need some in put switched my chemo and im in bad shape
hello everyone, again i need some expert input and always get it here... i just started my first of 8 rounds of a different chemo, i am no on folfuri, camptosar, a 5 fu push and avastin, the 2 new drugs to me are the folfuri and camptosar, my question is i was dissconected from the pump on wed. and i still feel horriable…
Is it back?
Husband went in for his blood work (routine while on Xeloda), His CEA has risen from 9.9 to 12.5. He said PA suggested bone mets, I am not sure what she would base that on, I wish I would have gone with him. This is local clinic over seeing his chemo for UW, he has appt on the 7th at UW Hospital for scan and results with…
Having VATS lung wedge resection Thurs 7/26-Update July 30
Hello all My radiation and medical oncologist have been watching a small <2cm RLL radiated nodule that has been slowly increasing in size since Jan 12. I had SBRT Jan 11. I am a surgical candidate to have it removed and biopsied. I am also having a moderate pleural effusion on the left side drained. The pleural effusion…
Angry at my ONC. New ONC - starting Folori & Avastin
Good morning... there are many topics in this post so I will try to be short. Went for second opinion for my Stage IV with 20+ small lung mets in both lungs. Had 55% of liver removed June 4th for one spot plus one cancer lymph. CEA went from 1.8 which is high for me to 5.9 in one month. Second ONC opinion confirmed what I…
Tomorrow Folfox #2 and I am already depressed
Tomorrow will be my 2nd infusion. I am depressed today and can't get it off my mind. I am doing things around the house like I will be gone for a week. I know I will feel like I been hit by a truck. I didn't even have enough energy to stand in the shower, I sat in shower for 30 minutes, thinking about getting up. I hope it…
More Good News!
Earier this week i reported that radiation had removed my rectal tumor. Yesterday i got even more good news. My MRI results show that the two spots on my liver are NOT cancerous -- they're hemangiomas. The oncologist is hoping we can avoid Folfox if i get clean pathology after my surgery in two weeks. I am much happier…
Positive Update for Stage 3 b Rectal Cancer Survivor
Good Morning, I have a positive story to share this morning. I am either 1 year No Evidence of Disease or 1.5 years of No Evidence of Disease effective yesterday per Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota depending if I use my surgery date or last chemo date as a start. Yes, I have many side effects but so greatful to share…
Two weeks on XELODA and my CEA went down 60%. From like 87 to 40. Another ck in 6 weeks. YES!
Successful Bag Take Down!!!!
Greetings. yesterday (7-26-12) my surgeon completed the colostomy bag take down, cut out the "dead tumor" from my colon. (the transverse colon, next to the liver). so far, it appears to be a complete success. Passing gas now, and they'll allow for me to eat food tomorrow. so excited to have this surgery behind me. begin…
Outdated Stats
You guys are all more experienced than me when it comes to this battle with cancer. I keep looking at survival stats and when I do i get pretty depressed. I have read on some websites not to even look at them because they are outdated. Is this true ?
I'm still in the beech so hope for good weather . Friday night watching Olympics opening ceremony, wife is in Madrid so Saturday dinner with some mates! Hahaha.Hugs!
The Mystery of Cancer
I found this talk by researcher Mina Bissell to be hopeful a new understanding of cancer
Lung nodule strategies - welcome your advice/experience
I'm just finishing up some research on treatment of lung nodules. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer stage IIIC two years ago. Was clean until a recent ct scan followed by a petscan which showed one lung nodule. My oncologist recommended I have it surgically removed and then possibly followed by a new regiment of chemo…
I 'm new
hi, I'm just find out I have colon cancer waiting for surgeon and did not know what stage i am any advise from anyone please do
Doctor, doctor, gimme the news!
