Small bowel obstruction...
Well, cycle 2 has been postponed for a week as I was released today after a week in the hospital for an obstruction in my small bowel. I haven't endured pain like that since I had my son! Apparently adhesions from the surgery caused the small intestine to kink and everything backed up from there. Hopefully this won't…
Ostemy reversal, what to expect?
Hi, me posting again. It'll be a long time before I can have it reversed but I'm trying to get rid of whatever worries I possibly can. Having cancer is enough of a worry in general. I'm wondering how often the reversal goes well as far as the system starting back up again. I spoke to my surgeon about if the amount of time…
Post-Surgery GI Issues After Ascending Colon, Cecal Valve, Partial Terminal Ileum Removal
Hello, I am posting this information to help out others and hopefully start a dialogue on what works to control SIBO, GERD, and such that occurs after surgery. I had stage 2 appendix cancer that was first diagnosed as cecum (appendix was swollen and the large tumor was in the cecum). Ascending colon, appendix, valve, and…
Scary update on hip surgery
Well I've been in so much pain and I'm thinking that resection was easier pain because you didn't have to exercise. Monday night about 3:15 a.m. I woke up to a pounding so hard in my ears of my heartbeat and it was going so fast and I waited a moment but it did't get any better so I woke my husband and asked him to get the…
Results from fracture
I had a gall,six weeks ago. X-rays found avulsion fracture. Have had recent ultra sound and ct on the groin and oooohhhhh boooyyyy, I'm devastated. They found a tumor at the fracture site. Haven't had chemo since February. All was looking so great. Scared, yep. See orthopaedic surgeon and oncologist this week. Praying so…
How many lymph nodes do we have?
Maybe I'm just not good at searching things on line. I can't seem to find out how many lymph nodes we're supposed to have that can be affected by colorectal cancer. After surgery I was told that I'm stage III because three out of eleven lymph nodes were involved. I assumed this meant I had eleven lymph nodes and three…
60 Minutes story on the high price of cancer drugs.
happy day
had my 12th treatment 2 weeks ago had ct scan yesterday results said no active disease no mestastatic disease think i'm going on a maintenance program. just had to let you know, pretty much i'm telling everyone i know and some i don't
Radical Remission.
http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/are-you-food-addict-take-test-find-out?video_id=3445827525001 Less stress Eating veggies, juicing, eating more raw foods Supplements Spiritual Laughing Im trying!
Here I sit here in the chemo chair getting my e bureaux I will see the Dr. After this I hope he is going to get another scan to see if this crap, is shrinking. My chemo takes about 3hrs. To drip into me, how long does any of yall take. This is my 5th. Treatment.
Good morning. Folfox treatment 10 today
Well ladies and gentleman, I'm getting ready to go in for #10 of 12 folfox treatments. It would seem that I'd be used to it but I feel like a lamb to slaughter. Going back for more poison is tough. In any case, I will go and then there will be only two left. Thank God for family and friends. Yolanda update at bottom
I just stumbled across Adamray's post here, on a Dendritic Cell Therapy thread. To follow up, Adam was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach/esophageal cancer in July 2013. Esophageal and stomach cancers are more grim than most CRC, e.g. I had an uncle dx'd with esophageal cancer several years ago, lasted 3-4 months with minor…
ileocecal valve, cecum removed
Hi, When **** had his surgery 1/12/09 the surgeon removed 75% of his colon and 7 cm of small intestine, ileocecal valve, appendix and his cecum. The tumor was in his cecum and was causing a 98% blockage. He is wondering if anyone else had those parts removed and what it means in the long run. He also is having what he…
full plate over the next few weeks. UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a scan on 10/7. I fly to Houston on 10/9. See Dr. Suddiah about clinical trials at MD Anderson on 10/10. See dr. Valez -Sanchez a gi specialist at MD Anderson on 10/13. Get results back from genomic testing done in Mass. On 10/14. See Dr. Conrad a radical liver surgeon at MD Anderson on 10/15. I appealed to the…
Greenwald Family
First thing you might want to convince your husband it's time for a new Oncologist. I was diagnosed Stage IV terminal non-operable over 4 1/2 years ago, had an operation the first year which they took out the tumor in my colon, my ureter and the ones in my liver all in the same day, giving me a chance at a longer life, my…
dead man not walking
Well been quit a while since I posted. I've just been overwhelmed by all the side effects, I have been unlucky enough to endure these many years. I don't have a laptop so since I spend most of my life sitting on a toilet, it's a little difficult to get to my computer. The doctors have tried everything they know but nothing…
Hip Surgery Outcome
Thank you Winter for starting a new post. Actually the surgery went very well. It started at 10:00 and got done about 11:30. The hospital was so full they did't have a room for me so therefore, no computer or internet. By the time the room was ready it ws so late and being tired was "an understatment". This morning the…
CEA Results......
