Fighting the Dragon
I have been lurking on the CSN for a couple of months. I add a few comments here and there. A lot of times I feel good advice had been given, and I had nothing to add. My health has been declining for several months and I was getting down on myself. That is the worst when we beat ourselves up! I have been getting Chemo,…
Old posts - Fond memories & Shocking reality
i see an old post has been resurrected and the first three names are friends who have passed (and no doubt more, as some of the faces I didn't recognize). I smiled seeing their faces and reading their (and in ****'s case, Kathleen's) words. but it is indeed bitter sweet, knowing that we too may pass the baton one day,…
Update from Nana b
Nana b asked that you all be updated. She went for her second chemoembolization at Stanford yesterday. Here is her update: In a bit of pain but team thinks successful, as the first one was (which I just found out).going home around noon. Should be bed/couch ridden for 7-10 days. Slowly getting strength. I haven't told CSN,…
New Colon Cancer test available tomorrow
Hi all, I had posted about this a couple of months ago, but it looks like it's going to be available tomorrow! My hope is that this test will save the lives of our friends and family as well as millions of others that can't or won't get a colonoscopy (like Rick's sisters...). FDA approves first non-invasive DNA screening…
New site to find latest trials/therapy based on molecular characteristics of your cancer
Can't vouch for this but just came across it and maybe someone will benefit www.molecularmatch.com/
Our little greyhound pupply
Off topic but wanted to post to my friends here. As most of you know I am a real animal lover. Yesturday I was cleaning upstairs in the house and Angel (My avatar) and our other 2 dogs were downstairs. Once in a while I would come down to check on them. On my way back downstairs I heard a death scream out of her. I ran to…
For those who have been NED for a long time. What did you change?
Did you exercise? Diet better? Change nothing? I'm curious.
Blood clots and chemo questions
So I had my second Folfox treatment on Monday. I'm having the cold sensitivity worse than after the first treatment and they say it will likely get worse. I'm wondering how often this is irreversible? I've read that it can be and it's making life difficult and I'm scared it will continue. Next question is about blood…
Weird and bad side effects folfiri and panitumumab
Hi everyone, after many recurrences in lung, liver and lymph nodes, a total of 14 surgeries (major and small ones) and pretty much all chemo combos, my boyfriend has been put on folfiri and panitumumab. This chemo worked best on him but he only got it prior to his first major surgery 5 years ago for half a year. The…
Off topic....a tribute to my mom
Hi everyone. I haven't been around much. My mom spent her last three months in the hospital. She passed about a Month ago. My husband returned to work on June 30th, after a 9 month medical leave and my mom went in the hospital on July 1. My mom is the poster child for not giving up..and not always believing statistics. She…
Interesting article:
Tho this article has to do with breast cancer, i believe the same applies to colon cancer. Its a brief explanation of why cancer is so difficult to combat www.newswise.com/articles/view/624915/?sc=sphn
Modern medicine & cancer. 24 hrs.
http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=Rc1rtIxvkao One episode each night for 11 days http://thetruthaboutcancer.com/live/episode1.php
It's time for an update
Dear all, It's been an extremely rough year for us. My husband's cancer came back at the end of 2013, in pelvic where they took the rectum out. He had 8 folfiri+ erbitux and 28 rounds of radiation with oral 5-fu, hoping all these treatments would shrink the tumor and save his bladder. unfortunately, the tumor really hasn't…
Miracles happen...
http://7online.com/family/surprise-woman-learns-of-pregnancy-while-in-labor/361532/ Husband has stage 4 colorectal cancer and didn't think they could get pregnant. Just a little bit of hope...
