Lightheaded ??
The one constant symptom my husband has with his folfox6 with avastin treatment is he is always lightheaded when he is up walking around. The onc. tells him to drink more fluids, but he drinks at least at least 5 - 6 12 oz bottles of water a day. Does anyone else have this problem and what solutions have you tried? Thanks,…
Insurance Drops MD Anderson
For some reason I thought I saw this posted here, but looking at the date did not see the topic. Apologies in advance. And blame chemo brain http://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/medical/article/Loss-of-insurance-plans-could-devastate-cancer-6603232.php
If you want a good ahhhh cancer you still haunt me laugh
So I have a permanent ostomy and I had a serious "explosion" at work. It's a big office, 18 floors. I ran up one floor and used the bathroom there because it is private and has a sink and shower. I quietly went up the back steps, got in, washed everything, slipped back out and was back at my desk without anyone knowing.…
Seeking answers for my dad
Hello, I am out and about trying to find answers to my dad questions. A month ago we took him to the ER, they found a tumor blocking his colon. He was admitted, had a biopsy and emergency surgery to have the tumor, lymph nodes, part of his small intestine and apart of his abdomen removed. Surgery was a sucess, he was in…
How comfortable are you talking about your illness?
When I was diagnosed I needed some time to tell my loved ones the situation. As I'm going through the mental and physical healing process I find it easier and easier to talk about my illness at work or with strangers. To me it's a fine line between showing people that even when you have or had cancer you could be well and…
Husband's CT Scan, still unclear
I know most people would be relieved by these results but I am just not, I try so hard to be positive but I am not getting a definitive answer. His CEA which has been a good indicator for him in the past went from 1.34, 2.24, 4.88. The ins refused a pet scan and only allowed a CT Scan which showed his fluid accumulation on…
Off Topic: Peace for Paris ... and the World
In about 2 Weeks, I see the Oncologist. I am lousy at knowing what questions to ask
What questions did you wish you ask? What questions did you ask? I don't care if they turned out to be dumb questions. I just don't want to stand there like a deer in the headlights (by the way, drive carefully, everyone. It's that timed yeah) Chemo is, I understand, a foregone conclusion. It will cause my immune system to…
Off Topic: Patch of Ringworm under son's arm
anyone have any experience how to clear this up? Dermatologist confirmed ringworm and suggested drug store cream anti-fungal. It has been four weeks of day and night application with no clearing. I am freaked by this and have been washing everything obsessively because I don't want to get it!
Any former Chantix users
This may just be a huge coincidence but a friend of mine asked me the other day how long ago it was that I took Chantix to stop smoking, about a 1 1/2 yrs now, and he told me that I was the 5th person he knows that developed some form of cancer within 2 yrs of stopping Chantix. Was wondering if anyone has noticed this…
9 Months From Surgery And A Clean Scan
Had scan results yesterday, surgery anniversary today. So far so good, though there is one iffy thing in lungs that seemed to be reduced in size. Oncologist thinks it is not cancer though. Items in liver and kidneys just look like general things, cysts and whatnot. So nine months NED I guess....
New to the site
Hi! I was diagnosed on July 31 when I was taken in for emergancy surgery. The pet scan and biopsy have me at stage 4. I have had 2 rounds (4 treatments) of folfox and am trying to stay positive. I am 57 and they have approved me for Social security disability. I fell very tired almost all the time and would like to know if…
Need help, support and advice
The good news is that Dennis was able to get his first chemo last week... that his platelets seem to be cooperating more now.The bad news is that they did a scan and saw something in the peritoneal nodes (*spelling) to add to the liver and lung tumors. Does anyone have any advice or experience they could share as for the…
Facial Rash from Irinotecan & Cetuximab
I just started treatment for CRC with Irinotecan & Cetuximab. I have broken out in the most horrible rash all over my face. I can't believe my doctor would put me through this. Not only is it hideous, it's painful. It's definitely affecting my QOL ...I can't leave the house. Have others experienced this? How long does it…
Sir-Spheres (Y-90) procedure...anyone have it?
In about 10 days I'll be having the SIR-Spheres procedure on my liver tumor. Many months of chemo (FOLFOX, FOLFIRI plus Avastin) have not seen much shrinkage. They say this mircorpheres procedure will put radiation directly on the tumor and it will start to shrink and continue to do so over several months. Then they say, I…
Prevention regiment after high-grade dysplasia.
