Good News
Bone scan,CT scan all clean. MRI no more that what we already know. So on to surgery June 3rd. 2 days on Tamoxifen all good so far. Keeping positive thanks to all of my new friends here. Thanks for that. Kathy
Why am I so sad????
I'm approaching my one year anniversary and have appointments scheduled with my radiologist, surgeon, oncologist and to get my mammogram next week. I'm expecting a good report, so why am I so sad? I'm back to crying at the drop of a hat. I read the postings of the good news from the long time survivors, which should buoy…
cure for a bad day - a good laugh
OK here goes, let me know if this link works or not, I am not very computer literate. If you cant just click on it I think you can paste it into your browser. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzPEqnH5_WM
2nd golf joke
A golfer teed up his ball on the first tee, took a mighty swing and hit his ball into a clump of trees. He found his ball and saw an opening between two trees he thought he could hit through. Taking out his 3-wood, he took a mighty swing. The ball hit a tree, bounced back, hit him in the forehead and killed him. As he…
recreational drugs joke
Each new patient at the clinic where I work must fill out a questionnaire asking basic health and personal-history questions. One query that inevitably gets a "No" answer is, "Do you now use or have you ever used recreational drugs?" We were unprepared for the response of a young newlywed who wrote: "Yes—birth-control…
Temporary SSI
Hi I have been viewing this site for awhile and your discusions have made my journey in the world of bc bearable. I have a question for all of you. Has anyone received SSI benefits on a temporaty basis and returned to work after feeling better?
Cancer sniffing Dogs
This may sound kinda strange to some of you, but have you read or heard about dogs that can detect cancer? It took a long time for this to dawn on me ..but I watched a christian movie at the Nursing Home about dogs going to heaven. The pet dog of the Nursing home just passed away, and all of our residents (and me) were…
Morning. Just trying to see how this works. Lynn
Need help with prosthesis
I was wondering if anyone can give me advice about how to make my prosthesis (I hate that word must be a better one, maybe breast replacement) more comfortable. I had a right mastectomy 4 weeks ago. I am healing well and was told I could start wearing the weighted prosthesis. I was fitted at the hospital boutique for the…
chenheart! our warrior woman! how was your run/walk/chant???
Claudia, anxious to hear how your weekend went! Did you remember all of our names? Are your size 20 shoes worn out? Are your 25 foot legs sore? Thanking you in advance for your efforts on all of our behalf! Cat
golf joke
Police are called to an apartment and find a woman holding a bloody 5-iron standing over a lifeless man. The detective asks, "Ma'am, is that your husband?" "Yes" says the woman. "Did you hit him with that golf club?" Yes, yes, I did...” The woman begins to sob, drops the club, and puts her, hands on her face. "How many…
Oncotype DX test billing
Anyone else out there who has had the Oncotype test and is having trouble with your insurance covering it? Anthem Blue Cross applied it to my Out of Network Deductible, but Genomic (the lab in California that did the test) claims they are the only lab in America that performs this test, so it should not be considered "Out…
Shout out to Debi, our bfbear!
You were in our thoughts & prayers yesterday - day of your surgery - and, still are. With heartfelt hopes that all went well... We're looking forward to a "status report" from you, whenever you feel good enough to check in here. Kind regards, Susan
Please tell me this is not true
My grandkids other grandmother told me that if I have rads or chemo that I won't be able to be near the kids ages 1,3,and 5 years old. Oh my God, this would be a nightmare for me. Is this true.
How are you Debi/bfbear?
I saw where you posted Debi, but, you didn't say how you were doing. So, how are you?
Well, I sit here with a blanket around me, looking out to a snow-covered field, with a canal in front of it that is frozen solid. I just looked....it's 5 below 0!!!!!! Tomorrow will be my 3rd (!) time skating...this time, right out in front of the house on the canal. It is so beautiful...the sky is clear, but the days are…
Your thoughtfulness is appreciated!!!!
Many thanks to all of you who read my recent post. Yes, it is always wonderful to get the slightest words of encouragement from our doctors. I am sure that all of you have wonderful, caring doctors but of course, I appreciate my doctor calling me at home to give me the current updates. She even called to wish me a Happy…
Another Question About Tamoxifen
I also have never used this drug before having been diagnosis on April 15th. I am having surgery on June 3rd,but I am doing a clinical trail starting Sunday which starts me on Tamoxifen. My question is Do I take it in the morning or before bed. Does it matter when. Also do I need to worry about over the counter meds with…
Mothers Day Joke..Yes I found time,
I got the day off so I figured I'd bombard you all with more of my warped sense of humour... A medical one this time (Just to try to stay in concept) An Old man walks into the docs and says to the receptionist "My John Thomas isn't working right, can I see the Doc?" The receptionist gets all snotty and tells him "You can't…
Wanted to share!
Okay found this made me laugh so I decided to share. There are days I just can't sleep and days when I just can't wake up. Sorry for the language, hope no one is offended, like I said it made me laugh. Have a great day! RE
at wits end
I've been trying to change my picture on the message board and it won't change! I can delete it but can't seem to get the new one in. I went to my 'edit' and 'picture' and put in where the picture is located and click on 'submit' and the old picture always appears. Boo Hoo. I don't know what to do. How did some of you…
Ok, here it is: my "naked" picture
Me with my darling and grumpy cat, Bibby. Mimi
I don't know if this is some kind of anniversary or not, but it's been 6 months since I completed ALL treatment (chemo and radiation). Today I had my 2nd exam three month exam and I'm GOOD! My next mammogram and exam will be at the beginning of May - a little more then 3 months from now. I'm one very fortunate person. I…
just starting femara and would like to hear from anyone on it mostly if you are not having any "bad" side effects. just need some reassurence.
Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mothers Day to all in advance. Jake is taking me out to breakfast and then having my mother and sister over for probably a Maine lobster feed. Yummy. Jake will love everything lobster and clams. Hope everyone enjoys their day as much as I will. Hugs to all Margo
Celebrate with me!!
This stage IV cancer has not beaten me yet! I went for a checkup yesterday and my new drug to my body (Xeloda) is reducing the cancer markers ever so slightly. This old body is going to keep kicking just like that mean stuff is trying to kick me. The word, HOPE, keeps us all going and our strong faith in family and God.…
Done with rads!!!!!!
I finished my radiation treatments on Wednesday!!!! Happy feet dance since then, with lots of breaks 'cause I'm still tired and sore and nauseous! My skin should feel better by Sunday (according to the nurse). I did well until the last 2 boosters. Lots of water and I took a cod liver oil supplement - it's good for the…
Where do you lady's get all the cute graffic's from ????? and then how do you get them on this site ??
For all of my adult life, I have occasionally cried at "nothing" and I've always attributed it to my hormones. Now I'm on Tamoxifen, and it will be stamping out my hormones to starve the cancer. So when I cry for nothing now, or feel weepy--what do I blame it on? I can't believe my crying jags are over. Lisa
Hello to old friends and new! I have gone back to school, online, to get my masters and my computer time these days is full of it. And I sure do miss my time here. For my old friends, that may mean something. But, I am writing for the new friends on here too. I came on this board about a year and half ago, scared to death…