a new scan in the morning
well i am getting a scan of t-l of my back, not sure what that means, but should i be worried? john
Chemo for Life
I recently was told by my oncologist that my Stage 4 has reached a point where I will need to be on chemo for life moving forward. My cancer has spread to my pertionel (abdomen) area and also some disease in my pelvic area. The chemo I am on is designed to keep things stable not necessarily to kill or shrink the cancer. I…
After Surgery - My Mom
Hello, I am posting to try to find some help/relief for my mom who was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer about 5 weeks ago. She had a colonoscopy, was admitted and had surgery the next day. The tumor was in the sigmoid area of the colon and I know she had about one foot of colon removed. Unfortunately, it was stage III…
Trading Places: Not Sure Where To Post This
NOTE: I posted this almost two years ago in another forum on CSN. I kind of revisited the scenario yesterday after chemo. Well, not exactly since this person did not appear to have "health", they looked to have AIDS. They were panhandling on a street corner and looked to be in bad shape, they were in their 20's and had the…
IV Metastatic Colon Cancer
Anyone out there that has bet this thing for more than 3-5 yrs?
CPT-11 & Erbitux
My husband Pat will be starting this treatment on 8/8. Just recently, we saw a doctor to discuss Chemoembolization and Radio Frequency Ablation for the lesions on his liver. But, his recent CAT scan decided otherwise. So, the focus is back on his whole body and hopefully in the future we can return to those other options…
What a day in infusion therapy
Cycle one day 18 turned out to be a long one...and stressful. Labs at 7:30am, infustion at 8:30. Got the labs done. Clinic was running behind so it was 10:30 before he got back for a 6.5 hr treatment. During his infusion, he got a call that his biological father had passed away that morning. Stopping treatment then would…
Why change chemo when it worked?
Hi guys, quick question- probably an obvious one but il ask anyway. My mum had chemo to get rid of spots left in abdomen from surgery to remove and obstructing large tumor. She was on ... i think... avastin and xeloda ( oral xeloda?) and it got rid of the spots = remission She has had a scan and oncologist sees small specs…
Hyperthermia at Herzog Clinic, Germany
Hi All Am currently having treatment in Germany at the Dr Herzog Hospital where they focus mainly on hyperthermia with standard protocol chemo. I am having hyperthermia with FOLFIRI. You can check out http://www.coloncancerandyouth.com.au/easyblog/hyperthermia-at-herzog-clinic for more information. cheers Murray
Oops... I'm a Cheater
This what happens when you finally decide to get second opinions - I feel like I am cheating on my doctors and I really don't want them finding out. We have a three year relationship and I cherish them but just want to double check if someone can offer me something more. Waiting on result from one doctor. Just scheduled a…
Surgery Date Changed
This is very frustrating but unavoidable, I guess. The surgeons office called and said that there was a change to the schedule if I was Ok with it. Norma said that there was a scheduling conflict with the surgeons. The assisting surgeon Dr. B wanted was not available until next week. Norma said that he said he probably…
Has anyone used N-acetlycysteine before scans???
Sorry, that spelling may be incorrect, but it's close. Has anyone's doctor recommended this antioxidant supplement prior to CT/PET scans to avoid the kidney damage that scans create. I just googled this. Don't see why we couldn't use. Does anyone have dark urine for a while after scans?? Iodine is not good for the kidneys.
hate alabama medicaid
when i went from ssi to ssdi, they cancelled my medicaid cause in this state there is only medicaid for prego woman and kids. well i am not a woman nor a kid so i do not matter here in alabama. john
My oncoligist is having me collect urine for 24 hrs so a indepth analysis because of high protein in urine test. I'm worried because high protein can cause kidney failure. They may have to stop avastin also. Pray results aren't horrible. Jeff
CT scans scheduled for tomorrow....4 months since I've last seen my onc. ....10 months since I've had chemo. Feeling so stressed, I thought it would be easier somehow as time went on....but this is stressing me to the point where I just wanna put my head in the sand and not do this anymore!!! I'm sure my blood work is…
Alien Abduction
Just got home from getting my first colonoscopy since my dx and there were no signs of cancer, no polyps nothing but the irritated tissue from radiation. As usual, the worst of it was the prep yesterday and not being able to eating anything except jello (forgot to put tequila in that!) Now I just need to wait for the…
Hey Everybody! Just a quick update to let you all know I am fine......better than fine actually. The Cyberknife is being classified as 100% successful in destroying the 2 brain mets. They will rescan in 30 days and at that time they will decide on a new chemo regime...if any is even needed. I am still on IV antibiotics at…
Just want to say hi!
