Funny Radiation Onc.story
So yesterday I met with my radiation onc. for the 1st consult. He was genuinely amazed to discover that I was pushing 60, so of course I love him...but that's not the funny part. I had a rt. mastectomy with an expander, but didn't do anything to the left breast. We were discussing how my expander would have to be deflated…
Cleaning Poem
Cleaning Poem I asked the Lord to tell me Why my house is such a mess. He asked if I'd been 'computering', And I had to answer 'yes.' He told me to get off my fanny And tidy up the house. And so I started cleaning up... The smudges off my mouse. I wiped and shined the topside. That really did the trick... I was just…
FInished treatments
Today I had my last radiation treatment. So after the surgery, chemo and rad, it is done. After seven months of worrying about treatments, I really don't know how to feel. It seems strange. I will still have drs. appt. once a month for a few months, and I will still be healing from the radiation for a month or so. But it…
I missed you
I have been away doing rads, i have missed you all so much, I am trying to keep up but, i think12/25 will have to put it in a nutshell for me!! I can only say that there is a connection here that is hard to explain, I have had a angel pop in on me in my deepest despair (Moopy) and words written from you all that came…
My identical twin sister
My twin sister had lumpectomy of her left breast in 12/07--atypical ductal hyperplasia. My surgeon highly recommended in January 2009 that she have a breast MRI given the fact that I was diagnosed with DCIS with invasion. She finally had it done last Thursday after months of me nagging. She got the results back…
wire needle localization.......
I have to have a wire needle localization on Wednesday morning May 20 prior to my lumpectomy........this has me more upset than the actual surgery.......anyone have this done.....is the needle inserted throught the nipple? I haveh had conflicting answers to this? Anyone, please comment on this....thank you
i miss you, and i know you don't post on weekends and thats all i can do. anyway i thought i would tell you that a woman i drive with to rads, was blown away because her neck was burned, she said she had lotioned up the whole time but mostly in the breast/underarm area and then the last week of rads showed me her blistered…
A priceless quote.....
"If common sense was so common, everyone would have it" Have a great day!!!! Hugs, Kathi
Just a quick post.......
Hello, lovely people! I have missed you all so much!!! My husband unexpectedly needed bypass surgery...that happened yesterday. But he has been hospitalized since last Tuesday. He came through the surgery and is in the Open Heart Unit at the hospital. Things are very encouraging! It's an hour commute to the hospital, and…
2 days off!!!!!!!
We got through the family wedding..........Brilliantly. Over 2 times the takings of friday, I am so tired I can barely type...But we done good! And Now I have sun/mon off!!!!!!! I 'split' a few things with customers who wanted only half of the special offers, because I did too....I paid and got half and so did they....I…
Wiggling my hips and shaking my 'thang' ! You won't believe this...BUT...Some guy in a corvette came in today and Hit on me! My boss's husband noticed all the attention he was giving me and was near hysterics after the guy left...He said it was so obvious it was hilarious! Rotton Sod! I can't believe it! Woohoooooooo…
lumpectomy vs masectomy?
Hi everyone!! Had visit with Family Doc today. He helped me sort out some of my feelings about what to do (Lumpectomy vs Masectomy). He feels because I have had so many lumpectomies in the past maybe time for masectomy. Plus I could have both breast done with reconstruction and be done with it. I guess pros & cons to both…
Did the Relay for LIfe
The company I work for was part of their city's (Benicia) 1st Relay for Life this year. Our group took breast cancer as its theme for their tent. We had another woman from my job that made the most amazing quilt to raffle. Another did a great informational board on breast cancer. And we had cupcakes, nutrition bars to…
here's what scares me...
