Please read this
http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=2100200&BRD=1407&PAG=461&dept_id=188030&rfi=8 Cut and paste this into your browser. It is an article on my and my experience with breast cancer that the local paper did on me here in town. Let me know what you think! Thanks to all of you! God Bless you all! Carrie
good news
I would like to thank those of you who helped me to pray for my friend's daughter, Sonja, a few months ago. I am so happy to tell you that she is doing really well right now. To refresh your memory, her Chicago oncologists had sent her home to 'die' because of her liver mets. Her husband even took a leave of absence to be…
You MUST read this book !
Hi everyone ! I found a great book on amazon.com, and wanted to share it with you : "Remarkable Recovery - What extraordinary healings tell us about getting well and staying well", by Caryle Hirshberg & Marc Ian Barasch. I am a third through it only, and find it to be a real page-turner. It gives hope for the worst…
Cancer Therapy
My wife had been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in 1972 when she presented with a left DVT(deep vein thrombosis) and pulmonary embolism. Workup which was triggered by this presentation revealed that she did have an ovarian carcinoma for which she underwent total abdominal hysterectomy and received leukeran treatment for…
radiation woes
dear Inkblot, I had the same reaction and believe it or not the only thing that relieved the itch was cornstarch. Use it like a talc, its very soothing. Good Luck, Janet
To you sir, I am so sorry for your pain over the loss of your life mate. Please, try to be thankful for the good and numerous years you had together. Like the other ladies have said, I will be so grateful if I get even 12 years. I know it is only human nature to want to grow old 'about 100', and die naturally in your…
hang in there with me!!
Hi there,just wanted to tell you I just had my third round of chemo last thursday and it hit me hard too. I was sick every 20 minutes for 24 hours!! Its now a week today and I feel pretty good, except that terrible taste in my mouth,nothing taste good,and I can only drink frozen coke. I have had to have procrit,which by…
I NEED HELP ON THIS I HAD A MASECTOMY IN 1995 i didn't get problemns with this until this last year now it stays all the time the fluid stays in my arm & upper back it gets so bad that my husband will massage it out.I always did things not to get lymphdema i stay in fear on getting that so i would work that arm all the…
3 Down, 1 To Go!
Hi Ladies, I just finished my 3rd chemo treatment. It hasn't been as bad as so many of you that have shared, but I do have my days of nausea, extreme fatigue, and just wishing it were all over. I am glad I am doing the chemo though. I need to know I've done everything I possible can to defeat this illness. God has taught…
Informative site
Goodmorning everyone, I have spent some time this last week on another site chatting with women. I see our site is slowing down, many with hard battles to get through, not enough energy in the day. I know through time we will all bump into women worried about their risks, interested in all we have to say about our fights.…
Ice Bound
Just wanted to share with all of you a great book that I just finished. It's called Ice Bound. Dr. Jerri Neilson wrote about her experiences while being trapped on the South Pole and being diagnosed with breast cancer. It is such a great book and really shows her outlook on life. I recommend that you read it! Great book!…
A handsome, middle-aged man walked quietly into > > > the > > > > cafe and sat down. Before > > > > he ordered, he couldn't help but notice a group of > > > > younger men at the table > > > > next to him. It was obvious they were making fun > > > of > > > > something about him, and > > > > it wasn't until he remembered he…
Breast Pains
I had a lumpectomy 11/1/00 and radiation that was completed 6/24/01 (chemo in between). Both went smashingly well. But now I'm having little stabbing pains in my breast. The Oncologist said this is common. Has anyone else experienced this and how long does it last? Jamie PS I'm also on Tamoxifen ... does anyone have breast…
Please Advise Me!
