Back from St. Louis with NED in tow!
The last couple of weeks have been intense for Moopy and me. Two weeks ago today (May 19) we were in St. Louis with our oncologist there. A pleasant, upbeat meeting - except while rereading Moopy's PET scan from December, she saw a possible "hot spot" in one of the intramammary lymph nodes. This, in turn, affected plans…
I can relate, thought I would share...
Will You Be My Friend... ~James Kavanaugh There are so many reasons why you never should: I'm sometimes sullen, often shy, acutely sensitive, My fear erupts as anger, I can find it hard to give, I talk about myself when I'm afraid And often spend the day without anything to say But I will make you laugh And love you quite…
Questions about this site & how to??
Okay... totally off course.. does this site have the ability for private chat? how do you email someone on here?? I'm all confused? Seems to be my natural state lately. ~T
Questions about this site & how to??
Okay... totally off course.. does this site have the ability for private chat? how do you email someone on here?? I'm all confused? Seems to be my natural state lately. ~T
Hi Everyone, Thanks for all of your prayers and words of encouragement to me and others. I had my MRI the other day and will be having lumpectomy on June 15th. Continue to pray for me that surgery goes well without complications. I am nervous about being put to sleep. I have never had general anesthesia before. I am trying…
swollen ankle
I've read some posts on lymphedema (sp?) ... and I guess I still don't quite understand what it is. I know when I see my oncologist he always feels my ankles, knees etc. so I assume he's looking for swelling ... or something. Anyway ... yesterday I happened to look down at both legs/feet when they were together ... and my…
newbie to CSN
June 6th 2009 I'm 60 years old and have been on this journey since 1995. I have been diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic breast cancer, October 2008, with metastasis to the bone. I had a 13 year disease free interval, after being diagnosed with stage IIb breast cancer and undergoing FAC and bilateral mastectomy. Many of my…
If Laughter Is The Best Medicine....
So, Conan O'Brien was fortelling the future, and he said that in the year 3000, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook will merge to become one mega company. The company name? You-Twit-Face!!!! I loved that!! Hope it makes you smile, too! :-) Hugs, Claudia
Breaking the News to Mom
Mom just had her second chemotherapy session. How do I tell her that she needs to eat better? She thinks she can eat anything and damn the consequenses. She has heartburn all the time and takes prilosec everyday. It is doubly bad because she is diabetic. She can't have milkshakes without sending her blood sugar sky high.…
Thought this was cute hope you enjoy it. Scotch with two drops of water. A lady goes to the bar on a cruise ship and orders a Scotch with two drops of water. As the bartender gives her the drink she says, 'I'm on this cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday and it's today.' The bartender says, 'Well, since it's your birthday,…
its recovery time...
I had my surgery on Monday.. it was suppose to be a 5-6 hour proceedure but ended up being 11 hours.. But the doctors said.. that they 'got it all' I had the bi-lateral Mascteomy with reconstruction.. they also took a biopsy of my limpnodes and that came out clean.. :-) I see the doctor again on June 5th, but from what it…
Not for the faint at heart.... this is just crazy...I have to laugh
Okay.. so I have breast cancer...but right now believe it or not I'm not even thinking about it... why?? My stomach is twisted in knots... feel sick....Would you believe my doctor decided that he felt I should have a colonoscopy...I personally feel his timing sucks... as I chug this nasty stuff they've given me in order to…
Trams & recovery time?
End of Sept '08 I had a double mas w/reconstruction using a tram & free tram, sinse then surgery for tweaking the reconstruction and 2 surgeries for hernia repairs (caused by fascia tearing at free tram site). I have another tweaking and nipple tattooing in September. I tell myself that instead of having to go through…
What do you think girls?
What do you think about my new pic? Gosh if only we could huh? Hugs..........................JoMama
CSN Staff~ further Explanation, please! Thank You!