After having an excisional biopsy where they removed the lump, (which came back low grade idc)... now, on the 9th I am having the complete lumpectomy and sentinal node (sp?) biopsy then I will be sent to an oncologist, because my surgon said that radiation will not be optional but instead a must. What we do not know is…
How long does it take to make a friend
I heard a radio show once where the expert was saying it takes an average of 7 or 8 years to make a friend. You have to get to know them and usually that takes time. But on this message board it's different. In my opinion who ever posts for the first time is a friend and doesn't need to wait for validation. You're all my…
Biopsies this morn
I am home resting at the moment. The lab didnt have my order in place so there was running around with that, but I finally got my pt/inr drawn. They biopsied both breast as planned. They found the solid mass on the right side pretty easily and got I think 5 pieces of that one, then they inserted a ribbion marker. Then they…
Just some thoughts... what a week
I have always viewed life as a journey, one that builds who we are like building blocks. Each twist and turn, adventure and heart break adding to our charater, weaving it's way through the fabric that ultimately becomes us. A year ago I lost my brother to cancer. He died in my living room. He was only 51 years old and had…
Biopsy on Friday
Wow... so I have to have a core biopsy on Friday. I went in for my routine mammogram and ultrasound. I told them about a new lump (there have been numerou-- for about as long as I've had breasts). That's the only reason I got the ultrasound. The mammogram looked garbled as always from all the density and cysts, but the…
Cancer survivor's health insurance
I'm now a five year cancer survivor. I'm in a group of two with the health insurance of my employer. Because of my history, it's a terrible plan ($10,000 a day, no matter what's wrong, and right now I'm needing a surgery that I won't do because of this limitation.) My colleague will switch to any health coverage that's…
Biopsy experience
Well, I went in for the core needle biopsy. Found out that my BIRADS was a 4. The doctor found the mass that were looking for with the ultrasound wand,and noticed that there was a lot of fluid in it, and so decided to do a FNAB. What came out looked like 1cc of red gunk with the consistency of toothpaste, nothing like the…
I encourage any of you having difficulty in any aspect to contact your local ASC, they have found me so much help in free housing while going through treatments, to free wigs, prosthesis, hats scarves whatever you need.. they do not know unless you contact them but be sure they will be there with much help and support,…
Thank you Aortus
Thanks to you and your tutorials this has become such a vibrant, colourful, funny, expressive site. I think of you everytime I post a pic or link with gratitude. It was so difficult not post a direct link (as some are not computer savvy enough to copy and paste or just can't be bothered due to feeling unwell) or expressing…
Hope you like this, I did.
My funny true story
My grandson, 4 years old at the time, got into my car to travel to a birthday party, and began telling me about his "visit from the diaherra" the night before. The little thing was so serious, and I could hardly keep from laughing as he described his ordeal. Fifteen minutes later I finally got a word in, and asked him,…
Our dear Cindy/CR1954
On Cindy's behalf, and with her permission, I'm starting this thread to inform all that she's taking a break from the board in order to attend to an unexpected family issue. Please be assured that Cindy, CR1954, is fine. She expressed her concern and worry that her temporary absence might cause the group to worry about…
My Brave Little Grandson
Over the weekend my oldest grandson Ian had a bit of a mishap and ended up with two staples in his head. His mommy say's he was very brave at the doctor's office. I wanted to share the photo with you all because I just love the ever so proud grin on his little face, it's all boy! He is fine by the way and is enjoying…
Kick that gits barmy arse-over-**** arse to the curb and tell him to keep his cakehole shut or we will have an eppy. Or he may have to start it off with the whole gang of us on the headcase. =^..^== how did I do?
Tommorrow's the day
I am nervous about having the biopsy on both sides tommorrow. I got permission to take a valium first friday. I am going to try to be tough about having my hubby in the room with me. Last year they made him stay in the waiting room. I was told that I will more than likely have extra bruising/swelling because of being on…
I just had to send it to her!
Today is my sisters' 52nd birthday~ she has multiple tattoos and piercings, is a heavy metal fan and an all around kick-a$$ girl. I thought you might get a giggle out of the Hallmark card I sent to her. It says: "Don't Worry about your age...celebrate your birthday like a teenager! Get one of your wrinkles pierced"!!!!!!!…
My 1st Chemo is scheduled for June3rd
Hi guys My 1st chemo is scheduled for 6/3 with the combo of cyclophosphamide (adriamycin), (Taxotere) 6 treatments 3 weeks part or TAC I guess the Oncologist called it...so my thing is this....I know everybody is different , but how sick am I likely to be after the 1st round?... really....I need to know cause I live alone.…