Hi all, I've had Crohn's disease for 16 years now, and after a routine colonoscopy last revealed probable high-grade dysplasia, my GI guy recomended a total colonectomy with out the option of a j pouch (due to the likelihood of Crohns manifesting in the pouch). I couldn't bear the idea of that, so I elected against it.…
fanny pack kind of weekend and questions about tumor markers
Hello all! Chemo treatment #4 now. So when I recover from this one, I'm 1/3 of the way done. Yay! I am having more side effects from oxaliplatin as I go. More numbness, tingling, hand and eye cramps, cold intolerance. Nothing horrible, but hoping not to have to stop or reduce dose....we shall see. Went to MDACC for an…
Rectal Cancer
New Here. Rectal cancer 1 cmm from anal verge. T2 N0 M0 and still the standard protocal is a APR. Come on give me a break. Thank God for a enlightend surgeon who gave me options. I'm not looking forward to radiation ,chemo and then surgery but the other option was out of the question. I have been reading a lot of the posts…
Saunas with colostomy
Does anyone here know if you are able to in an infrared sauna if you have a colostomy? I just recently bought a sauna and now I find I may be going on a permanent colostomy.
was wondering if anyone has had. multiple lobectomys ? Thanks
Hello, I have rectal cancer and was operated on 2/13/2015 and underwent a proctocolectomy ended with a pernament ileostomy and chemo for a year. The colon-rectal surgeon was unable to get a margin around the tumor anterirorly and on the right lateral aspect because of involvement of the vagina, bladder and pelvic sidewall.…
CEA Results continue to be great.....with an update
To All, Update 11/11/15: a special note, this weekend my eldest daughter will be getting married. This is a day I thought I would not see when I was Dx'ed over 4 years ago. I kept thinking I was not going to be here for this or anything else. Well here I am and here we go. I will be the proudest and happiest Mother of the…
Insurance companies are ridiculous
in my last post I had said my husband's CEA has crept up from 1.34 to 4.88. He is stage 4 with a liver resection for two mets last October. MRI in May showed an 8mm non specific enhancing nodule at the hepatic flexure adjacent and inferior to the resection margin. Onc ordered a PET insurance denies it saying there is not…
A Much Needed Update
I've been on this site for a while. I think that Ron50 might be the record-holder and Jeff isn't too far behind. I know there are some others but I can't recall who at the monent. It's not a contest but more of a sign of hope for newbies and oldbies alike. One can survice colon cancer or in my case, live with it. I realize…
Survivor Guilt
I remember someone on here talking about how some of the members on here got better and were NED and haven't been on since. I thought 'good for them'. But it would still be nice to hear about their stories. I've been in this battle for coming up on two years. My brother was diagnosed with esophageal cancer five months…
My husbands cancer is back again
I am so confused as to how to go forward, he was stage 3 at diagnosis (2010) and had surgery to remove part of his colon and the affected lymph nodes. The surgeon assured him he got it all and because he was so scared of the chemo he didn't do it. 5 years later after a creeping cea his pet scan showed 2 mets on his liver.…
Owweeeee it hurts to pee---radiation side effext
Hi folks, just wondering if anyone has experienced this and maybe has some remedy. I have had 16 radiation treatments for rectal cancer, and just a few days ago the burning while urinating started to get a little worse. It probably starrted around the 12th treatment, and the docs know about it. They did test my urine, as I…
Hello everybody newbie here.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for letting me know that I am not the only one going through this journey. I have been looking at some of the posts before joining CSN. And all I have seen is alot of caring and sharing. Again THANK YOU for being there.
New here, but not new to cancer.
My husband has Stage 4 colon cancer with extensive mets to liver and lungs. He had resection of the primary tumor in April and began chemo in May. his treatment is palliative, but so far his response to chemo is good. He is feeling pretty good and side effects are less than what most people experience. I am a long-term…
Thank you all so much for welcoming me!
Hi everyone, thank you all so much for replying to my post about going this alone. I was really amazed at the number of replies, and the compassionate responses. You all gave me a much greater understanding of what it is like to go through this, and the struggles we all face with the people around us. I know for sure I…