Recurring abcess
After my colon resection in June I ended up with an abcess. They put a drain in which was one of the most horrifying experiences of my life. They took it out after a few days. A week later I was back in the hospital with another abcess and another drain which I had for over a month. The first abcess had closed off so this…
Unexpected Visit W/Oncologist (update 11/26/14)
Been having odd symptoms. Called the Oncologist's nurse and had to make a trip in to see the Oncologist today. Been having abdominal discomfort, bloating, unexplained rapid weight gain, (over 10 lbs in three weeks) and uncommon upper spine, neck and chest pains with deep breaths. I tried to hold out for the scheduled…
I am thanful for all of you. And remember, no matter what you are going through, you are much better off than than the turkeysweating grease in your 350 degree oven lol. Laz
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you are surrounded by family and friends. Be safe.
cat scan with barium
since i had 3 pet scans I can only have cats scans now what im wondering is they want me to drink the barium would this only show gi trac I thoufght it was strange was was not getting dye injected
FREE. This weekend - The truth about cancer seminars - Alternative medicine
For anyone interested these webinars are free until Dect 1, 2014. They are about alternative medicine, and there may be some take aways for you. If you have a Smart TV, you can actually see them through YouTube on the big screen. I sometimes use wireless headset connected to my IPAD to just listen as I do things around the…
2014 Christmas Card List - There you go! In honor of Sheyene.
For you Richard and Bob, a current list. I work on a computer for a living. I won't be able to work from the old list. In honor of Sheyene who I never had the pleasure of meeting, I volunteer this year. Please send me a PM (private message) with your real name, address and real email so that I can send out the list all at…
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! I am so glad to be alive to celebrate this day. For those of you who can eat, enjoy it to the fullest. For those of you who can't, I hope you can find some way to partake. The Stivarga (or nighttime mouth breathing - I am not sure) has given me little cuts in my mouth which make chewing hard…
Happy thanksgiving!
I am a blessed and lucky woman. I am surrounded by love and support! Our kitchen will be filled with family by blood and family by choice! All of you have given me more to show gratitude. I know I've gotten strength from your kindness and support. God is good. Being alive even with all the challenges is the best ever! Give…
NED and traveling to Reno and San Francisco December 4-8
I have officially been told I am NED and finished with doctors until April. A little scared to be free of doctors but happy. I am hoping to meet Sue (Trubrit) in Reno on December 5th. I will be in Reno from the 4th to 7th and then San Francisco 7th and 8th. I'd love to meet anyone in those areas. My prayers and good…
2011 Christmas Card List
Hi Everyone! It’s that time again where we all come together and share our addresses for our Annual Christmas Card list. Just a bit of history, this was started by Donna (Shayene: she passed 8/24/10) and myself way back in 2008, I believe. It has been a great success and it’s something I would like to continue in honor of…
Who has the list....
...of frieds who passed recently. I'd love to remember them during Thanksgiving and be thankful for their company even though they are not with us. Laz
now really concerned
I had some good news so-to-speak last week after a CT scan and then a pet scan they located only one node by my small intestine that lite up. Surgery to remove it will be in about 10 days. It all sounded very promising. But today I got up for a bowel movement and the toilet had a lot of bright red blood. Every time I've…
Brother has Cancer
I posted this following post on lymphoma board because thought it might be that. I'm devastated because tonight found out it was cancer. Please keep him in your prayers and if anyone has any insite into this cancer, please post. Hello: I'm usually posting on colorectal cancer board, but got a call from my brother this…
Sorry, I have been off the forum for a few weeks. I will get caught up this week. My life took a twist when I had a TIA that got me to the ER and admitted to the hospital. Some residual right sided weakness resolving. Still being worked up... Scary experience. Meanwhile, I wish everyone blessings galore for Thanksgiving…
This is not cancer related, it's a mostly ostomy/after cancer/people just don't think post.
For all those doing chemo today or on their umpteenth surgery reading this, I'm sorry to whine about this, believe me with what you're going through today, it is not worth your time to read this post=) I seriously appreciate that what you're going through is bigger than any of this. As I mentioned last post, I went on the…
What is a PET scan?