Hi there, Because I had DCIS and a mastectomy the surgeon said I did not need an oncologist. He put me on tomoxefin and said I'd need to be on it five years. He gave me no other information on my cancer other than the fact that it was Grade 2 - 3 and some of it was quite aggressive. However, he was sure it was all…
Radiation Woes
Am halfway through radiation and have developed a "breakout" on my skin. Little itchy bumps. Radiation Oncologist suggested that I apply a cortisone cream. It helped for a few days but it's back to itching again and spreading. At my treatment on Friday, they gave me an ointment called Aquaphor...a petrolatum based cream…
Last treatment this Friday
Hi everyone! I am sosorry I have not been on here in a month. I thank all of you for your kind words of encouragement. I was very sick after my last treatment and ended up back at the hospital. I am fianlly feeling better just in time to have my fourth and final FAC treatment this Friday through Monday. I have tests on…
best pain meds
Hi to all: I am asking this for my husband's aunt. She has been fighting breast cancer for 20 years and has never had any chemo (because of other health concerns); only radiation treatments and the oral meds. A few months ago she discovered she had bone mets, and the Aredia is helping with that pain; and now it has been…
breast cancer and lupus
Hello, I have been recently diagnosed with grade-3 infiltrating ductile breast cancer. I will be visiting a surgeon for the first time on Wednesday and I have been reading some pamphlets about possible treatments. I have lupus and the pamphlets have mentioned that people with lupus may not be able to have lumpectomies with…
Good & Bad news
Hi everyone. Sorry to have been quiet for so long but I have had more complications as if the pneumonia was not bad enough. After 5th chemo I developed deep vein thrombosis - apparently a side effect of cancer - and had two clots behind my left knee. Very painful & back into hospital again for treatment. I had to have…
insurance woes
Hi....Hope this finds everyone doing well. I know my problem is not as critical as some but none the less, I'm looking for advice. Our primary health insurer is denying my claims; they are trying to prove a pre-existing condition. They haven't paid anything, not the annual mammogram, lumpectomy, mastectomy or the…
recurrence young person
I am a survivor who visited with a 30 yr. old having a recurrence after mastectomy. Has gone through 4 chemos - not helping. Spread is to neck nodes, skin and other breast. Is very despondent, needs to know what has helped others in this same situation. Please help - thanks.
abnormal paps
my paps have been slightly abnormal last three years (after chemo and tamoxifen)... no one ever told me there was any connection, but i've suspected there is. now i've gotten so it doesn't bother me any more and am overdue for my pap test by about six months. who knows? maybe it will clear up, maybe not. just another…
Questions about constipation on AC
I underwent my 3rd AC treatment last Tuesday Sept. 4. I was very very constipated the first AC and the next treatment it wasn't too bad. This third treatment I have been very very constipated. I have been taking bowel softeners, sennacot and milk of magnesia. I still feel constipated although my bowels have moved a little…
Breast Cancer in Bones
I am having a very difficult time finding a pain medicine to work for me. As far as I know, I have NOT had what is termed "bone pain," which would be a dull, persistant ache. I have the type of pain which can only be described as sharp, stabbing pains whenever I move...very similar to wrenching or pulling muscles. At this…
I want to let you all know which i pretty sure you do that we have a virus alert again they said this is the worst one of all, anyway its getting in your files whether you open them or not on attacments and fwd mail they say that the norton is picking it up but to be on safe side said to go in your address book click new…
I like to take the time to tell all of you here how much I'm so grateful on what you all did for me.I don't know what lies ahead for us in our country.I think alot of all of you here,when I got computer in june you all took right in on being a friend to me.I know I'm old to breast cancer but was knew to computers ,which it…
What are tumor markers?
THis is probably a stupid question, but I have not a clue what any of you are talking about when you say that you've had tests for your tumor markers. I don't think that I have ever had this done. I am 24 years old and was diagnosed in April 2001 with stage 2, grade 4, breast cancer. 1 of 13 nodes were positive, my tumor…
hate is strong, but love survives
My continued prayers for all of you who are grieving and in shock. My special prayers go out to all the rescue workers for their continued strength and courage; and heartfelt gratitude for their personal sacrifices. There is hate everywhere in the world today, for all kinds of illogical reasons; from feeling superior to…
Need gift suggestions
Hi, I need some simple advice. I have a dear friend who is going through chemo for breast cancer. A few of her dearest friends are throwing her a "hat shower" to show our love and support. I was hoping you could give me some suggestions on what to bring her as a gift. (A woman can only have so many hats...) If you can…
september 14th remember day!
i like all of you to remeber we will be saluting our flag tomorrow,at 12;00 noon there will be a salute to the flag asking all to put the flag out at home if don;'t have one theres all kinds on internet that you can print out and pin on you,also at 7:00pm there will be a candle light service to all americans that died on…