Well, it's been a kind of stressful and scary six weeks, but I got my cancer count this morning and it has finally dropped. Only by ten points (down to 266), but a drop is a drop and that's the right direction. The blood test that they did during treatment last time had my level of 5 Fluffy Unicorns at 25 with the range…
Info Regarding Friend Brooks - Update 7/28/12
Just read on FB that our friend Brooks has been admitted to hospital. He was in terrible pain this morning. Apparently they are going to do exploritory surgery, do a colostomy (which he has been considering doing because of bowel issues) and will do what they can to control his pain. Please offer up prayers, good vibs and…
For Jasminsaba
In another thread you asked about RFA or cyberknife for liver mets. The long term success rate for those type treatments on liver mets is....... zero. Here's a link someone on another forum sent me to: MD Anderson Study HERE
just curious
i am in north east alabama, anyone from the area? john
I have been having radiation since Tuesday July 17th.I had Cisplatin on Wednesday July 25th and started my 5FU Wednesday the 25th also.I have not had any side effects whats so ever unless lots of hick-ups are a side effect.I was just wondering when I should start to see side effects thank you everyone in advance.By the way…
New Nodules
Had another scan yesterday, results are not good. Another 7 nodules discovered in my liver and the original big one has now doubled in size to 11cm. Also new nodule (20mm) attached to head of the Pancreas. Anybody had problems with their pancreas? I am worried of what to expect from now on. I'm not under any treatment…
Doing well after 3-years.
I like to check in now and then and share positive news. On April, 2009 they found that I had colon cancer and a month later I had a tumor the size of an orange removed in a colon resection. I was staged 2-A and went through a rough ride of chemo that I couldn't complete. I just had my 6-month regular CT scan and no cancer…
Awaiting test results
Hi everyone. I posted here yesterday about my mom who recently had a colonoscopy. They recently found a one inch "mass" in her ascending colon near her small intestines and she is scheduled to have it removed in the upcoming weeks. Is there anything different about having a "mass" (it wasn't confirmed as a cancerous tumor…
Another One Bites the Dust
Okay, here's another of those "anyone else experience this" kinda thing. All my life I've been pretty agile and graceful. My sister in law once told me "you must have been a cat in a previous life!" Now, over the past several months, I've turned into something of a klutz. I can understand dropping things because of the…
First Folfox Down....
I just finished my first Folfox today...started it on Monday and disconnected this afternoon. I came home and slept for almost 3 hours this afternoon. I think I am starting to feel some of those lovely side effects... fatigue, some nausea, a little trouble swallowing, and mouth sores. The Onc called in a Rx for Magic Mouth…
Back to Reality... And It Sucks!
Hi everyone! Just got back from a 4 day cruise my husband booked for our family before the S*** hits the fan again. I have to say, if you can do it, take a cruise. No connections to phone, email, etc. I truly disconnected from the whole cancer thing and it did a world of good for my well being. I started feeling really…
Palliative Care - start early
In searching out information to help deal with my wife's Stage IV colorectal cancer I came across a study on the positive effects of starting palliative care in the early stages of lung cancer therapy instead of near the end. seems to me this might apply across the board to many illnesses Video - Dr Temel's discusses her…
Partial Obstructions Due to scar tissue.
Hello all! Just wondering if anyone has good diet advice, or any advice, that would help reduce occurrences of partial bowel obstructions. I watch what I eat, low residue for the most part. Still do not see evidence as to the cause due to diet. It may be the random twisting of scar tissue (3 abdominal surgeries) and…
Calling all Stage IV's!
OK, I'm tired of "waiting". I'm starting my 6th year of chemo and I'm just tired. Naturally, my Oncologist thinks chemo is the only way to go, however, the mets to my lungs continue to grow. I have about 7 scattered throughout both lungs. I've found that once the mets are in both lungs, no one wants to touch you. My…
My mom may have cancer and I don't know what to do and I need afvice
I don't even know how I feel right now. Today my mom had a colonoscopy done after having some pain for a few months. Doctors found a 3cm lump and sent her for other tests. She got a cat scan and they confirmed the lump and we are still waiting to here back from things like the biopsy and whatnot. My mother is 56 years old…
Anyone from Nashville area????
We have decided to have my daughters bachorlette party in Nashville, TN the weekend of nov 3rd and 4th. Just booked hotel in Downtown. Gonna be a party!!!!!!! Anyway.......anyone want to meet for a brewski? ..... Or just meet to meet? Let me know...I will be there all weekend just chillin. :-) Jennie