Stomach Nodule

sos1 Member Posts: 1
Hello, within the last year and half, my sister was diagnosed with colon cancer with 8 mets in the liver. She had the mass removed from her colon and 40% of her liver. She finished her rounds of chemo in june of this past year and today her scan showed 2 nodules that her doctor said was floating in her abdomen. Can anyone give me any insight to what this means. Does this mean lymph node? More rounds of chemo have been scheduled to begin next week. She just turned 45 with 3 kids, please respond if you have any information. I have done extensive research and I do know the stats on stage four colorectal cancer. Thank you in advance.


  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    No idea feel sorry, didn't docs explain anything about?
    Did they say it was a tumor ?
  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    I'm sorry your sister, and
    I'm sorry your sister, and you, have to go through this ****.

    I haven't heard of floating nodules. I have a few abdominal tumors that seem to move around some, but they are advanced peritoneal mets, not brand new mets. I hope that makes sense.

    You didn't get enough info from the onc. She/he may think that he explained everything to you, but it didn't happen.

    Also, consider having someone else take a look at the scan.

    Sorry I can't be of more help. Good luck and come back and let us know how it goes.

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Wonderful of you to try to help your sister.

    I can't begin to help you insight with the current issue. Perhaps her doc can give you a more laymen's explination.

    As for the stats on stage 4...don't beleive all you read, it will scare you more than help you. Yes, stage 4 is worrisome but there are folks here who have been surviving stage 4 for a good many years.

    The biggest asset you can be to your sister as far as research is concerned is to get every spec of info on her condition that you can, including treatments and bring that info here. We have so many members there are surely a few who can help fill in the gaps and give you some idea of how things can progress and any other options out there.

    Hang with us and we will try to help all we can.

    Marie who loves kitties
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Stats Schmats!
    Hi SOS.... sorry you have a reason to be here, but there's no better place than to come here and get real information. No, we are not doctors and no we can't give you medical advice as if we were (and that would be totally unfair to you and your sister if anyone here were to even try).... but what we CAN do is sort through all the lingo/jargon and help to explain things in real people terms (rather than doctor/science terms).

    The stats you are going to find on the internet mean absolutely nothing... so don't even waste your precious time looking at them. As the others have said, about all stats will do is scare the heck out of you and turn you and your sister into nervous wrecks. The reality is... any published stat you find on the internet or in published medical journals, etc. are all minimum 5 years out of date... some much longer. Treatments change, dosages change, responses that one person has to one treatment may be totally different than what another person has... hence, your sister's oncologist and medical team will always put together a treatment plan based on your sister's medical condition, history, etc.

    Now, you say that she is Stage IV. Well, there are oodles of us here on this forum who are Stage IV, so she is in good company :) We all range in different ages, sizes, genders and come from all over the world. So, we get to compare treatments and what may be different in one country than another... but for the most part, we all have access to the same treatments.

    Sooooo... floating nodules. That's a new one to me too. It could mean that before those nodules actually showed up on the scan, they had been free-floating cells in her system that eventually settled in her abdomen and took root... hence now there are two nodules in her abdomen. When we have surgery to remove the primary tumour(s) and do a resection, there's always that possibility that cancer cells are released into one's system. A cell is too small to see on any of our imaging technology, and that is usually why most folk get chemo after surgery to try and catch any of these "free floating" cells that might be around. Now, that's not to mean the chemo will catch and kill every single one, but we all hope that's the case. If not and they take root, then we all have to take a deep breath and continue on with treatment. Sometimes the treatment might mean more surgery, or perhaps more chemo, or perhaps radiation if they can zero in on the nodules without damaging any surrounding organs. So much to think and plan and that's what her oncologist and medical team will do.

    So, if you can gather more of her information on what's been done, or what her oncologist is planning, what kind of chemo she's been on, etc., then we will all try to help you translate it into information that's easier to understand. Meanwhile... don't panic :)

  • anniew_0903
    anniew_0903 Member Posts: 13
    floating nodule
    I usually go on the head and neck site as my husband was dx with stage 4 throat cancer, however when i was goggle searching your post came up. My husband was told the same thing at his year follow up appt. They found a node on his spleen so they did abdominal ct-as they just happened to see it on his chest ct. Now it has moved. They simply said they would wait it until his next appt in October. They said it was just floating around and they weren't that concerned...i am baffled by exactly what this means.
  • Kenny H.
    Kenny H. Member Posts: 502 Member

    floating nodule
    I usually go on the head and neck site as my husband was dx with stage 4 throat cancer, however when i was goggle searching your post came up. My husband was told the same thing at his year follow up appt. They found a node on his spleen so they did abdominal ct-as they just happened to see it on his chest ct. Now it has moved. They simply said they would wait it until his next appt in October. They said it was just floating around and they weren't that concerned...i am baffled by exactly what this means.

