Good Morning....
I woke up this morning feeling sick to my stomach...seems to happen a lot lately... after laying here for a while, I opened my laptop and signed on to this board. I started reading... and reading... and reading... and more reading... then here is what happened... I found myself smiling at my husband... noticed the sun…
Lymphademia apt. with specialist
Thanks to Re ,i already knew alot about this. But I didn't know that the massage machine i have at home could be making my lymphedemia worse. I guess it is too much applyed pressure and could damage me further. My specialist wants to do treatment on it with a lighter physical massage, then wrapping my arm and hand. After…
Hi everyone, I finished my final round of AC and now I have lost most of my eyelashes. I think this is worst than the hair loss. I look like an ailien, did I mention I longer have eyebrows? Like ohillys thick hair I had long full eyelashes .I miss them. When will they come back? Will they fall out with taxol? Any advice…
Skin feels like it is crawling
Sometimes my skin feels like it is crawling and I wondered if it could be a side effect from Arimidex which I started in March. It happens intermittently on different parts of my body even though I use daily moisturizers and seems to occur when I get warm/hot. I'll mention it to my Oncologist later this month, but wondered…
Stereotactic core biopsy ended with hematoma
Hi, I am so happy to find this site! I was diagnosed with b/c on 5-21. I had a core biopsy on 5-18 that resulted in a large hematoma. Can't have an MRI until this blood clot is reabsorbed. Has anyone had an experience with Dr. Priscilla Strom in Gainesville,GA?
Pain in Breast
Is it normal to have pain in your breast? Julie
New to the boards, DX at 40 years old in December 2008, chemo DONE, ready to get strong and healthy
I have been reading a lot of your inspiring stories throughout my journey since December. Thank you all for sharing! I was diagnosed right before Christmas in 2008 - triple negative, 3 nodes positive. Bilateral mastectomy with tissue expanders. I will have implant surgery in the fall after I enjoy my summer! I have been…
Has anyone had nosebleeds from the Taxol and Herceptin treatment? The nosebleeds are not bad but drives me crazy. Always have to make sure I have Kleenex with me. I also think some of the weird taste in my mouth is from the post nasal blood dripping. I know how gross! Margo
In the big scheme of things ... this is fairly minor ... but it's driving me nuts. I just completed 12 weeks of taxol/herceptin ... however ... I was very stubborn the past couple of weeks and did NOT listen to my body when it was trying to tell me to s-l-o-w down. I just kept going. I don't know if it was a cold or…
I have this sign hung by our pool in our back yard, thought you'd get a kick out of it. Tasha, I love the sign on your gate. RE
I thought this was really funny
My son just bought a T-Mobile G-1 phone. It has voice search capabilities. He was testing it out and saying words and it would find the website. I asked him what it would do if he coughed into it. He coughed and it found the website for Avast anti-virus software! I told him I was going to tell you guys and he said to make…
I was doing more reading... and something dawned on me... I've noticed that more often than not, prior to a lumpectomy most of you have met with an oncologist. I went from the imaging center directly to a surgon... who did the excisional biopsy, who called with the news, who is doing the lumpectomy and node biopsy... and…
10 year old Hannah - update
I heard Friday that they are going to have a "Hat Party" for Hannah on Monday. Everyone shows up with a hat to give her. She is starting chemo and they want to do this before she starts losing her hair. They did say she had some breast tissue, yes at 10 years old, and it had been removed. She seems to be in pretty good…
please-------------- - info on ER/PR negative, her-2+
Does anyone out there have this type of breast cancer. Would like to know more. I have completed chemo and will start radiation in a week.
Cancer Vaccine
I was crusing in Yahoo and found this article, here is the link. http://health.yahoo.com/news/ap/us_med_cancer_vaccines.html It gives real hope I believe. tj
Chronic Nausea
Hi I started chemotherapy in December 08. I have experienced nausea since the onset of treatment. I have lost about 30 pounds to date (April 9, 2009). It has been 6 weeks since the end of chemo (had to stop due to weight loss and nausea)--and I stil have nausea and loss appetite. I have had multiple tests----docs found…
After treatment
Several ladies have mentioned feeling a little lost after treatment ends and I can appreciate that since I finished April 10. Have I got a plan for you! Accept a job several states away and move with 3 humans and 4 cats! The movers/packer were here all day yesterday--those guys work--and will be here in an hour to finish…
Living Proof
There's a movie on tonight at 8:00pm PT called "Living Proof". I think it's about the Dr. that discovered the HER2 gene. It's on the Women's Network here anyway. Thought you might enjoy it. Have a great evening. jan
Mascetomy or not?
Having carsinoma in situ, a non-invasive cancer, all my doctors want me to have a double masectomy. I'm not sure which step to take, any sugestions would be greatly appreciated.
Son supported MOM today
My 5 1/2 year old support me by having a buzz cut after I had my head shaved today. The local newspaper was there as well as some friends and family. My head feels a lot better.
Rads beginning June 2...........
I will begin Rads on June 2. I would like information on what to expect, etc. Thanks for all your help, this website is informative and just what I have been looking for during this entire experience.
Pain Management
Hi Everyone, I know I havent been on for awhile sorry. Been trying to work as many hours as possible at work. Getting ready for Relay in June and started a support group in our town. Thanks for all the ideas for groups name. Everyone relly liked Bossom Buddies. Went to the Dr. the other day for chemo and she wants me to…
Update on me...
I had my second Taxol treatment this past Thursday...I have two more to go (YEAH!!). The only real noticable side effect I am having is the bone pain. I don't want to complain because AC had me in the bed for at least 5-7 days. Any suggestions on controlling the pain without popping Vicodin all day?? My neck and across my…
Question about Rad
About 10 years ago I had a pool accident, I ended up in the hospital with a chest tube in my lung because I broke two ribs and collapsed my left lung. There is, obviously, scar tissue in my left lung. The beast is in my left breast.. so rad will be on that side... I have heard that rad treatment have the potential to cause…
Need recipe for lobster and clams
Anyone have a recipe for lobster and clams? I was thinking about over spaghetti or some type of noodles but I don't know what to do about the sauce. Any ideas. I don't want to add guppies or tadpole to this recipe. Thanks. Margo
Christmas Girl
Hi Susan, I don't live far from you. If you don't mind my asking. Were did you get you treatment? I made the decision to go to Loyola, but it sounds like you got some good medical advice. Kathy
Question about clips and MRIs
Hi, again, everyone; A friend and I were discussing the placement of clips, which they did with me yesterday. She said she was told an MRI could not be done when you have a clip. She mentioned that hers had migrated somehow, so that it was basically useless for marking areas that had been biopsied. What have you heard, if…
My daily horoscope...says it all....
"You mustn't expect any enormous changes today, dear Leo. However, the process you began three or four years ago will accelerate slightly. You are changing the moorings of your identity, the ideas that make you sure of who you are. Your family, background, and education no longer count as much as your own spiritual…
incident at the gym
I need your opinions regarding an incident at the gym yesterday. First a little about me, I have metastatic breast cancer since 2005. This is the second time that I have lost my hair and probably will not get it back since I will be on chemo for the rest of my life. I am an upbeat person and count my blessings that I am…
Hi my name is Julie and I have stage 2 breast cancer. I have had two surgerys. the second one involved removing my lymnoids in my left arm. I completed my seven weeks of radiation on March 23rd of this year. I have my first mamogram in september. I have to honestly say that my Faith in God has got me through everything so…