Today I celebrate another clear scan and CEA of 0.6
I am beside myself with joy . This makes it 13 months since my liver ablation, 13 months with NED. I consider myself blessed. I have worked hard to get to this point, and will continue to work hard to stay there. Happy me!
Supporting friend and emotional health
I have been quiet lately. I guess I have been silently spinning a bit out of control for the last couple of weeks. As far as I know (being in between tests) I am still NED (13 months since the end of chemo, 22 months since my small recurrence was surgically removed). We are planning an amazing month long trip to Costa Rica…
Jeff Anderson treatment update
So I have a very busy 6 weeks ahead of me as my plan has finally come together. 6/3 I do a trial run of SBRT to be sure everything is programmed right 6/5 I get my fist actual SBRT treatment 6/11 SBRT treatment #2 6/19 SBRT treatment $3 6/26 SBRT treatment and final treatment #4 7/9 back to Baltimore for more cryoablation…
NED or in remission?
What's the difference? The few times that I share with someone that I had cancer I'm never sure what to say. I say I had cancer last year. Do I say I'm in remission? Or that it's gone? People are always curious and I'm not sure that I'm saying what's really happening. Is it ever really gone? If I get tests and it's back…
How are things going for you, Hippiechicks?
I've been thinking of you, and hoping that things are moving along. Keep us updated when you can. Sue - Trubrit
Stage 4 and 4 Folfox treatments in
We found out that my beloved bf of 8yrs has stage 4 cancer 2 months ago. Doctor started him on chemo about 2 weeks after diagnosis as they first wanted to control the chrons flare up he was dealing with. It has so far been a crazy and heartbreaking ride. 34 just seems way too young to have to deal with this. His cancer is…
surgery decision help
Hi - I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at the beginning of April this year. I immedietly went straight to chemo and radiation because they wanted to increase the margins for surgery because my tumor was in the lower rectum. We finished that treatment 6 weeks ago, and they recently had me in for a procedure to see the…
I've been DEPORTED :)
Hello all... this morning I did it... I'm 4 weeks post chemo and against some others thoughts that said I should leave it in I decided to go ahead an remove my port.. has anyone removed theirs as early as I did? Feels wonderful not to have to look/feel my lil buddy everyday. I just wanted to start a new chapter, a clean…
Different type of Poop Question
I thought I would post here rather than on the anal cancer site where I belong because there are never many people on that and you guys have the same sort of bathroom issues that we do. Last week, while on vacation on my friend's boat, I managed to get a sloppy lump of poop on my favorite, italian leather, woven belt. Only…
update and good colonoscopy
Coming up on 9 years surviving and thriving as a stage 4 guy. Just had my 4th colonoscopy today since dx and everything looked good. All the nurses and the Dr. were amazed and happy at my journey. Many peeking in the room to see this "bigfoot' like survivor. All my best to everyone out there. I know I don't post as much…
Oral care
Just finished four standard treatments - 5FU and Oxy - after proximal colon resection in May (Stage IIIc) and have been getting small oral ulcers after each treatment. I switched to a baby rubber toothbrush which helps a lot but wonder if there is some other toothpaste (I am using Crest) that is less likely to irritate my…
stage 4 question
Any stage 4's out there that have been declared NED? I have multiples in lung and liver?
Folfox treatmens protocols, europe vs america
Has anyone heard or read that the standard protocol treatment in europe is only 6 rounds of folfox vs US is 12? Any reason why this is so dramatically different?
After surgery chemo
Well just finished up my surgery, they pretty much took everything......rectum, colon....and created a stoma for me. Dealing with the "bag" isn't all that bad, its been 4 weeks and more uncomfortable than anything else, still not fun...but a fair trade to get rid of the cancer. I met with the Dr. and wondered what is next?…
Clear Scan!
