TRC 105 trial 2.5 years later
Robert has been recieving TRC 105 study drug since July 2012 in conjunction with avastin with some good results. The tumors in the liver that were being tracked shrank by 30%. The study has long been closed but they have continued to treat him since he was recieving benefit i.e. stable or no progression. Last CT (he gets…
It's been a while
Hi Everyone, It's been some time since I signed in--probably a couple of years. Lately I've been feeling like I abandoned people when I stopped coming to the forum. So I'm back. Long story short: Dx stage 2b colon cancer in Aug. 2006; surgery/chemo etc. Followup showed NED but then in July 2007 was dx'd with uterine…
TACE plus IRE finally
Hi, I was dx in dec 2011 with mCRC with numerous mets in both lobes. Had folfox + erbitux , liver and colon resection July - August 2012 , maintenance erbitux for 3 months , three recurrences after that - dealt with by ire, another liver resection, and then microwave ablation - now again another recurrence in three months…
abdominoperineal resection
Hi there, I'm looking for anyone willing to share their personal journey through APR. I'm especially interested in any complications that were encountered. I'm also looking for additional resources about the procedure. My father had the procedure done on October 6 and has experienced (in my opinion) several complications…
Interesting article
http://www.carcinoid.org/content/role-surgery-and-chemoembolization-management-carcinoid Touches on liver resection, chememobilzation and other treatments. The art lit itself on canver mestasis is informative.
Ostomy supplies and health plan/medicare
Last month, i received two boxes of bags,not the three i had ordered but thought nothing of it as long as i was billed for two.......Just got off the phone with bag supplier pertaining to my november order-which i haven't received yet- and was told i had exceeded amount allowed (again, i asked for three boxes of bags,one…
BRAF mutation triple drug treatment possibility (and other articles):
www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2014-11/eeco-tdm111914.php An anti-malaria drug is being looked at to help with CRC prior to tumor-removal surgery;its called Artesunate and this http://ecancer.org/news/6646-immunotherapy-set-to=revolutionise-cancer-treatment.php Here's another item i just came across on BRAF (tho i haven't…
Back spasms with chemo?
So I'm on my third chemo treatment and have five to go. I've had blood clots but nothing dangerous, they're all superficial. I was in emergency two days ago for back muscle spasms so bad I could hardly walk or function along with a fever. It had been going on for a couple of days and it's still pretty bad. They called my…
Back on the roller coaster
So, it seems there is an area of question that was discovered during my last exam. Imaging from MRI was inconclusive ... Labs and CT next week followed by an ultrasound the following ... So, now we wait. Stuck on the peak .. You know ...the really high point of the ride when it's as if in slow motion ... Waiting for the…
Feeling shattered
After successful lung mets removed April all was looking great. Had no,chemo since feb this year. Was having flush of port monthly and bloods, CEA all normal. Wahoo. I had a fall and long story short they found tumor size of grapefruit in top,of thigh which had eaten thru femur. Had rod and screws put in. Radiation on…
My wife
My wife thinks I am nuts for continuing to come to these forums. Every time I do (every month or two) I see and occasionally tell her, who has passed and it makes me morn to see people I have come to know die from this disease. She says it is because all of the people who are cancer free move on and the ones that…
Rectal bleeding and scared
So my surgery was on June 12 of this year. I've had some discharge from the rectum occasionally, just mucous which is to be expected. I had discomfort there for months after the surgery but that's been gone for a while. In the past week I've twice now had some fresh blood. Not constant bleeding, just blood instead of the…
cancer is new to our family - not sure what to expect - Drs not giving much info?
My dad, who is in his late 50s, was diagnosed with colon cancer last week. They installed his stint, or whatever it is to do his chemo yesterday after he waited all day for the doctor to get there, then today he starts chemo. They did a body scan last week and today told him its stage 4 and he has a 2 cm mass in his lungs,…
Condolences to Varmint 5 on the passing of her beautiful daughter
Anyone hear from Sandy or know how her daughter is doing? Sandy, if you see this, I hope you have a good update for us.
CEA 0.5 - Woo Hoo with me
I went for my second post Ablation Oncologist appontment and my Doctor help up my blood work results to show me CEA 0.5 Can we say Happy me. He doesn't want to see me now for three months. THREE DOCTOR FREE MONTHS. YEAH! Please feel free to join me in celebration. Sue - Trubrit
Abdominal pain with Capox
I'd like to know how long it lasts for you? for mum this is the second cycle and was given one and half days ago, she has pain and gases, the first cycle had less abdominal pain, she suspects it's the Capecitabine pills but in the first cycle had more Oxali colateral effects (cold issues) due to the drug Oxali being a…
Finally have come to the forum...
