancer, and have been very grateful for the words of wisdom,…
Cymbalta for nueropathy
I read that there was some success in treating neuropathy with Cymbalta. My husband asked his onc about it and he prescribed it. The pharmacy imformed me today that his insurance doesn't want to pay for it and get this... they can't even sell it to him because his insurace is through the state and it is illegal to sell it…
Stage iv update my hubby
Hello all! I have not posted in at least 6 months, but I check in all the time as I find everyone here full of inspiration and support. My husband was dx stage iii crc in November 2009, at 46 yrs old, and stage iv in sept 2011. He had a liver resection dec. 2011 and recently had a pet scan in which 1 new liver spot was…
Hi Mates it is FRIDAY, any interesting plan for the weekend?
Here, going to dinner with our sister in law and tomorrow will go to the beach house!. What about you?
Colon Surgery - what can we expect?
My wife (stage IV w/considerable liver mets) just finished 6 months of 1st line chemo (12 treatments w/FOLFOX-avastin) with mixed success. the primary tunor in the ascending colon has not responded well. we are consulting with a surgeon for possible resection of colon even though she is not symptomatic. would like to hear…
What a ride this has been.
In January, 2008 I started noticing blood with bowel movements. I had a number of tests, including a barium enema, CT scans and the poop analysis, and everything came back negative. The bleeding continued and I had a colonoscopy in April, 2009, without anesthesia. Since I was wide awake I got to see the two little polyps…
Happy Father's Day
Just wanted to wish a fun filled Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful dads. My dad is just the bestest and my husband a great dad to my kids so I'm very blessed to have them in my life. Sit back and just do nothing today :) Kim
on the beach...
My wife's treatment venue has had a little more flexibility than most chemo regimens. Many have tried to tell us what we can't do, or what couldn't be done. The avatar reflects our experience. Edit next day: The avatar isn't as clear as I hoped, I've added the full size photo to my Expressions page.
Happy Father's Day
Just a note to all those out there who are fathers. Be sure to mention good words to your father here, there, or anywhere. Hugs of blessings and remembrance
Question for the panel
a colonoscopy will give you results of the large intestine. what about the small intestine? i assume you can get cancer there as well. what tests/procedures are there to check your small intestine?
Caution: Things to look for when surfing the net
When surfing the net looking for information on new treatment options there are several things you need to make note of on anything you find: 1. When was the information published...i.e. how old is this article 2. Have there been controled trials on this treatment...i.e. size of the trial, what controls, some patients…