Hello Breast Buddies, hmmmm we kinda are you know. Anyway, I am going AWOL for ten days and don't want any of you fine folks to become concerned that I may have fallen off the face of the earth. I am going on vacation with the hub and can hardly wait. Take care each and everyone of you! PLEASE USE YOUR IMAGINATION AND…
A film everyone should see
Hi, My friend who has breast cancer (she's 31 and has no history of family cancer) sent me the link a film's trailer that is very interesting. The film is about cancer. Here's the link to the trailer: www.youtube.com/jpsfilmsparis The film is called 'the idiot cycle' and the ex-president of the ACS is featured. I've sent…
might be the 1%
Hello everyone, I can't believe I am even here. I am NOT diagnosed yet, but my doctored a mamogram and biopsy(ies)Here is the reason for my my user name and title of the post. I am a 52 year-old MALE, former Marine. At least a year ago I started feeling some "weird" in my breasts. I am "obese" and had had gastric-bypass 5…
Okay... Pammy's imaginary story...hehehe
So, she checked into the hospital and the volunteer that took her to the pre-op area was a young hottie.. Her nurse was male about 35 years old dark hair, blue eyes, full chest, big warm hands, and had her giggling like a school girl.. he was flirting with her openly and had her husband showing off his guns. Then came time…
OK. Linked Groan...peer pressure!
John was sick of being skint, hated his job and was bored with his wife and homelife. So he hatched a plan to have is overinsured wife bumped off, claim the money and sod off to a new life, somewhere hot and steamy. Through a friend of a friend of a friend he met a hitman called Artie. He told Artie of his plans and Artie…
Seriously now..
I went to the doctors yesterday to get another wheelbarrow load of happy pills (Zoloft)..He was emailing the prescription when I asked about the Tamoxifen/Zoloft problem. He said he was aware of an interaction between the two but had no worries about me being on both. This doc is very good and very forward thinking, I…
anti-anxiety meds with chemo
Does anybody know if you can take anti-anxiety meds before chemo? I just got an Rx for Ativan, which is really helping my anxieties. But, I am not sure how it would react with A/C treatment starting (tentatively,pending Oncotype results) next Wed. Thanks, Tricia :)
Casting for Recovery
I just had a humdinger weekend. I took Friday off work and drove for hours and hours and hours across the state to Living Waters Ranch which was the camp that housed a weekend of flyfishing, camaraderie, and wonderful breast cancer survivor support. It lasted through Sunday afternoon. We learned how to cast ( well, I tried…
Pammy's update!!
Hi everyone!! Here's the news after todays visit.....I LOST!!! I spent 2 hrs talking with my breast surgeon today!! After I totally convinced myself I would go with the bilateral mastectomy....he convinced me to go with just the lumpectomy (said I had beautiful breast!). My dear Husband whom was suppose to back me on this…
Curious....no Alcohol during treatment?
OK gals (guys too!) I was just curious and not even sure where I got this idea from (unless it was from toasting Lili....) but are you NOT suppose to drink during treatment or ever again??? Gulp....I gave up cigarettes (Yeah...3 weeks now!), I got BC, I get to look forward to menopause soon AND now I may not be able to…
Last post for a couple of days
I just wanted to say that this will be my last post until I get home from the hospital. Surgery is Thursday morning and I plan on having some quality family time, and relaxing time between now and then. I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you for the support you have given me through this rough time in my life. It…
my turn to brag!! hehehe
Ladies & Gents, meet my grandson James... James meet some of the strongest, caring, beautiful people I have ever met...he was only about 16 hours old here.. now he is almost 4 months old... I can't get over how from day one he was so alert!! just wanted to share some of the GOOD stuff. ~T
Prayers for Taleena
You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Hang in there, it will be over very soon.
More about cancer and nutirition
Ladies, this is from the blog, http://www.hormonenegative.blogspot.com/ : Cancer-Fighters in Your Kitchen Stock your cupboards and fridge with tasty cancer fighters. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fat is the recipe for breast health, according to numerous studies: • Whole grain breads and cereals fortified…
The story... I'm finally home..