I haven't had one but it sounds like it's one of the better tests for detecting cancer? My neighbour has battled breast cancer twice and felt that something was up a third time and her doctor was poo-pooing her and she insisted on having a PET scan and they did find more cancer, luckily in time. I'm just wondering what it…
Chemo and fatigue
I know it's part of chemo but is there anything at all that can improve it? I have my fourth chemo on Monday and four more after that and I'm already lying in bed half the day and having naps or just lying there like I'm in a coma. I'm not sleeping, I'm aware of everything but I don't care and haven't got the enrgy to even…
MtX's to brain...scared out of my wits
I have not been on this board in a while. Fighting the battle and just now discovered colon cancer metasticies to the brain 5ea tumors, one is 2.5cm in size with swelling causing left side motor function issues. As you may imagine, this takes the battle to a new and scary level. Brain involvement was known possible but did…
cancer bout number 4 coming up
Well I had my 6 month CT/Scan yestrday. Bad news came back after over three years. A node blow my gall bladder lit up very close to my small intestine. Also although a area of my liver did not lite up it did show increased vascular activity whcih has convinced my doctor along with my tumer maker tests and CEA that it is…
Any updates on our Craig? Update posted by Craig!
Thinking about Craig every day and hoping to see him pop in. Anyone know how he is, if the pain is under control?
Just diagnosed Stage IV
Hi! My 52-yr old sweetheart just got the diagnosis. Is anyone out there in the same boat? I'm looking for suggestions, hope, helpful, info.
Stage IV Signet Cell adenocarcinoma - advice?
My husband Neal (Age 49 yesterday) has just been diagnosed with stage IV signet cell colon cancer. He had surgery removing the right half of the colon, part of the small intestine, and several lymph nodes 2 days ago. His tumor was located just below the cecum. he also has "seeding" of the peritoneum throughout the…
coffee in duderstadt - out of the pan and into the fire "dendritric cell vaccine"
https://docs.google.com/file/d/1odbnNoKKsNYlsI17dkXBZ6s3bgSEPt4-iPkpqemeP00ZVUpZQJ1oqJpZQnuZ/edit written by Thomas Neßelhut1, Dagmar Marx1, Jan Neßelhut1 and Fred Fändrich2 1Institute for Tumortherapy, Duderstadt 2Clinic for Applied Cellular Medicine, University of Kiel Germany these amazing doctors and researchers are…
Just did the 22nd weekly chemo
I had no idea on 22nd infusion. Had a scare three weeks ago, after going to Mexico and getting sick (got antibiotics and inhaler today) the next week back my CEA had risen from 20 (started out at 80) to CEA 66, which caused me great worry and sleepless nights wondering if this chemo was my last hope of surviving and now…
Update, my next steps
I saw Dr. Moeslien at the Univeristy of Maryland medical school last week. He was very impressive and optimistic about my case. He is going to do cryoablation on my liver tumor and chest wall tumor on my back. The date is already set for 12/8. I just finished my last round of chemo for now to get my blood counts up before…
surgery question
Dear all: I was diagnosed with colon cancer stage IV with mets to the liver last november, at that time the doctors said that I was not a candidate for surgery...... they put me on Folfox for 8 rounds (the primary tumor reduced by 50% at that time) so they put on Avastin and 5FU for 3 month and back to Folfox because my…
Third hospital stay in 5 weeks. Ugh
We ae back in the hopital again. The same old story, my **** stopped functioning/ We at least have a plan now! One would think we should have goten a good diagnosis the first time, but no. We now have a diagnosis, and a plan to follow through. My colon became blocked, my pain increased, and so did the pain meds. The pain…
A little shot in the arm
to boost morale! I'm proud to say Justin Fitch is family. He is being honored during the second quarter of the Patriots-Lions game tomorrow. Justin had terminal colon Cancer and is still fighting for his cause. He's truly an inspiration. He's done over 50 rounds of Folfox5 snd continues his fight against veteran suicide.…
Just Sayin' Hi-Been Gone A While
I just wanted to say hi to everyone and wish you all good health. I've been gone for a while getting over surgery number 12..but my CTscans are looking good. Nothing new. Getting my strength back and thankful to be home this holiday season with the kids, not drinking my turkey for the first time in two and a half…