    Did they say what size the
    Did they say what size the nodules were? On my last scan my Onc say they spotted 2 nodules on my lung that were 2mm in size. Said so small is nothing to worry about. Will see what they look like next scan in Oct.
  • anniew_0903
    anniew_0903 Member Posts: 13
    Kenny H. said:

    Did they say what size the
    Did they say what size the nodules were? On my last scan my Onc say they spotted 2 nodules on my lung that were 2mm in size. Said so small is nothing to worry about. Will see what they look like next scan in Oct.

    no they didn't say on the
    no they didn't say on the first ct just that it required further investigation. when they did the second ct it had moved from the spleen. The hosp just called to tell us (we live 2hours from the hosp) that they weren't too concerned and would just check it out at his next follow up in October, so i never saw that actually ct report, which may have had more detail about the size.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    I'm also 45 with three kids!

    Sorry to hear about your sister, but I can definitely relate. I'm also 45 and have three kids (ages 11, 15, and 18). I was diagnosed 4 years ago as stage IV with mets in my liver and in both lungs. I'm still here, still kicking, still fighting!
    Nodules probably don't refer to lymph nodes, but to little tumors that are often referred to as nodules. "Floating" most likely doesn't actually mean floating as in moving around, but are not attached to any specific organs. Maybe they are attached to the peritoneal wall in the abdomen? You would have to ask the doctor for specifics, as I'm just guessing based on what you wrote.

    Just a word of caution about stage IV colorectal cancer... just be aware that statistics are just numbers and are averages. The thing about statistics is that they're usually outdated. Statistics for cancer are usually based on 5 year survival rates, which means the people in the statistics were diagnosed at least 5 years prior to the statistics coming out. Since then, there have definitely been improvements in drugs used to fight the cancer. There are several people on this board who have lived several years out after their stage IV diagnosis. There are even a few who were diagnosed as stage IV and are now NED (No Evidence of Disease)! Raquel (NanaB) and Lisa P. (Scouty) are two examples of people who had a stage IV colorectal cancer diagnosis and are currently cancer free. Raquel has been cancer free about a year I think & Scouty has actually been cancer free for several years (I forgot how many).

    So, yes, there are people on the board who have died from it, I'm not going to totally whitewash the situation, but just cling to the idea and hope that there ARE people who have been living for a long time with the cancer and there ARE people who have actually gotten to a cancer free status after a stage IV diagnosis!
    Try to not allow the statistics to get to you too much- attitude, the willingness to overturn every rock to get over the cancer makes SO much of a difference in how people do!

    There are also several people on the board (myself included) who take supplements in addition to the chemo (even a few who take supplements or traditional chinese medicine supplements instead of the chemo). I personally am too worried to stop the chemo as my tumors are pretty aggressive, but the natural supplements I am taking in addition seem to be helping my immune system and blood counts to stay in the normal range. My oncologist and nurses are amazed every time my bloodwork results come back. At first my oncologist was hesitant for me to take any supplements that he wasn't familiar with, but I basically told him that I hope he will support me because I'm going to do it anyway! He has been fairly supportive because he sees the results in my blood counts and doesn't have any other explanation as to why they are so good when I am on chemo.

    Lisa :)
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    lisa42 said:

    I'm also 45 with three kids!

    Sorry to hear about your sister, but I can definitely relate. I'm also 45 and have three kids (ages 11, 15, and 18). I was diagnosed 4 years ago as stage IV with mets in my liver and in both lungs. I'm still here, still kicking, still fighting!
    Nodules probably don't refer to lymph nodes, but to little tumors that are often referred to as nodules. "Floating" most likely doesn't actually mean floating as in moving around, but are not attached to any specific organs. Maybe they are attached to the peritoneal wall in the abdomen? You would have to ask the doctor for specifics, as I'm just guessing based on what you wrote.

    Just a word of caution about stage IV colorectal cancer... just be aware that statistics are just numbers and are averages. The thing about statistics is that they're usually outdated. Statistics for cancer are usually based on 5 year survival rates, which means the people in the statistics were diagnosed at least 5 years prior to the statistics coming out. Since then, there have definitely been improvements in drugs used to fight the cancer. There are several people on this board who have lived several years out after their stage IV diagnosis. There are even a few who were diagnosed as stage IV and are now NED (No Evidence of Disease)! Raquel (NanaB) and Lisa P. (Scouty) are two examples of people who had a stage IV colorectal cancer diagnosis and are currently cancer free. Raquel has been cancer free about a year I think & Scouty has actually been cancer free for several years (I forgot how many).

