If it's not one thing
it's another The good news: After 5 months of unemployment (and I'm a nurse) during this journey, I have a job! I will be working and living on the Navajo reservation in New Mexico. They provide reasonable housing, pay to move me and my family and pay me well! The area is pretty at about 6300 feet with pinon pine and very…
my husband just asked me how I know the mammo will hurt
since I haven't had one, he can't figure how I would know that,so I told him how they do it, and said he doesn't think it should hurt. I told him to let them do it to his balls, then he can tell me. hehe - was that terribly mean? =^..^=
support from men
hello. ok for a guy to post? hope so. i'm one of the men who does want to be there to support my gf who is about to start chemo. ive lost relatives to cancer but this is a lil more personal. im here specifically looking for how I best can support my gf. I already know the #1 thing guys tend to do is to "fix it" so i know…
Confused and upset
I just don't understand this. I have invasive ductal carcinoma. I was told that the mammy could not detect this because the tumor was so small less than 1 cm. A ultrasound confirmed this. Yesterday I was told MRI looked good, showed no more cancer than what we already new. Today I saw onc and she tell's me that MRI…
I forgot to tell you
Hello sisters, I was in a hurry this morning and forgot to tell you, first when i walked into the medical center for rads they were playing the song that our sweet warrior Chenheart dedicated to me in a earlier post ,,Christina Agullara's song "we are beautiful" It seemed every word was written for me. Thanks my kindred 50…
Adventures in Retail Therapy
When Moopy decided on Thursday that we needed a new refrigerator, I got right on it. When I first moved to Springfield, MO in 1987, I rented from a couple who owned a mom and pop appliance store. When the Moop and I got married in 1992, we bought all of our appliances and even our first bedroom set from Foster's Appliance.…
On my way to rads next Wednesday
Goodmorning sisters! I went to Billings Mt. yesterday where I will receive my rads, got the tatoos and pictures taken and planned what I will do. The ACS is wonderful and is providing free lodging, mon,-thurs. I will go home on weekends. I may have to move each week to a different motel until a apt. opens up, but what a…
I WON (now desparate for advice!)
Last weekend I went to the nicest fundraiser I think I will ever go to. The group had a Mother's Day Out for the ladies where we could participate in a silent auction, 50/50, get door prizes, sign up for all kinds of services and stuff. Well, to make a long story short, I dropped a couple of tickets in the silent auction…
young mom / wife
So, this is my first attempt to reach out to other breast cancer diagnoses. I am 32 and was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in January. I have endured a dbl mastectomy on April 10th and have completed 1 treatment of Chemo this past Wednesday….1 down and 7 more to go. I have a 6yr old daughter who is definitely my…
Is Moopy sporting new shoes???????????
Hello out there, Did Moopy (Moopy, did you....) ever get some lovely new footwear in exchange for allowing Joe to purchase some new furniture????? I just can't sleep another night without knowing! The Woman w/Many Clogs, Debi
Has anyone with lymphedema had any luck with manual massage relieving it? I have mild lymphedema on backside under arm, and on left arm. I am not good about wearing my compression sleeve regularly, but have started having massage (from therapist trained in this type of massage) twice weekly for two weeks and now once…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and A black lace bra. A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... One friend who Always makes her Laugh... And one Who lets her cry... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... A good piece of furniture not previously owned by Anyone else in her family... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE Eight matching plates,…
Shout out to aortus/Joe as in Moopy/Lisa and Joe!!!!
Ok Joe! are you really avoiding my posts or are you going to buy your beloved Moopster that new furniture and appliances she wants hahahahahah. you are so busted!! Love and giggles jackie
No more AC!! Taxol starts tomorrow...