Hi everyone... just thought I would send a quick update and tell you a little about my day... Got to the hospital at 6:30 am.. nice.. not... After they got me into their ever so fasionable hospital gown, (the one's that show your tush) they came in to put in my IV... he was a student.. after spending 15 minutes (not…
relay for life on horseback
I would like to have a relay for life on horseback but I am not sure how to start it or get funding to start it up.I own a horse and she is what kept me going through this.I would go outside to see her even on my worst days and she would put her head on my shoulder and rub it with her nose,She was telling me I would make…
For Pammy
For Pammy Just wanted you to know that I will be thinging of you.. I wanted this thread started tonight, as when I woke up this morning, it was so nice to see a post for me... it really brought me some comfort, so I wanted you to have the same thing... Now.. imagine if you will a bus load of us.... you know the story.. you…
Did everyone get a drain put in after lumpectomy/lymph node removal? I was under the impression no drain was needed! Yikes....here I am asking this question this late at night expecting everyone to be awake still!! Well, if anyone is out there....appreciate your thoughts on it. :) Pammy
1st Tooth fairy visit
Jake had his first visit from the tooth fairy last night. He was the only kid in two kindergarten classes to not lose a tooth until yesterday in gym class. He was so excited to lose one before the end of the school year which will end next Wednesday. Tooth fairy left $5.00 for his first tooth. (His godfather gave me the…
Tasha ... we miss you!
We are all upset with the recent "censorship" issues ... but the most upsetting thing is that we haven't heard from you. Your breast cancer family misses you ... so ... please come back. We want to know how you are doing ... how the job is going ... your wonderful bosses ... your son's visit ... etc. etc. Plese come back…
Mary Jane
It is supposed to be legal and i want mine but not available at a store near me. jackie
I was so tempted !
I work full time ... and I just had to place an order over the phone for some office equipment ... and after I introduced myself the person said (very innocently) "Hi! How are you?" I can't tell you how tempted I was to say "Well ... other than having breast cancer, pneumonia ... my left ankle swollen as big as my calf ...…
Surgery is on.....
Hey everyone....looks like I passed PET/CT scan. The only thing they found was cyst on my ovaries (I'm sure those will be next on the list to remove). I have to be at AGH outpatient by 7:00A.M. tomorrow. Needle localization is sceduled for 8:30A.M. Surgery is scheduled for 10:30A.M. Champaign uncorking, my house,…
Melanie...hope all went well!!
I was just thinking about you, Melanie, and hoping all went well today. I know you may not be up to responding this soon, but just in case your up to "browsing"....I'm hoping all went well for you and you'll be feeling better as quickly as possible. Also, I had this sudden urge for some chocolate!!?? Can't have any because…
My third 3 month post treatment checkup!
Hey everyone. Just wanted to share my joy. I had my third 3 mo. checkup yesterday and all is well. I am on Arimedex and tried to blame my weight gain on it, but my dr. explained how the abrupt menopause affects my metabolism, blah blah blah :-), so found out that I am going to have to eat smarter, eat less, and work out…
Everyone needs to read please this was sent to me
Mastectomy Law Change-very important !! : Proposed Mastectomy Law Change (written by a surgeon); I'll never forget the look in my patients eyes when I had to tell them they had to go home with the drains, new exercises and no breast. I remember begging the doctors to keep these women in the hospital longer, only to hear…
Just not ready!!!
I recently had to have a mastectomy on my left breast. I have had two doctors appointment almost every other day, but now they tell me that I can go back to work. Although on the 11th of June I have to have a mediaport put in so that I can start my chemotheropy. I work in a prision and the doctor tells me that I can't lift…
Wire guided surgery?
As you all know, tomorrow is my surgery and all kinds of last minute stuff is popping up in my head! Here is the first question of what I'm sure will turn into many today. I was just wondering if anyone here has had the wire guided lumpectomy done and what your experience was. They are going to use a wire to find the…
* * * * * * HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEBI * * * * * * *
Debi, just wanted to wish you a wonderful, happy, joyful, glorious Birthday (OK....everyone all together now....raise your glasses & down the hatch!!!) and hope I get to wish you many, many more!!! :) Pammy
Interesting study involving ginger at ASCO meeting...
Thirty thousand experts gathered in Orlando for the 45th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). This is the largest and most important gathering of international scientists on cancer treatment. It was noteworthy that a top story to emerge from this year's ASCO meeting concerned the power of…