
tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
That dunnit! Now I can't post pics at all....Huge slap on the wrist for me.

Please Nice staff at CSN, let me post a pic,
I'll make it clean and decent and not completely sick
A cuddly one of dog or cat or lots of turquoise fishes...
Oh kindly Lords of CSN. I hope you'll grant my wishes.


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Have you been blocked from posting pics Tasha, guess what so have I.

    image Whenever I try it looks like this.

  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    RE said:

    Have you been blocked from posting pics Tasha, guess what so have I.

    image Whenever I try it looks like this.


    computer glitch--maybe
    Maybe a computer glitch on this web site or it was taking up too much room for them.

    Hopefully it is only temporary since I love what other post since I can't get it to work at all--because it is me and not the computer.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member

    computer glitch--maybe
    Maybe a computer glitch on this web site or it was taking up too much room for them.

    Hopefully it is only temporary since I love what other post since I can't get it to work at all--because it is me and not the computer.


    OK everyone, let's not panic. Like our calm Margo suggests, maybe it's a temporary "glitch"... Or, they're doing some sort of maintenance... Or, the pictures and videos were beginning to take up too much memory space... Or...

    Let's take a deep breath, count to 10... 1... 2... 3... (etc.)

    Kind regards, Susan
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769

    OK everyone, let's not panic. Like our calm Margo suggests, maybe it's a temporary "glitch"... Or, they're doing some sort of maintenance... Or, the pictures and videos were beginning to take up too much memory space... Or...

    Let's take a deep breath, count to 10... 1... 2... 3... (etc.)

    Kind regards, Susan

    I have noticed
    I have noticed on some of the other posts that some of the pictures are gone as weel. Picture of woman sitting on toilet with boobs squished under seat. Also a picture of one of the flowers.

    I don't know if they are pin pointing certain people or just certain pictures--but a flower is a flower.

    Weird stuff happening.
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967

    I have noticed
    I have noticed on some of the other posts that some of the pictures are gone as weel. Picture of woman sitting on toilet with boobs squished under seat. Also a picture of one of the flowers.

    I don't know if they are pin pointing certain people or just certain pictures--but a flower is a flower.

    Weird stuff happening.

    Here's a picture of an ancient Egyptian puppy

  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Aortus said:

    Here's a picture of an ancient Egyptian puppy


    Not there
    Not there
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    looks like they killed the gif
    long live the gif! we want gif!
    what is happening to our gif?
    look, I can't even have the word g.i.f. show....
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    computer glitch--maybe
    Maybe a computer glitch on this web site or it was taking up too much room for them.

    Hopefully it is only temporary since I love what other post since I can't get it to work at all--because it is me and not the computer.


    Oh Dear, Oh Dear!
    Re..... What crime did you commit? My html stuff looks normal but it doesn't put a pic up. And My Church pic post was removed.......I just knew it! LOL

    Margo?...You too!? Shame on you! Were you posting lewd and lascivious photos that might offend?..No, I didn't think so..LOL Maybe it is just a glitch. Hope so.

    I think I'll start a Gardening Tips column...Will that be innocuous enough?

    Ok you lot!

    Anyone planting anything........Brown end down/Green end up. Got it?

    A 'Low Maintainance hedge' is a 'Fence'

    Aphids are not 'cute little critters' KILL THEM BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE!

    Citrosa/Citronella/Lemon Pelargonium DOES NOT WORK against Mosquitoes Unless You spend the whole of your outside time rolling about in it.....Please, this is up to you and I DON'T want any pics on this subject. Thanks in anticipation. Same goes for Marigolds/Tagetes.

    A weed is not just a plant in the wrong place.....IT'S A WEED!

    And finally.......A few Guppies thrown into the planting hole WILL provide nutrients beneficial to the plant in question...(any Plant) I can provide the aforementioned Guppies at a special discount, this week only.

    Remember......"Old Gardeners never die, they just throw in the trowel!"

    And all of you out there with green thumbs.........GET TO THE E.R. IT'S PROBABLY GANGRENOUS!

    Happy gardening.....p.s does anyone want to purchase a job-lot of really REALLY RUDE Garden Gnomes......you won't believe what these little guys are..............never mind. sorry

    Huge Hugs to all Jxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Aortus said:

    Here's a picture of an ancient Egyptian puppy


    Now even Puppies are a danger to our moral values? Wow..I will have to stay in more so I don't get perverted by the sight of a family pet. Thank you aortus. Puppy - Guppy....? Maybe I should avert my gaze from those unmentionable fish too?

    I will do the gardeners equivalent of penance....... Let Us Spray....

    LOL Hugs to you both Jxxxxx

    PPS Have been thinking of you 2 all day, I'm so happy for you
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    cats_toy said:

    looks like they killed the gif
    long live the gif! we want gif!
    what is happening to our gif?
    look, I can't even have the word g.i.f. show....

    Urrrr... Dat's not fair!
    Killjoys! Spoilsports, Jobsworths, Miseries, Humourless sods, Big Brother..