Thinking about you all. I'm doing good! Take Care! Remember, Where your thoughts go, your energy follows..... Reach for your inner courage, we all have it~
Decision made
After a lot of soul searching and a meeting today with my colorectal surgeon and oncologist together I have decided that I am going to proceed with surgery (I am 39 and have a pelvic recurrence of a rectal tumour and the only operation that is posibly going to offer a cure is a hemipelvectomy (high amputation of leg) and…
Sharing good news
The Pt scan I had this morning showed no evidence of disease! I am truly blessed. I have now been clear for 14 months. So all those newly diagnosed at stage IV, take heed. I was originally diagnosed with colon cancer in 2005. It woke up in my liver 5 yrs later. then again 1 year after that. My second liver resection was…
IV Metastatic Colon Cancer
Anyone out there that has beat this thing for more than 3-5 yrs?
Surgery a 3rd time Update
I was diagnosed with colon cancer (malignant polyp)in May 2011 - had colon re-section in June 2011. Was told I just needed follow up colonoscopy in 6 months. Had that in December 2012 - and also was told cancer cells were found at incision site, needed another surgery to remove. I trusted my doctors and surgeons, so went…
Cymbalta and neuropathy
This is for those suffering from neuropathy, according to the testers of chemicals and such, Cymbalta (an anti-depressent)appears in tests to have reduced neuropathy. Just something to ask your oncologist about. Winter Marie
XELOX vs. Xeloda + CPT11 (Ironetecan)
not sure how many knew this that one drug might work for your cancer and the other might not. i did both. Xelox did wonders with tumor reduction but it is nasty whereas CPT11 with Xeloda is more tolerable but didn't do anything with me. I went in for a Target NOW molecular profiling test and it shows that CPT-11 wont work…
Am I out of options?
OK, this isn't good. I've been on Folfox, then Folfiri (made me really sick) then just 5FU and Avastin, then one treatment of Erbitux (very bad reaction/eyes were puss) and most recently on Zeloda alone. CEA in three months went from 15 to 57. I can't have another port (I keep getting blood clots) and I'm unsure of what's…
Avastin & shoulder pain ?
after 12 treatments of FOLFOX 6 with Avastin (at about 400 mg) my wife has started on Avastin only. The initial dose 4 days ago was a about 1100 mg. Today she exhibted extreme shoulder pain (very top of shoulder) for the first time. I have read some older forum posts which seem to correlate Avastin usage to shoulder and…
Radiation damage question?
I'm a 54 year old female and was diagnosed in 1997, had colon surgery, chemo and radiation. thank God I am cured, but the radiation has been continually causing damage. I now cannot completely empty my bladder (has gotten worse over the years) I have to catheter myself once a day, soon to be more than that, and now have…
Help!!! Adhesions after APR surgery -anyone have experience?
I'm so worried and upset...feeling like things will never get better for my husband. He had surgery (APR-w/perm.colostomy) on May 23..8 weeks today..by now we thought things would be better. He sailed thru 6 weeks of chemo/rad & did well thru the surgery & recovery process (except for a UT infection) & now he is having a…
question 2nd opinions
My family history contains a large number of cancers including colon cancer. My sister had a colonoscopy and they advised the 2 polyps were non cancerous. They told her that she could have the colonoscopy redone in 5 years. She is 40. I had her contact a specialist a few hours away. They reviewed her file. They were…
Book Recommendation?
I am a fairly avid reader and am looking for a book - a novel - about someone's battle with cancer. I know it seems weird... and i may change my mind once i start reading, but for now I am looking for suggestions. Maybe blogs are a little too real.... Does anyone know of a book or two? Thanks. Robin