Abdominal pain with Capox

javier_garcia123 Member Posts: 28
edited November 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I'd like to know how long it lasts for you? for mum this is the second cycle and was given one and half days ago, she has pain and gases, the first cycle had less abdominal pain, she suspects it's the Capecitabine pills

but in the first cycle had more Oxali colateral effects (cold issues) due to the drug Oxali being a generic (cheaper), now it's one Oxaliplatin from a respected lab so the main annoyance seems to be the Capecitabine? or is it both drugs?

Capecitabine is original since the beginning of treatment


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Pain in my abs

    I only had pain in the abdoman when I was getting the Nupogen shots, so I can't help with your question. If it gets too uncomfortable, be sure and have your mum mention it to her chemo nurse or Oncologist. 

    Sue - Trubrit