    Hey CSN Lovelies.......I was, Of course, referring to my fellow posters (creep, creep) Not your wonderful, selves. (Crawl, Lick Lick) BOOTS! you filthy minded fellow posters you!

    Grovelling now......Oh Omnipotent one.....Please!!!!!!

    Cat.....same on you too, trying to introduce that vile word to our untainted vocabulary....I am so schocked, I thought you were a 'White Lady of Quality' and now you say the 'G' word......Ohhhhh I am having an attack of the Vapours..get the smelling salts


    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    Urrrr... Dat's not fair!
    Killjoys! Spoilsports, Jobsworths, Miseries, Humourless sods, Big Brother..

    Hey CSN Lovelies.......I was, Of course, referring to my fellow posters (creep, creep) Not your wonderful, selves. (Crawl, Lick Lick) BOOTS! you filthy minded fellow posters you!

    Grovelling now......Oh Omnipotent one.....Please!!!!!!

    Cat.....same on you too, trying to introduce that vile word to our untainted vocabulary....I am so schocked, I thought you were a 'White Lady of Quality' and now you say the 'G' word......Ohhhhh I am having an attack of the Vapours..get the smelling salts


    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    I looked at some of the
    I looked at some of the posts. Some of those funny pictures are still there and some aren't. So, all of them aren't gone. Wonder what happened? I liked them lol
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    tasha_111 said:

    Urrrr... Dat's not fair!
    Killjoys! Spoilsports, Jobsworths, Miseries, Humourless sods, Big Brother..

    Hey CSN Lovelies.......I was, Of course, referring to my fellow posters (creep, creep) Not your wonderful, selves. (Crawl, Lick Lick) BOOTS! you filthy minded fellow posters you!

    Grovelling now......Oh Omnipotent one.....Please!!!!!!

    Cat.....same on you too, trying to introduce that vile word to our untainted vocabulary....I am so schocked, I thought you were a 'White Lady of Quality' and now you say the 'G' word......Ohhhhh I am having an attack of the Vapours..get the smelling salts


    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    and i just figured out how
    and i just figured out how to do that
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    So, were they taken off
    So, were they taken off because of that church window picture? Anyone know? I miss them.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Do not take my word for it!
    Well, now that I finally learned HOW to post hearts and things, my unfounded thought is that CSN sees we have strayed way far off the beaten path and are now quoters, picture posters, glitz and glitter adders, and spending less time Discussing! Thus we are all going to be denied our artistic bent!

    But I really have no idea at all...so this is an unfounded rumour started by me! :-)

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    chenheart said:

    Do not take my word for it!
    Well, now that I finally learned HOW to post hearts and things, my unfounded thought is that CSN sees we have strayed way far off the beaten path and are now quoters, picture posters, glitz and glitter adders, and spending less time Discussing! Thus we are all going to be denied our artistic bent!

    But I really have no idea at all...so this is an unfounded rumour started by me! :-)


    You know...
    IF someone complained, it might not even be one of us BCers. ANY CSN member can cruise ANY and ALL BOARDS. Who knows? Just food for thought...

    So sorry for you, Kindred Spirit, and all those who had just gained the technological skill. Bummer.

    Kind regards, 12/25
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    I have noticed
    I have noticed on some of the other posts that some of the pictures are gone as weel. Picture of woman sitting on toilet with boobs squished under seat. Also a picture of one of the flowers.

    I don't know if they are pin pointing certain people or just certain pictures--but a flower is a flower.

    Weird stuff happening.

    I hope it is just some
    I hope it is just some computer glitch too Margo because some of the pics are still on here,

    which makes no sense.
  • chenheart said:

    Do not take my word for it!
    Well, now that I finally learned HOW to post hearts and things, my unfounded thought is that CSN sees we have strayed way far off the beaten path and are now quoters, picture posters, glitz and glitter adders, and spending less time Discussing! Thus we are all going to be denied our artistic bent!

    But I really have no idea at all...so this is an unfounded rumour started by me! :-)


    Expressions Gallery
    The CSN Expressions Gallery is available to each member who wishes to share photos. No html coding necessary! :-)
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188

    Expressions Gallery
    The CSN Expressions Gallery is available to each member who wishes to share photos. No html coding necessary! :-)

    If we can post on the Gallery, why not here so we can see collectively everyones expression on that topic as we read it??
    I rather enjoyed the disscusions better that way....PLEASE!!!!!
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    If we can post on the Gallery, why not here so we can see collectively everyones expression on that topic as we read it??
    I rather enjoyed the disscusions better that way....PLEASE!!!!!

    I did too Pammy! But, I
    I did too Pammy! But, I think we are going to lose this with the posting. Shame, isn't it?
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Kristin N said:

    I did too Pammy! But, I
    I did too Pammy! But, I think we are going to lose this with the posting. Shame, isn't it?

    Yes..it is!!
    Maybe we could suggest they alow it but possibly limit it's size? Maybe we could try bribing!!! Yeah...that's it!! OK...let's see...I'll donate a box of Godiva dark chocolate....no wait...not that one....hmmm..ok, a box of whitman samplers!!! :) Pammy