Well I am happy to report CEA is 1.1. It has remained very low in my almost 3 years NED. I am truely truely blessed and so grateful. As a stage 3b signet cell I constantly think something will go wrong. That's what cancer has done as I am sure with everyone else. I know alot of people in our virtual family are going…
Still Here :)
Thank you all for your thoughts and well wishes, it sure is appreciated. Right now I'm in the OOU getting my weekly chemo, sure getting tired of every week but at the moment it is shrinking the tumors, so I'll stay the course. I have been happy that every week I had been gaining a pound, so a gain total of 6 pounds were…
Sundance Huffed & Puffed...And Finally...
Well, I'm going in for yet another surgery for a pain relief test to see what happens. This will mark my 6th surgery this year (what a whip) and my 14th surgery to date. My trial people are letting me down and can't find any candidates (supposedly) to operate on and so I WAIT....and wait.....and wait some more. I'm in line…
*blush*.....I am officially an author!!!!!!! *blush*
With some help from a 'self-publishing' publishing house, my 'Bald Lady' book is now a reality!!! WHEW!!! Who would have thought????? I just downloaded the Kindle verson....and am so excited!!!! For those who do not know me...I'm one of the 'old folks'....double primary...breast and colorectal... For those who DO remember…
Wondering how your surgery went, hoping to hear from you very soon. We're thinking about you. Winter Marie
For what its worth,FDA just approved Akynzeo to treat nausea/vomiting due to chemo.......
www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm418375.htm and then there's this: www.sys-con.com/node/3207941 and this: http://medicalxpress.com/print332051357.html
Surgery Tomorrow Morning
I'm to be at the hospital at 8:00 a.m. so I'm thinking that surgery will be about 10:30 - 11:00. They said they would have me sitting in a chair that afternoon so hopefull I'll be able to get on my computer and let you know that everything went well. Of course today on the web there was an article about problems with…
New to CSN
Hi everybody: I am new to CSN, I was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer with metastasis to the liver in November 2013. Since then I have been in chemotherapy FOLFOX for 3 months, then only avastin and 5FU and went back to FOLFOX in August., I am getting more side effects this time, they are giving me huge amounts of…
rectal stents
I need to know if anyone has this, Mine was placed in August and is causing problems which very likely cause death, Was Winneypooh but forgot password so i am now againstallodds, 6 years and cancer contained doing well but rectal stent is trying to kill me
I've been busy between dad and my brother. I haven't been on in a while. I brought my brother to a new cardiologist that is closer to home and one who I respect. He sent my brother for a MUGA scan on Friday. He had one back in early Jan/Feb when he was hopspitalized. He had an ejection fraction of 45% then. He has been on…
Went to Surgeon Today for my Hip
Went to the surgeon this morning and it went better than expected. First thing coming in the door he said well things look pretty bad bet you are in a lot of pain and of course I answered yes. They rate the scale of this condition from 1 to 6 and 6 being the worst and he said I'm definitely 6. The other leg also has this…
i had biopsy today doc said looked malignant it is 5 by 7 cm tumor in my colon HELP HELP WHAT DO I D
My name is Bruce I am 51 year old male The army on 4 occasions told me i just had internal hemoroids in 2009 2011 2012 and 2013, now i had my first colonoscopy and i learn i have a pretty big tumor that probably began back in 2009 I am furious with the army but more important scared to death what is around the corner for…
I'm not a religious person but
I came across this short video and really liked it so I thought I'd share it http://vimeo.com/8898059#at=0 Enjoy! Easyflip/Richard