22years-old ,Fear of colon cancer
recently I realized I have to strain hard when I'm having bowel movement. Like something blocked my rectum.and I'd alway had bowel movement once every 2 days Until last month I found myself using bathroom once or twice a day. I dont know if its a form of change of bowel habits or not. My stools became narrow than usual but…
Money, the root of all evil.
My mum used that expression, and this article, from BBC.com just makes me think that she had it right. http://www.bbc.com/news/health-34153136 Sue - Trubrit
I haven't seen any recent posts, so I will start a new one. I was diagnosed with Stage I colorectal 3/12, Had surgeries and chemo, and was declared NED. Then 12/13 it was back, Stage IV, mets to lung and liver. I've had chemo again and am now NED (Thank God), but am on Xeloda, and have been told it was for the rest of my…
The Results are In. Things just got more bizarre.
The thyroid biopsy came back. The doctor said he has two types of cancer in his thyroid... Didn't say what kinds. They had to send his file up to MD Anderson at Cooper and UPenn because they don't know what to do with it. Slow growing, but still bizarre. No mention of anapalastic so we are assuming it is not that. No idea…
Updated 9/14
The catherization and possible stent were supposed to be set up for Monday. My sister was supposed to get a call on Friday to confirm the time and be given the steps my brother needs to take. NO CALL! When she called the cardiologist who sent her to the cardiac surgeon, he said she has to wait until Monday morning to speak…
Husband Diagnosed Today with Rectal Cancer
Hi everyone, I am so happy forums like this exist to help people make sense of this awful disease. Today my husband found out he has rectal cancer and we are just reeling. He had a biopsy, CT scan and MRI today so we will know more by next Tuesday what stage it is. Here's why I'm really scared: his father had colon cancer…
Results Tomorrow
Tomorrow my dad gets the biopsy results back on his thyroid... We were told he will either get good news (fully treatable thyroid cancer or lymphoma) or bad news (anaplastic thyroid cancer). The first scenario he'll live normally, the second scenario he'll die within 6 months. The span of good to bad is pretty insane.…
The plan so far
Hello everyone! I will have my port placed tomorrow. I have my first PET/CT scheduled for the 16th. I have an appointment with my local onc on the 22nd. And I have an appointment with MD Anderson on Oct 6th. I want to start Folfox asap, but MD Anderson does not want me to start treatment until after I have my first…
Feeling daring and made a big purchase
Today I purchased a (used) Jeep. A four year payment plan. I feel rather daring, seeing the Doctors gave me a five year limit three years ago. HA! I intend to pay the full four years (actually, pay it off sooner if I can) and get many, many years of fun in the mountains, out of it. Just thought I would share. Sue - Trubrit
feeling nervous
I was feeling really good after my colectomy. So much better because I was very anemic and had a small bowel obstruction before surgery. For the last 24 hours or so, I am feeling exhausted again and have mild stomach pain. Just imagining the worst.
Normal to take 2 1/2 mths before getting chemo ??
Since July 10th the rectal tumor was spotted. After all the normal testing drs said possible mets to the lungs. After a Fiberoplic Bronchoscopy and then a needle lung biopsy was confirmed stage 4 w/mets to the lungs. For 2 mths, only complaint my husband told drs was his rectal area hurt & hard to have bowel movements.…
Member manwithnoname's son ...
does anyone know how his son is doing? He mentioned in a message, I think in July, that his son was going to have scans at that time ... I don't believe he has posted since then. Anyone have any information? I was always so touched by how hard he fought to help his son ...
I have KRAS mutation p.G13D or c.38G>A. Unfortunately MIS not detected. BRAF also not detected. I know that's not fabulous to be KRAS positive and I know that I can't use anti-EGFRs. What else do I need to know? Anybody researched this recently and know of new strageties, specifics of type of KRAS mutation, clinical…
Uncle Buddy - How did it go with your brother?
I hope all went well with your brother's echocardiogram and that he is back on the Chemo today. I've been thinking about him (you and your Father). Sue - Trubrit
UPDATE - All Good? RE: Surgery Tomorrow... But Not in the "Normal" Spot
Update 9/10/15: So they couldn't remove the mass... mainly because it's very large and possibly lymphoma, meaning it's very treatable and there is no reason to go through with a massive surgery. They inspected his vocal cords and found that they were not involved nor are his airways. The doctor spoke to us and said he…
new port tommorow
ya I get a new port at 7am tommorow mines 2 1/2 years old and has a fiber sheaf that keeps cloging so afther 4 port agrams and many hours of sitting with clot medicne in my port i called the surgon and said put a new one in dont know how they last but i give up trying to fix it its easier to replace it.
