Implant ruptures
I just had a bi-lateral mastectomy and am undergoing reconstruction. I am 42 and BRCA1 positive. My older sister had bi-lateral mastectomy when she was 38 and had saline implants. Both of them have ruptured. One is infected. Does anyone know about health risks from this? She has just moved to another state and has no…
Dental problems after chemo
I finished my treatment three months ago. Lately, I've noticed that my teeth are extremely sensitive. Is this yet another side effect of chemo? I know that it targets rapidly dividing cells which is why I had to take the Neulasta shots (ouch) but should it effect my teeth? Just curious. I have a dental appt next Wednesday…
groin swelling
anyone ever had groin area swell up or get infected? mom has bc w mets to brain and liver. last summer had mass develop n groin. dr said it was nfection caused from tattoo. few months later we fouund she had brain mets. a few weeks ago we found liver mets. shes on gemzar and navelbine. today she said that she thinks she…
my own forums
Hi all I am Tom a lung cancer surviver and I just started a very good forum for myself and others.It is a survivor forum I call csf so feel free to drop in and tell us your stories about your cancer so that others may learn.go to www.chatarea.com/csf to sign in and post.I will be adding a chat room later.CSF = Cancer…
Click and help...
Hi Ladies: Just wanted to pass along a website which helps underserved/uninsured women to get free mammo's. All you have to do is go to: ww.thebreastcancersite.com and click! Everyday that you visit the site and click, helps. Easy to do and no cost involved. Happy clicking! Love, light and laughter, Ink
radiation and sore throat
I am wondering if anyone else has experienced a sore throat while receiving radiation treatments for bc? Also, has anyone experienced joint pain while on tamoxifen?
Needle Loc Biopsy
Hello all. Here's my story: last Thursday I went to have my 6 month mammogram. The radiologist was not happy. He said that I have calcifications that are different than what he saw in July. His recommendation was to have a needle loc biopsy. I had an appointment with my oncologist for this past Tuesday as part of the 6…
I am new to the group. I am starting radiation on Monday after 24 weeks of chemo. Just wanted to get some feedback on experiences with radiation. I believe it will be much easier than the chemo. Also, any idea on how long hair takes to grow back?
breast cancer
I just had a mastectomy 8 weeks ago and chose not to get reconstruction, I would like some tips and various bras, how did you choose, what you did and did not like thanks, joanh
had ct scan and bone scan
hello all, yesterday i had a bone scan and ct scan after finishing all my treatments including radiation doc. said wanted those done before i get my port removed> I feel so nervous and scared now so afraid that something might be found in those test i wouldnt know how to cope anymore if they did been tru so much this past…
tamoxifen & uterine polyps
I took tamox. for 4 yrs for breast canc., my onc kept telling me vag. bleeding natural. He was wrong, had large polyps in uterus. Had hys w/tubes removed & doing great (2 mos ago). As for hot flashes - gyn. gave me Zyrtec (taken each night) and no HOT FLASHES at all. Zyrtec is an allergy medicine (antihistimine) being…
port removal
I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that this Friday I am having surgery to remove my port-a-cath.I am so excited about this.I have wanted it out since July.My onc finally gave the okay.It will be a year(almost) that I got my dx,when I have the surgery. For those of you that know about the dude ranch I have…
carotid artery tests
everything was fine,no scarring no clots. thank you all for caring and thank you all for prayers.i have to work now,ill stop in on wednesday. god bless everyone
Degenerative disease
Hi all, I have another question for you. After having a bone scan last July, I found out that I have degenerative disease in my shoulders and upper back. Also a mild case of scoliosis in my lower back. Since these pains are constant, how in the world am I supposed to know if anything else is happening? My doctor isn't one…
My oncologist has told me that I have a high calium count and that I need to have an infusion of Aredia. After chemo I'm not at all thrilled about infusion of anything. This is usually used for those that have had mets to the bone. They say that it can cause "flu like symtoms". Has anyone had Aredia infusions and can you…
Pet Scan
Okay here goes. Had stage 2b breast cancer in 4/2000, had mascetomy. Did the chemo., then last year ended up haveing to have hysterectomy, and the found the cancer was in the ovaries and no where else so they just had me go on armidex instead of the tamoxfien. Well they finally had me have a pet scan for the first time…
post radiation changes
Hi Ladies...haven't been around lately but I have a question. I finished my radiation therapy back in July. I had my mammogram yesterday and of course, they did a sonogram because they saw something "different". I saw my onc today and had him call for the results. There was no malignancy in either breast but there was a…
Treatments Over
I finished my treatment for breast cancer seven months ago. And I am trying to get on with my life but it seems that I have been more depressed since my treatments are over than when I was taking treatments. I quess I was busying trying to battle this disease. I am unable to get a good night sleep. I mentioned this to my…
carotid artery
hi all, just found this site. its been 5 yrs since my breast cancer.went to a new doctor for a yearly physical.she says that their is a quieter rhythem in one of my main arteries.she says it could be a small murmur or radiation scarring.now im nervous.going for ultra sound saturday. how come no other doctors noticed this…
Needle aspiration of lump??