    So, yes, there are people on the board who have died from it, I'm not going to totally whitewash the situation, but just cling to the idea and hope that there ARE people who have been living for a long time with the cancer and there ARE people who have actually gotten to a cancer free status after a stage IV diagnosis!
    Try to not allow the statistics to get to you too much- attitude, the willingness to overturn every rock to get over the cancer makes SO much of a difference in how people do!

    There are also several people on the board (myself included) who take supplements in addition to the chemo (even a few who take supplements or traditional chinese medicine supplements instead of the chemo). I personally am too worried to stop the chemo as my tumors are pretty aggressive, but the natural supplements I am taking in addition seem to be helping my immune system and blood counts to stay in the normal range. My oncologist and nurses are amazed every time my bloodwork results come back. At first my oncologist was hesitant for me to take any supplements that he wasn't familiar with, but I basically told him that I hope he will support me because I'm going to do it anyway! He has been fairly supportive because he sees the results in my blood counts and doesn't have any other explanation as to why they are so good when I am on chemo.

    Lisa :)

    I am 2 years and 2 months
    I am 2 years and 2 months NED! And still praying and taking my supplements as Lisa has mentioned. I feel great, and can only pray that things keep on the path that they are right now. Don't give up. Second opinion may be called for!

    Raquel, aka Rachel and Nana B
  • anniew_0903
    anniew_0903 Member Posts: 13
    lisa42 said:

    I'm also 45 with three kids!

    Sorry to hear about your sister, but I can definitely relate. I'm also 45 and have three kids (ages 11, 15, and 18). I was diagnosed 4 years ago as stage IV with mets in my liver and in both lungs. I'm still here, still kicking, still fighting!
    Nodules probably don't refer to lymph nodes, but to little tumors that are often referred to as nodules. "Floating" most likely doesn't actually mean floating as in moving around, but are not attached to any specific organs. Maybe they are attached to the peritoneal wall in the abdomen? You would have to ask the doctor for specifics, as I'm just guessing based on what you wrote.

    Just a word of caution about stage IV colorectal cancer... just be aware that statistics are just numbers and are averages. The thing about statistics is that they're usually outdated. Statistics for cancer are usually based on 5 year survival rates, which means the people in the statistics were diagnosed at least 5 years prior to the statistics coming out. Since then, there have definitely been improvements in drugs used to fight the cancer. There are several people on this board who have lived several years out after their stage IV diagnosis. There are even a few who were diagnosed as stage IV and are now NED (No Evidence of Disease)! Raquel (NanaB) and Lisa P. (Scouty) are two examples of people who had a stage IV colorectal cancer diagnosis and are currently cancer free. Raquel has been cancer free about a year I think & Scouty has actually been cancer free for several years (I forgot how many).

    So, yes, there are people on the board who have died from it, I'm not going to totally whitewash the situation, but just cling to the idea and hope that there ARE people who have been living for a long time with the cancer and there ARE people who have actually gotten to a cancer free status after a stage IV diagnosis!
    Try to not allow the statistics to get to you too much- attitude, the willingness to overturn every rock to get over the cancer makes SO much of a difference in how people do!

    There are also several people on the board (myself included) who take supplements in addition to the chemo (even a few who take supplements or traditional chinese medicine supplements instead of the chemo). I personally am too worried to stop the chemo as my tumors are pretty aggressive, but the natural supplements I am taking in addition seem to be helping my immune system and blood counts to stay in the normal range. My oncologist and nurses are amazed every time my bloodwork results come back. At first my oncologist was hesitant for me to take any supplements that he wasn't familiar with, but I basically told him that I hope he will support me because I'm going to do it anyway! He has been fairly supportive because he sees the results in my blood counts and doesn't have any other explanation as to why they are so good when I am on chemo.

    Lisa :)

    Thanks for the
    Thanks for the clarification..i gathered that a nodule was different from an actual lymph node. My husband was definitley moving it was on his spleen and a week and a half later is was not..they just said it was elsewhere in his abdomen.
  • Sunbros
    Sunbros Member Posts: 1

    Was wondering what supplements Lisa is taking.

  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Sunbros said:


    Was wondering what supplements Lisa is taking.


    Our Lisa passed away about six months after responding to this post.