Changing your position may increase effectiveness of colonoscopy:
www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/changing-patients-position-helps-effectiveness-of-colonoscopyespecially-on-one-side-300140598.html specifically: laying on left side while right side is probed.
Essiac Tea
I searched it on here and it's been years since anyone has suggested it. Out of all the ideas people send me that are supposed to get rid of cancer it's the only one that I've really wondered about. But I'm finding different information and supposedly the tea you can buy isn't as good as when nurse Caisse made it with…
Ever have one of those days?
I can't even really explain it. Nothing specific has happened, I've just had this feeling of unease all day. I've become pretty good at blocking things out and just living in the moment, but it's not happening today. is 4:00 too early to go to bed?? I guess I first have to convince my three year old that it's bedtime!
Birthday wishes for our Jeff (janderson1964)
I think you are going to have a great day, Jeff. Hopefully home from the hospital and recovering in the comfort of your own home and in your own bed. I raise a glass to you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sue - Trubrit
Update on Winter Marie -updated again 9/2/2015
The following is an update from Winter Marie's daughter. I post it here with her permission. Winter is visiting her now in Ohio. I just wanted to give everyone an update on Mom. I know her phone is constantly getting calls, texts and Facebook messages. She doesn't seem to have the strength to hold her phone and her fingers…
Not the CT scan results I wanted...
So I got my CT scan results from last week. Three spots showed up on my left lung. My onc doesn't know what they are. They could be from when I had the blood clot in my lung and they had tubes down there that could have cause scarring. So now I have to wait for a thoracic surgeon to see me and do a biopsy and they're going…
A beautiful song about losing a loved one I wanted to share ...
Winter Marie's passing and that of so many of our dear friends and loved ones made be want to share this ... Here is the YouTube link I hope it works. The song references heaven and I am not promoting Christianity ... that is actually not my religion ... It is just a touching song no matter how one views the possibility of…
Sad news
Last time i wrote, it was about trying to get my husband's pain under control. Well, after 3 days in the hospital he was sent home with a pain pump with dilauted and everything seemed better. On August 10th, he went to the hospital with a bowel obstruction and was in the hospital for 15 days before passing. He left us on…
For what it's worth....
Came across this series of CRC videos. Some good information. Nothing I don't think that has been discussed before on here. I hope the link works. http://cureconnections.curetoday.com/videos/common-symptoms-and-diagnosis
Need Urgent suggestion and help....PMP
* My father-in-law, J.N.Sharma, Age 58, had few episodes of vomiting, indigestion & weight loss until May'15 which was later diagnosed as a tumor in ascending colon with malignancy in the month of July'15. * He was identified a case of PseudoMyxoma Peritonei/appendicular adenocarcinoma and underwent a surgery on 26th July…
I survived but our Dalmatian didn't.
A few days ago I posted about surviving colon cancer for over six years. I wanted to encourage others that they could do the same, but life has a way of slapping us down, and I really have no other place to post this and so I'm posting it here, maybe just to vent. Our four year old Dalmatian named Pepper would have been…
Ostomy Issue Questions
I've had my illeostomy for about a year and a half. I'm on a waiting list to have it reversed but the list is about a year long. This morning it leaked out from under the wafer. No big deal, it's happened the odd time. I went to replace it and discovered that it's now draining from a second spot. The area is under where I…
Had colonoscopy yesterday, still finding the news hard to believe
I finally had my colonoscopy yesterday scheduled 2 1/2 months ago. My oncologist wanted me to have it because the tumor was causing intense pain. After I started on Irenotecan and Erbitux the very next week the pain went away and in two weeks my CEA went from 224 to 90 and last time it was done, it was 78. I told my…
Chemo for liver mets
Hi all you great warriors! I hope and pray for all to be cured and all bonds broke away from this ugly beast i was told after a number of ablations and radio embolisms I will need chemo again - mets to liver- any suggestions of what chemo concoctions any body else had any help would be great - I had chemo 5 years ago and…