golf balls
I call mine gym socks. I knew they were there before the double mast, but they seem so conspicuous now. I feel like I need a bra with side cups. As for reconstruction...I had breast expanders put in at the same time as my mastectomies. Of course I didn't have anything done while I was on chemo and taxol, but I am back…
Hi i have what looks like loose skind under my arm and kind of off too the side is this the same thing you had?Iam still not sure about reconstruction yet either think allgo in after first of the year and talk to someone about it and get more detalies.I just want to fell human again and not be ashamed too wear something…
I have been on Tamoxifen for 1 year now following 4 chemo treatments and radiation for a ER positvie tumor. My most recent Dr. visit revealed elevated liver function test and I have been experiencing some abdominal pain. I have had a cat scan of the abdomen which was read as negative for mets but showed fatty liver…
low white count
I finished chemo at end of January and radiation at end of March. I got pretty heavy duty chemo, FAC, taxotere and herceptin. I had trouble the whole time keeping my white count up. Had to take neupogen every round. But now still has not come back up. Once was 3.2 but has been dropping ever since. Most recent 2.0, just had…
"Golf balls" removed
To those of you who have the excess bulges after your mastectomy. I had the "wings"(sides of my body) and "golf balls" (under arms) removed. I am so happy I did it because I feel more human and less bothersome. It was an outpatient procedure, and again, the healing process. I'm still unsure about reconstruction....need…
chemically induced menapause
Help!! I am really suffering from hot flashes. I can't sleep more than three to four hours initially then only 15 - 20 mins every other hour or more. Just finished last chemo AC doctor suggested Zoloft but wont kick in until 1 month. Don't think I can last that long. Ambian and sleep agents dont last either. any tips???
herceptin side effects
To those of you on herceptin - did you have more severe side effects in the beginning? did anyone have to stop herceptin because of heart failure? Think I will begin this treatment along with my zometa infusion on dec. 1 - monday. Thanks for any info - and thanks for info on the ports. A "friend" said to me yesterday:…
ER negative Follow-up care
I had an ER negative tumor with a high HER-2, which is a very aggressive tumor with a high risk of recurrance. I have completed all chemo and radiation treatments. If my cancer were ER positive I would now go on to tamoxifen and then the new drug just approved. I feel very vulnerable just going to my Oncologist quarterly…
thank you, thank you, thank you
Thank you to everyone who prayed for my friend, Ben. He had his surgery on Monday, Nov.24. The dr. told his family they were looking at a 10 hr surgery, that he wouldn't be out of surgery until about 5 p.m. he was out by 2. Everything went well,and they think that they got all of the cancer. I talked to his wife today and…
Happy Thanksgiving
Just a quick note to tell everyone to be thankful for what they have.God,Kids,Family,Love,Husband,ect. Look around and enjoy the day... Colleen
Re; If I don't get the rest that I need I get tired very easy.
Does any one find out if they don't get the rest that they need they seem to get very tired very easy. I'm careful in what I take because of the chemo that I went through. I always check with my doctors first . I take calcium, a multivitamin , and nexium for acid reflux and niacin for triglycerides and that is about it .…
Club Membership
You all know this is a club we never wanted to join, but you meet the nicest people. I was at a gift store yesterday, oohing and ahhing at the pretty Christmas decorations, I commented to a woman in the store that it was very warm (hot flash, you know). She starting talking to me while we waited in line. Low and behold she…
I just finished reading an essay called "Welcome to Cancerland" by Barbra Ehrenreich, it left me fealing confused and a little upset. Has anyone else read Her essay and have any thoughts or feelings on the topic. Emma
I am looking for breast specialists and reconstructive plastic surgeons in Dallas. If anyone has had good experiences, please let me know who to call.
The Mighty have Fallen
To all Who Read this: Michael Jackson has finally fallen from grace. For years he has cooped himself up with the kids of America into his Neverland Rach and finally he has fallen from the grace of America. I use to listen to his music when I was growing up and since this he has repulsed the world by his wierd attitude and…
Vision Info
Today I posed some of the questions to my very GOOD eye doctor and she gave me info I was unaware of so- if you know it, great and if not well, that's great as well. She informed me my eyes are still watering 5 months post chemo because the chemo that tears down new, fast growing cells in hopes of getting those pesky…
Just a note
It has been an interesting last year with the renewed sense of health, coping with all one must and still able to smile, to laugh, inspite of it all. I said in a reply that I prove doctors wrong and myself wrong often. The doctors have pushed the stress thing when ever I haven't gotten over a side effect that my body…
herceptin without a port
Are there any of you who are getting weekly infusions of herceptin without a port. I did the AC and Taxol - 8 treatments in all - without a port - and also have had three infusions of zometa but the next zometa will include herceptin/ chemo and will be weekly - the herceptin goes on indefinitely. I'e like to avoid a port -…
Hi out there,I went to the dr. yesterday to get a refill on my meds.While I was there I showed him a cut on my wrist that I received last week that stayed sore and red. He said it was cellulitis. It is on the same arm as my lumpectomy. Also he talked to me about his wife who has also breast cancer but in the past had…
Insurance Issues
Just to FYI you all. It is a FEDERAL law that you can not be penelized for a preexisting condition if you are covered by insurance at an employer and then change jobs and get new insurance as soon as it is available. HIPAA When you leave your employer they should give you this form called "Proof of insurance" You give that…
How to get the most out of Radiation...READ THIS !
Have you taken radiation, are you taking radiation? Did anyone tell you niacin, aspirin, and breathing oxygen (through a face mask) would improve the radiation killing of solid tumors. That supplementing your diet with vitamin C, E, beta carotene, selenium, gamma linoleic acid and CoQ10 SIGNIFICANTLY improves the survival…
Lymph Node
Has anyone found a lump under there arm that comes and goes? And had a reoccurrence of cancer?
Looking for GOOD Doctors in N. Illinios
I may need to find a surgeon in Northern Ill. (Chicago or surrounding area) I figured the best place to start is with the experts. You Guys! If any one out there has information on a doctor good or bad please post so that I can make an informed choice. Thanks
Does any one find out that after only a total of four Treatments that they still get tired very easy
Hello I find out that after a total of four Treatments that I still get tired very easy and my last treatment was June the 10th. I still shouldn't get tired this easy . I'm still working part -time because that is all I can handel for now. I still hear different comments also like you cut your hair. I find that when I get…
Hi! I have been on tamoxifin for about 6 months. I was having trouble with night sweats and hot flashes so my doctor put me on effexor. It helps for a while but now the night sweats and hot flashes are back. Has this ever happen to anyone else? If so, what did you do? Thanks in advance. Ida
I had reconstruction done, but Im having shooting pains (like muscle cramps), but no muscle as such was used, fat was taken from my tummy. Has anyone had a similar experience to this?
Atlanta Breast Cancer, Stage IV - Met
I need treatment, I have COBRA and am out of network and employer provides no insurance. There has to be some place I can get treatment to stay alive.
I am looking for others whose implants ruptured or were replaced due to age (expected to rupture as they were getting old) to find out: 1. How you decided whether or not to replace the implants with another pair 2. If you waited until your imlants ruptured or replaced them before they could rupture 3. If you replaced your…
healing from radiation
I hope someone out there can give some info. I was diagnosed in oct 2002 with invasive ductile carcinoma. Had lumpectomy and auxilary node removal...11/11 pos. went through ACT chemo and 6 weeks of "agressive" radiation treatments. All of this ended in July. I am still having a lot of swelling, redness, pain and heaviness…