Hi all, I have a question in regards to needle aspiration of a lump. When I first found my lump in March the doctor did a needle aspiration and it came back NEGATIVE. Long story short..my surgeon just decided he wanted to take out the lump anyway..good thing he did because it was a 1.6 cm with one node positive. Anyway my…
What area doctors thinking??
Thank you ALL for responding on the needle aspiration post. I am so thankful I found this site, you are all wonderful women. Like you Live42day...I feel I owe my life to my surgeon also, even after all the results of mamo and biopsy he still wanted it out, and out NOW..I will always be grateful to him. I am in the process…
Reconstruction after 11 years???
I had DCIS and squamous cell carcinoma on the nipple 11 years ago. I received a modified radical mastectomy with no lymph involved. I was not offered reconstruction. I have gotten very tired of a prosthesis since I am in the middle of menopause and the hot flashes are sometimes unbearable. I am wondering if I am foolish…
Hummingbyrd--how do you know so much?
Hummingbyrd, How do you know so much? You're great-- so much more informative that my doctors office!! Thanks bpcbrinks
Hopelessness & Despair
My story: I'm 39 yrs old and in the midst of treatment. 2 more cycles of A/C to go. Diagnosed 10/03, invasive ductal carcinoma. My tumor was 1.2 cm, ER/PR neg/ HER2 neg. grade 3; very aggresive. No node involvement, clean margins obtained after reexcision. My husband shaved my head last Sunday after my hair started coming…
Cinnamon and spice
This doesn't directly pertain to us, but thought it was interesting news. Studies show 1/4 tsp of cinnamon a day will decrease the blood sugar level, fats and cholesterol by 30% in non-insulin dependent diabetics in just 40 days. Report did not mention insulin dependent diabetics. See your doctor before altering diet.…
Jose, reply to posts
Jose, I am testing this by sending a new message and to see if the reply function comes up after posting.
Hello I still find out especially after the Holidays that I still get tired very easy and worn out
After the Hollidays I find out that I still get worn out very easy . I break down and cry very easy also because I'm tired is that normal .Right now I feel like my throat is trying to get sore and it is. My last Chemo Treatment was June the 10th of 2003 and I shouldn't be tired .Why am I so tired? It is not fair to any one…
tomoxifin testing?
My sister called me last night. SHe is thinking about being part of a study to see if taking tomoxifin will help prevent breast cancer to start with. She has not had cancer. Any opiions?
Lymphedema in my left leg.
I had radical prostate surgery. Dr. told us we got all of the cancer, just after the surgery; 10 days later he called saying we didn't get it all, radation, chemo. followed, Yea Lymphedma followed. I am currently working ever day at a refinery in Tx. I had a good Physical Theparist who's speciality is Lymphedema. Yes I…
For those that wanted to know how I take jello the ways are unlimited. A packet of plain jello can be mixed in to almost anything. I started out mixing it in my orange juice in the morning. Then I started making shakes by either mixing plain into an old fashioned one or flavored jello with milk and ice cream. Oatmeal in…