My husband is in surgery right now
i have not posted in while, this summer was a wild roller coaster. I will condense rising CEA (15) and spots on the liver we were told last year were fatty focal sparing prompted a pet scan. The liver had 3 spots, but a biopsy was negative for cancer. We met with the liver surgeon anyway and he said any spots that appear…
Stage 4 survivors for 5+ yrs
Just got this email about the upcoming summit in dc. They are looking for stage 4 survivors. I know we have a few here! http://conquercrc.org/summit_info.html
"Therapeutic Advances in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer:" with info on current trials(UPDATE 10/20/14
Unfortunately, i missed this when it first came out and to access it now you have to join site (i used one of my email addresses, my initials and simple ID to join for free just to get this-it IS worth reading) clinicaloncology.com/CancerArticles.aspx?c_id=47&c=Colorectal Only 4 pages including footnotes, brief discussion…
Winter marie
Just wandering how you are doing?
this sound weird
has any one seen triple numbers months ago i woke up in the middle of the night i usaly sleep throught the night and the clock displayed 444 i could not go back to sleep the 444 was in my brain first i thought lottry numbers and then i thought april 4th 2014 nothing made any sense to me but i could not let it go i thought…
Updating with a happy dance
I met with my oncologist today. I am officially NED and chemo is finished. I did 10 of the 12 Folfox scheduled. His take was i have reached my peak toxicity level. He doesn't think there is a benefit in continuing the Folfox. The job now is to heal from the side effects. I'm so grateful for all the prayers, love and…
Gerson Cancer Therapy Question
My wife was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Colon Cancer. Has anyone out there used the Gerson Cancer Therapy out of Mexico? If so, could you tell us about the experience and the overall results. Thanks
Spoon Theory - If Only I Could Make Them Understand
While lamenting this rather frustrating and unfortunately common occurrence in my life, a friend shared this article on the Spoon Theory: http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/ This totally made me cry, and I absolutely wish I could make everyone who loves me or gets frustrated…
I took my brother to the oncologist on Thursday. They want him to take a break for a few weeks to give his heart a chance to become adjusted to the digoxin. In 4 weeks they will figure out if his heart can take anymore chemo. They were considering putting him on irinotecan, but it can cause diarreah and he already has…
Superficial blood clot
I went to my chemo oncologist yesterday and it turns out I have a superficial blood clot. She said it's not uncommon when we're on chemo but I don't remember reading about it on here and I've looked at a lot of old posts. Maybe I've forgotten, god knows my memory is bad enough. Has anybody else had this? If so, what gave…
Out of Africa
My husband and I just got back from safari in Africa. We visited South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. Amazing amazing trip. The people we met, the animals we saw, the food we ate...all incredible. Such an experience. We were celebrating our 40th anniversary and my big milestone...5 years NED POST treatment!!! I was…
body hurt
just wondered if anyone else had body pain stopped chemo oct 2nd lately my knees hips legs hurt big time i worked in construction during my chemo got tired but didn't hurt like i do now taking pain pills feel better but i don't want to take them all the time
CSN Admin
I'm not sure how to reach CSN, but I would like to ask for a discussion group on nutrition and cancer, a Vegan Board. Can we get this? The body has a way of healing itself and I think we should all share our findings, thoughts, and ideas Thank you.
NED for now, no more chemo woo hoo!
Saw my docs today and they all agree no adjuvant chemo after my liver resection! Whew! Folfox kicked my butt and didn't really slow down my cancer and the alternative folfiri with and without avastin has not shown itself to be effective. Sooo I'm 35-50% chance of being cured right now. If something returns they'll probably…
Heels of feet, body cramping
I've finished my treatment and been NED now for 18 months. My feet are hurting especially at the heels and I'm having trouble with cramping body parts again. I am cramping in muscles I didn't even know I had especially right underneath the breast bone. Does anyone have permanent foot damage and cramping? If so what is your…
Hello everybody!!! Has any of you used the Amethyst Biomat..... contains both amethyst and tourmaline stones, my acupuncturist says it is very good, that helps with neuropathy, circulation, achieving a good night sleep etc. It is expensive so I wanted to know if any of you had used it and or will recommend it before I make…