Praise God!

melm Member Posts: 104
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Went to the doc today and he removed all stitches, tubes and drains! I couldn't believe it since surgery was less than a week ago! Anyway, said that the healing process is excellent and wants to see me in 8 weeks to schedule the nipple-areola reconstruction. For those who read my earlier post, I was concerned about the size and shape of the implants....well. Today was the first day I could look at them standing up with no bandages and I am soooo pleased with them! Don't know much about the different sizes but he said that I had 480cc's of saline in the expanders and that he put 550 cc's in these implants so, I guess it's my eyesight that's going now! Anyway, feeling very free and happy right now. Thank you for your responses to my many sometimes "dumb" questions. I love ya'll - each and every one of you!!
God's grace and love to you -


  • sharon_buck
    sharon_buck Member Posts: 62
    Mel Very glad to hear everything is ok!!! I saw my Onco. but, have to wait still radiation efects I will see him again in Sept. thinking of you Sharon
  • ssfoine
    ssfoine Member Posts: 25
    Isnt God good. Im having nipple reconstruction on Aug 10th.
    Mel..You are in my prayers. Watch them GROW
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
    Just wanted to say how happy I am to hear you are so pleased. I am glad to see somethings work out for the better. ENJOY...
  • melm
    melm Member Posts: 104
    24242 said:

    Just wanted to say how happy I am to hear you are so pleased. I am glad to see somethings work out for the better. ENJOY...

    Thank you for your positive thoughts and prayers! This is a long road we are all traveling but we are not walking it alone.
    Bless you all!
    In Christ's Love -
    Mel in Ark.