For those of you who don't know me from other forums- Clear scan!! 11 months NED and 3 scans in a row! Thank you for all the support and well wishes, this is an amazing group of people. Next step is port removal! Easyflip/Richard
Phil64 Update / Wedding
Hello all, The last time I posted was about the big CEA scare we had. My CEA had jumped to 8.0 on a 6/25 test. A retest and scans on 6/26 confirmed that the 8.0 was a glitch. Yesterday was the third Under 1.0 CEA test since the scare. I continue to receive Erbitux and continue to battle the Erbitux achne, AND CONTINUE TO…
This is tearing my family apart
Hi. I'm a newbie here and was hoping to get some advice. My mother is fighting colon cancer and the whole experience is ripping my family apart and I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. I'm going to put it all out here and hope that no one judges me. I am married (marriage is strong), have 1 son who is married, 2 young…
Got a reminder how time flies...
Dear Fellow Cancer Assassins ! Its been a long time since I posted. I was lurking for a long time but was in no state of mind to actually post. Been a tough time with a revised j-pouch, removing the last inch of colon, new temporary ostomy, reconnection, paralyzed bowels, TPN feeding, strictures, etc etc. The last 6 months…
How are things going Jeff!
Hopefully you are back in the comfort of your home by now and that infection is subsiding. Just wanted to open a new page so everybody can give you support we all can use during hard times. Wish you speedy recovery and lond term resolution, Laz
ahhh the smell of vomit in the morning
still stage four almost 3 years out 2nd round of chemo on 6 of 12 keep geting it it my groin i gues thats better then brain,liver ect
Need advice
hello all, my wife,47, has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer with liver mets. This was in April last- it's tragic- her mom had same but we were not told to screen her. May 3 we started with chemo - the size of the lesion in liver was big. docs advised to do chemo and hope for window of surgery to open. After first…
Lovekitties...................Need Your Help
Have you or anyone else heard from Ann recently? I don't have facebook, but I know you do and she probably does. I PM'd her a few days ago, but no response. We have been "buds" on here for a long time. Just worried. I remember her mentioning a vacation in the Tetons, so hopefully that's where she is and I'm real jealous.…
Job hunting, what do I tell a potential employer?
I looked it up on the employment guidelines for Canada and it said I don't have to say anything unless I'm asked why I was off work for a long period of time. Also, that they can't refuse me insurance coverage which I was surprised at. I have to look for a job because I owned my own business when I was diagnosed and had to…
Diagnosed at 34 with stage 4 colon cancer. Been battling for a 11/2 years. Need Help!
Hi everyone! Someone please help me understand more about the CEA & how accurate is it?
How are things with you, Winter Marie?
I've been thinking of you and hoping things are going as well as can be expected. Would love an update. Sue - Trubrit
Newly diagnosed-hoping to talk with similar Stage 3 healthy, active, descent diet...
I'm a 44 year old man and was diagnosed with colon cancer a feew weeks ago. The CAT scans showed that it was only in my sigmoid colon so surgery was performed. I healed quick and was back home with three days - normal bowel movements again within 5 days! After extracting 48 lymphnodes the pathology showed that 14 were…
Delays, good news and an update
My third chemo treatment last month was delayed a week because of a low white blood cell count. The count was back up after the third week. Went for my fourth treatment today after two weeks and the same thing happened, so we're waiting another week for the count to come back up. I asked my oncologist if she was going to…
RFA advice
Doc has recommend I see a liver spec for a RFA. Need advice on this procedure. Anyone have this done?
Need tips for Showering
I'm fairly new to the Colorectal forum. I had colonrectal cancer suergery on 2-13-15. I had my large intestine removed and ended up with a pernament iliostomy bag. I need tips for showering-What does everyone do to keep thier bag dry when they shower? Does anyone have a great tip
mistletoe injections hopkins cancer center
my daughter has been taking mistletoe injections for over one year , right after she was diagnosed with colon cancer stage 4 so i was excited to read the article in the baltimore sun , believe big on mistletoe, her scans are clear so far. Has anyone else read this or is doing these.