Just so we understand, dear CSN Staff~ Are you saying that these boards are for Words Only and NOT pix and icons and the like? I think mot of us know about the Expressions page, but being that we are here on the boards, scrolling through the lives of one another practically as they happen, it seems appropriate to post a…
It's over, my update
Read all the post's this morning and Thank you all for all the prayers. I am doing ok I guess. My right arm hurts a lot. They said that some of the pain is caused by the position my arm was in durning surgery.I had the shakes most of the day yesterday,and I mean the shakes, whole body up to the teeth chatter.Thats gone…
deflated expanders for radiation
Has anyone had their expanders deflated before radiation? How did it work out?
Deleted, not censored~
Well, I went to the Terms we all "agreed" to when we joined CSN...and if you scroll way down, you will see that the ACS has the right ( approved by us) to remove anything deemed racist, obscene, rude, or otherwise offensive. Sadly, Tasha, I believe your church window was offensive to the powers that be, even if most of us…
This Place, These People!
I wanted once more to TRY and say hello to the new ones, hooray to those finishing treatment, ((((HUGS))) to those just starting treatment, and a general greeting to all of you here! I am not sure if it is my computer or me ( most likely!) this site, or just what is happening! I keep seeing the "Page Cannot Be Displayed"…
'Fess up Time
Hi......Here is a side to me that only some of you know about. I have a son, he lives with his Dad in England (his choice) He comes to Canada to visit me, or I go to england at least once every year, I phone him every second night and I miss him like hell. He is 15. I Booked his flight Monday.........He's coming over JUNE…
A laugh for the day
Here is a laugh for everyone. I hope you all like it. A Prayer for all the girls: Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my shape to keep. Please no wrinkles, Please no bags And please lift my butt before it sags. Please no age spots, Please no gray And as for my belly, Please take it away. Please keep me healthy,…
Pammy invites you for a Happy dance break!!
Hey everyone....start shaking those booties!! Just got word that Insurance approved PET/CT scan. And just my luck that they have the day off today to know about it. Well, keep your fingers crossed that Dr can get Nuclear to bump me to top of list to have done before Wed so I can get on with this surgery....in the…
Oh, Yea, I'm finished!!!!
Hey all!!! Just want you to know----I HAD MY LAST CHEMO YESTERDAY!!!! 4 AC's and 4 Taxols----FINITO!!! Now, I start looking for some hair--somewhere--anywhere!! Huge Hugs, Cheryl
Natural remedies?
Another question for you all... my mom is on FEMARA and the doc seems to think this will work, but I am wondering about natural remedies. Is there certain things I need to make sure she eats/does not eat? I was researching on the internet and found some site that said if you have Stage IV breast cancer and you use these…
Please advise on this: Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg
Has anyone ever taken this high blood pressure med before. It's kinda like a water pill. I have to lower my bloodpressure before my surgery june 23rd. What are the side effects of this? Plz advise!
Wanted to tell you how adoreable your little friends are. For those who cannot see them check them out in the expressions gallery.......very nice photo! HUGS, RE
My mom was just diagnosed...
Hi! My first post so I will get right in to it....Two days ago we learned my 63 year old mom was diagnosed with Advanced Breast Cancer-- or Stage IV. It started in her breast and spread to the bone. However, all of her mammograms have came up clear which is what is so frustrating/scary for all of us. I spent yesterday…
Newly diagnosted today - IDC level 3
I just got diagnosed this morning. I am so scared I don't even want to google it. I am 41, with 2 boys, the youngest is 2.5. I just want some assurance that I will get over this. I am sure in the next few days I will have more courage to ask questions. I may be going to MD Anderson here in Houston for treatment. How do you…
That dunnit! Now I can't post pics at all....Huge slap on the wrist for me. Please Nice staff at CSN, let me post a pic, I'll make it clean and decent and not completely sick A cuddly one of dog or cat or lots of turquoise fishes... Oh kindly Lords of CSN. I hope you'll grant my wishes.
To reconstruct or not?
Hi Everyone: I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and will need to have a mastectomy on my left breast. I am trying to decide at this point whether to have reconstruction or not during the surgery. The procedure for the saline implant (the only option I can use)sounds very scary, but the emotional issue of not…