its recovery time...

kugiek Member Posts: 13
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had my surgery on Monday.. it was suppose to be a 5-6 hour proceedure but ended up being 11 hours.. But the doctors said.. that they 'got it all' I had the bi-lateral Mascteomy with reconstruction.. they also took a biopsy of my limpnodes and that came out clean.. :-) I see the doctor again on June 5th, but from what it sounds like.. I am now 'cancer free'.. and thanks to everyone here, I wasn't as scared as I thought I would be on surgery day..
Now its the recovery.. which so far hasn't been too bad.. I was let out of the hospital on Tuesday afternoon, which I even surprised my doctor. He said that everyone is normally in there for two days, but as soon as I could I got out of the bed and went for walks .. I have a pain pac which will be running out probably tonight, so I am expecting some pain after that. I go in to see the plastic surgeon next Wednesday so he can take the bandages off, and from there we will see how often he will be filling in the 'spacers' that were placed during surgery.


  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    on a good surgery and "clean nodes" = that is the best news you could get.
    Let us know how the recovery process goes.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Great New's It's so nice to
    Great New's It's so nice to hear. Glad its over for you.
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Kat11 said:

    Great New's It's so nice to
    Great New's It's so nice to hear. Glad its over for you.

    Hey, you have been through the worst of it. You are now 'A Survivor!!!!!!!'

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxx
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    tasha_111 said:

    Hey, you have been through the worst of it. You are now 'A Survivor!!!!!!!'

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxx

    great news
    I love those pain packs~they really do the trick. Glad to hear things are looking so good for you. Keep layin' low and heal. This is your opportunity to stay in your pj's and watch movies.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good News!
    So glad the surgery went well, though long. Best news of all - clean nodes! That's terrific!

    Take good care of yourself while you continue to recover. It's so important.

    Best wishes to you.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Congratulations on your
    Congratulations on your successful surgery. And clean lymph nodes too, that's a bonus.
    You sound in good spirits, that's fantastic.
    All my best to you and good luck
  • djteach
    djteach Member Posts: 273
    Hi Kugiek,
    I am so glad that

    Hi Kugiek,
    I am so glad that the surgery went well and that you are recovering quickly. I hope you continue doing so well!

    Love and gentle hugs,
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Great news and please don't
    Great news and please don't overdo. Once they remove the pain pac take oral meds for about 1 week. Don't let the pain get to be too bad before you start taking meds or it will never take the edge off. Stay a step ahead. Now, sit back, put your feet up and pamper yourself for the next few days. Hugs, Lili
  • bfbear
    bfbear Member Posts: 380

    Great news and please don't
    Great news and please don't overdo. Once they remove the pain pac take oral meds for about 1 week. Don't let the pain get to be too bad before you start taking meds or it will never take the edge off. Stay a step ahead. Now, sit back, put your feet up and pamper yourself for the next few days. Hugs, Lili

    We can recover together!
    I am two weeks and two days out from my bilateral mast + recon, so we'll have to keep in touch!

    My advice:
    #1 Don't get a puppy.
    #2 Drink lots of water.
    #3 Rest more than you think you're supposed to.

    I have done #2....the rest I have failed at. But I am trying to be better about #3, because the more I do, the worse I feel re: pain, energy level, and emotions.

    With love and gentle hugs,
  • dbs1673
    dbs1673 Member Posts: 203
    bfbear said:

    We can recover together!
    I am two weeks and two days out from my bilateral mast + recon, so we'll have to keep in touch!

    My advice:
    #1 Don't get a puppy.
    #2 Drink lots of water.
    #3 Rest more than you think you're supposed to.

    I have done #2....the rest I have failed at. But I am trying to be better about #3, because the more I do, the worse I feel re: pain, energy level, and emotions.

    With love and gentle hugs,

    Be Nice
    You're over the biggest hurdle, congrats!! Now, be sure to be nice to you and even more, allow others to do things for you. The pain pack is great but don't be afraid to re-adjust your own medication when the pack is empty. I couldn't figure out why my pain felt more intense after a few days until I realized the pack was empty and needed to supplement with something more than Tylenol. Listen to your body and your doctors!!
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Sending gentle hugs
    Glad to hear your lymphnodes were all clean and that you seem to be rebounding well. As others have said please be kind to yourself and rest often. Do take the pain meds as they can do wonders to help you rest and recover. You are on the right road and I am glad you are doing so well! Keep us updated, you will be in my prayers!


  • kugiek
    kugiek Member Posts: 13
    bfbear said:

    We can recover together!
    I am two weeks and two days out from my bilateral mast + recon, so we'll have to keep in touch!

    My advice:
    #1 Don't get a puppy.
    #2 Drink lots of water.
    #3 Rest more than you think you're supposed to.

    I have done #2....the rest I have failed at. But I am trying to be better about #3, because the more I do, the worse I feel re: pain, energy level, and emotions.

    With love and gentle hugs,

    How are you doing??
    I havn't been out here for a few weeks .. trying to concentrate on my recovery.. I am so sorry I missed your note..
    I sure hope everything is going good for you..

    I just had my last appointment with my surgeon.. who gave me the great news.. I will not have to go through the radiation or the chemo.. my path test was clean...

    Please let me know how you are doing.. Let me know if there is anything I can help with.. I am going through the reconstruction now...

    with lots of thoughts and hugs
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    kugiek said:

    How are you doing??
    I havn't been out here for a few weeks .. trying to concentrate on my recovery.. I am so sorry I missed your note..
    I sure hope everything is going good for you..

    I just had my last appointment with my surgeon.. who gave me the great news.. I will not have to go through the radiation or the chemo.. my path test was clean...

    Please let me know how you are doing.. Let me know if there is anything I can help with.. I am going through the reconstruction now...

    with lots of thoughts and hugs

    Hi, Katie!
    Nice to find you here! Congratulations for the great news, and thanks for sharing. "Clean" path - no chemo, nor rads. That's great, and a relief. Best wishes to you as you move forward with reconstruction.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    Hi, Katie!
    Nice to find you here! Congratulations for the great news, and thanks for sharing. "Clean" path - no chemo, nor rads. That's great, and a relief. Best wishes to you as you move forward with reconstruction.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Best of luck to you!

    Best of luck to you!