Hi all, 52 yr old dude from California, married with 2 children 25 and 19 and 1 grandchild age 4. jan 2013 had emergency surgery after waking up to intense pain. After emergency colon resection found 1 tumor, Determined stage II. Immediately underwent radiation and 2 rounds chemo, the second being FullFox. Finished 9/13. 1…
Gerson Institute
November 2008, Diagnosed Stage 4. Thanksgiving 2008 in hospital. Mestasis to liver. Had liver resection Apr 2009. Thanksgiving 2014, I will be at the Northern Baja Health Center - Gerson Therapy In Mexico. I will be heading there for the Gerson treatment for 3 weeks. I'm excited but also know that the next two years won't…
Cancer Vent
I'm getting really cranky about some things lately. I sincerely hope this doesn't offend anyone, these are just my views and I'm frustrated and can't tell people I know because they're too close to the situation. It will feel good to get some things out of my system. Here goes in no particular order. The focus on breast…
Phil64 Update - surgery # 5 coming up...
Talked to surgeon (Scott Regenbogen, M.D., M.P.H.) yesterday. Surgery is scheduled for Monday 12/2/2013. I now need to meet with work to discuss time off. So far this year I have had 48.5 days off in the past 12 months from work (chemo, scans, and a liver resection surgery last April). We have a policy for no more than 90…
Stomach Nodule
Hello, within the last year and half, my sister was diagnosed with colon cancer with 8 mets in the liver. She had the mass removed from her colon and 40% of her liver. She finished her rounds of chemo in june of this past year and today her scan showed 2 nodules that her doctor said was floating in her abdomen. Can anyone…
Diem Brown
I admit - I follow celebrity gossip. Diem Brown has ovarian cancer, and is now on her third recurrance. It has now metasticized to her colon And I believe she will be seeking hipec. She is technically not one of us but she will be receiving treatment and blogging about it. during her bouts with the disease, she blogged…
35 months... Update added
Husband had his CT 35 month after Stage 4 Diagnosis (then mets to liver) today... seems to be all clear - detail appointment with onc next monday but for the moment... breaaaaaaaaaaaaaath!!!! Seems still to be NED... UPDATE 20.10.14: Appointment was delayed - finally had our onc-talk today. They found nothing to worry…
Working out!
I've been doing it to the best of my ability. It feels REALLY good. Just thought I'd share this and encourage anyone who can. I can make it up 5 flights of stairs now although I'm severely winded and then I walk the floors all the way back down (I'm at work, our floors go in a full octagonal "circle" which makes for a…
Lower stage cancers and less aggressive treatments
It seems to me like I'm seeing a trend on here where people who are initially diagnosed with lower staged cancer, say stage two, are not surviving as long as people with higher stages or are having more severe relapses. Am I correct? This has me wondering if the professionals aren't treating them as aggressively as they…
Brain met survivors
I woul love to hear stories of survival from brain mets and your duration. Searching for timeline answers and accepting all data....weeks...months,,,,years of survival? Mike
My brother has been off chemo for 6 weeks because of a low ejection fraction rate (25%). His cardiologist felt that his body needed a rest. He put him on digoxin to see if it helps to strengthen the heart muscle. Thee will restart chemo in another week. They are going to give him irinotecan. For now, they will start at a…
Maxicat - you there?
Maxicat, I haven't heard from you in a while? You doing ok? From another stage 3b signet cell......... Anybody hear from her? Thanks
It is nice to be home again
I have had a difficult month. The side effects of Chemo (Folfiri w/Avastin), nausea, and not being able to consume calories. (I was able to ingest some calories, just not enough to keep me fueled up.) My colon shut down again. That was the third time in a month! I had Laurie drive me to the local Cancer Center, it is a…
Pro/cons of colostomy bag?
Not new to CSN but joining but the wonderful people on the colonrectal board! History Diagnosed with Endometrial Adenocarcinoma (Uterine Cancer) Stage 3A, Grade-2 December/2009 Hysterectomy,Chemo- Taxol/Caroplatin and 26 treatments of radiation and 2 internal Brachy therapy Started Chemo March/ 2011 & Radiation…