what do you think?

stepet Member Posts: 69
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Everyone, Here is a short history report. I went through radiation treatment for Hodgkins disease 1a in the winter of 2003. It was to my mantle field area (meaning my chest and neck area)I am a large breasted woman, so it was a little awkward to try to keep them out of the way. One side effect of the radiation is the potential for breast cancer. I had a PET scan done in March which showed "activity" under my right arm and in my pelvis. They then sent me for a CAT scan and they said it looked like the under arm concern was a muscle and the pelvic area was arthritis. I have a ache type pain under my right arm and it is making me nervous. Should I be? I also had a mammogram in early March as well. It came back normal. I am just so scared at anything that shouldn't be some place. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Sandi


  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    I think that the ache under your arm goes along with the diagnosis of muscle involvment, but I wonder if your doctor would be willing to do a needle biopsy, even if it's probably nothing, if it would put your mind at rest? I worried about every little ache and pain too, for probably the first 4-5 years after my breast cancer diagnosis. It takes a while to be able to relax about "changes". On the other hand, I am a firm believer in "biopsy it or take it out" vs "watching it carefully" - it's the NOT KNOWING that wears you down. I hope you are soon peaceful, and will keep you in my prayers.
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
    Worry is something that seems to plague us all after going through some of the horrific things we must to have life at the end of the day.
    The best advice that I have been given was from my Pain specialist who went hand in hand with the treament phase since side affects my constant companion. She suggested that there would be pains and things that I haven't felt before and not to let them go on too long. The best advice she could give is wait a couple of weeks and if it doesn't go away start making and appointment to have it checked.
    Arthritis in its various forms seems to be a common side affect and usually a joint thing not a deep inner pain. I think we all know now looking back at signs we all might of missed and I that I hope nags us into being more vidulant when it comes to our health.
    I often have deep pain in armpit but the result of lymphnode removal.
    Take care and try not to worry,
  • Morllyn
    Morllyn Member Posts: 1
    I was diagnosed with breast cancer a little over two years ago. After a lumpectomy, chemo therapy and radiation, my breast felt different, but I got use to the new feel. Then at the beginning of this year it started feeling different, kind of lumpy. I e-mailed my surgeon and he said to get in right away and have another mammogram! I did and nothing was found, just scar tissue. Apparently the scar tissue can change it's feel for quite a while, and scare the crap out of me when it does, but I will not feel bad about seeing the doctor any time something doesn't feel right or something feels different. I found my cancer when a cyst (that I had had since I was 19, I am 50 now) didn't feel right. So trust your body and yourself, if you feel something isn't right, talk with your doctor. I guess we will be jumpy for some time to come, but we are ALIVE!