Oh, how glad I am that AC is finally OVER. I never thought I would get through it...that stuff is horrible to the body. I start Taxol tomorrow, May 14th. Even though I know it's not as rough as AC, I'm still not looking forward to it. It seems like, if there is a side effect...I will have it. It's probably all in my head.…
10 year old Hannah
This is not a joke, or an urban legends. My co-worker husband plays baseball with Hannah's dad. She is a 10yr old diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer. She had a mastectomy. They have a webpage (being hit hard-it was on our local news a couple of days ago). If you would like to visit the site and send any good wishes her…
Posting Pix and Tutorials, etc etc
I have to laugh reading the terms URLs, upload, etc etc etc... I don't know how to do ANY of it, and I don't even understand the instructions so lovingly given by Aortus. If my life depended on copying and pasting, I'd be a dead woman! ! Truth be told, I have never even watched a movie in our DVD player...I don't know how!…
Guppy Love x 87 - Tasha
Tasha, how are your guppies doing? love the little fishies. I have three koi in my backyard pond and go out and talk to them every day. How much time does it take to talk to 87? Cat
Note To Cats Toy and Kathi
I don't know how to PM so I thought I'd post this note. If one of you knows how to PM. Send me an email and we'll try to set up a time to meet. I have an appt. with my onc and then will be going to work but I will try to check in today. Love to all Surf
A doctor at an (insane) asylum decided to take his inmates to a baseball game. For weeks in advance, he coached his patients to respond to his commands. When the day of the game arrived, everything seemed to be going well. As the national anthem started, the doctor yelled, ''Up nuts!'' And the inmates complied by standing…
Hi, I am new here
I just found out I have cancer. I'm not sure when I first found the lump. I had a breast cyst 13 years ago in the same place and was thinking it had come back. Wasn't really concerned so I didn't evern make an appointment to see my doctor until Spring Break from school. I am a high school bookkeeper. My doctor immediately…
Eric and Arthur.......
Altzheimers patients, Eric and Arthur sat on the park bench. Eric said: " I'm going to get and ice cream, Do you want one Art?" Arthur says; "Yes, vanilla with chocolate sauce, but you had better write it down or you'll forget" Eric:-----" I won't forget" Arthur: OK A vanilla with chocolate sauce and sprinkles........but…
The Funniest Joke EVER!
One day a young man was sat at a table in a local tavern, Two real Old Folks walk in and start talking about 'way things used to be, in the good old days'...He couldn't help but listen in on their conversation. They had obviously enjoyed their first date here 50 years ago. The young man was intrigued and moved closer. They…
Request for a VIRTUAL INTERVENTION with my wife Moopy
Hello, ladies! I have kept this shameful secret for weeks, trying to do what I personally could to help my beloved Moopster address a certain troubling situation. But now I must appeal to everyone here to help their fellow Sister In Pink. Moopy needs to buy herself new shoes. The shoes she has been wearing practically…
psychic visit
My crazy nomadic dear sister was in town for a couple days and treated me to a visit with a psychic that she had seen a few times. Hmmm.........I went for the entertainment and with an open mind because some of what my sister had heard in the past was kind of spot on weird. She started by telling me that my mom was there,…
reconstruction question
I think I may be impatient...again. Could someone please tell me how long after having expanders removed and implants put in did your breasts take their full shape? I had surgery on April 9th. Initially I felt great. Just to have the hardness of the expanders out and the softness of the implants was wonderful. The surgeon…
I have to recommend these 3 books to you all. Needlecraft for Junkies. How to mould your childs' behaviour through Fear and Guilt. How to Bonsai your pet. Enjoy. Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxx
Hey, what got censored?
Honest, I didn't write anything bad about roses, not even about their thorns. I'm trying to guess what I wrote without peeking at the edit. Any guesses? From one of my heroes who died of cancer:
I miss so much when I am away, bilirubin, questions.
It is so hard to keep up with all of you. I was at a workshop and I can tell I am way out of the loop, being gone for a couple of days. Anyway, I did get test results back today...inconclusive. They don't know why my bilirubin is high, at least the ultrasound did not give them any clues. All the nurse told me on the phone…
Hey, what got censored?
Honest, I didn't write anything bad about roses, not even about their thorns. I'm trying to guess what I wrote with peeking the edit. Any guesses. From one of my heroes who died of cancer: ouhttp://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g111/jmichel75/marley.jpgt there. Sheesh!http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g111/jmichel75/marley.jpg
Exemestane-_Anyone heard of it
Hi, I am wondering if anyone has heard of Exemestane. I was asked to be in a clinical trial for premenopausal women. There are 3 arms to the study. Arm A - the women are given Tamoxifen for 5 years. Arm B-Tamoxifen for 5 years plus ovarian suppression injections monthy Arm C-Exemestane for 5 years plus ovarian suppression…