You are getting sleepy
It was opening night at the Orpheum and the Claude the Amazing Hypnotist was topping the bill. People came from miles around to see the famed hypnotist do his stuff. As Claude took to the stage, he announced, "Unlike most stage hypnotists who invite two or three people up onto the stage to be put into a trance, I intend to…
A blonde with a fishing rod
A blonde who got a fishing rod for her birthday decided to go ice fishing to make good use of her gift. Early the next morning, she got all her gear together and headed out to the ice. When she reached her final destination, she cut a large hole in the ice and dipped the rod in. Then suddenly she heard a voice that said:…
etiquette question
What is expected as far as response when you get a get well card? I have had several cards from people I use to work with who haved moved on. The card is the first contact I have had with them in a while. Should I respond? Is email appropriate or do I send another card back? I sent a co worker a get well card and got a…
BFBear!!! Are you home yet?
Hey Debi....you have been missed. Taleena had a thread going for you last week, but we realized you wouldn't be back till this week? Just wondering if we need to send a search party!! Hope you had a blast on your vacation. Post when you get a chance! ♥ Pammy
Hi, I'm new. I start chemo on wednesday. I have always dreaded being nausis all my life. Now I see a side effect of chemo (adriamycn & cytoxan) is nausea. My doctor is going to give me anti-nausea drugs, but I'm stiil afaid. Any suggestions on what to eat the morning of and after the 1st chemo and so on? Thanks, cheryl
Food ideas for after chemo
Hello, all - I could use some ideas: For about the first week+ after chemo, my stomach is just off -- I'm not having major nausea or any vomiting, but just kind of queasy, don't want to eat much, lots of things just don't sit well. I think it's so important to maintain a healthy diet as much as humanly possible during…
Wishing Everyone A Happy, Safe and Fun Labor Day Weekend!
I just want to wish everyone on the board and all of your family and friends, a super fantastic fun filled Labor Day weekend! Hugs, Diane ♥
Day 5 of Sue's Rads
Wow, 5 days has gone by already. This has gone really fast so far. I hope it doesn't drag bad towards the end. Today we got there a little early and we got to sit in the waiting room longer and we got to talk to some of the patients. The throat cancer lady is so nice. Her hubby wasn't there at the moment, so, she freely…
Hi Everyone! Been out of commission for a while. Had the flu & am still trying to recover. Then my mother-in-law passed away Sunday, been a chaotic week!... In the meantime, I saw the Oncologist for the first time. He explained how they would suck blood everytime I go there, did the BRCA test (which ended up being denied…
How do you convince woman who have not had a mammogram?
I am finding more and more woman who do not want to have a mammogram? I know this woman, she is 46 has yet to have a baseline mammogram! Her Mother died as a result of breast cancer. She is afraid to have one. I was at a family reunion and several woman I talked to have never had mammograms either. I guess the only thing…
Flu seaon
With the flu season upon us I was wondering who gets flu shots. I have never had the flu in my 45 years on earth and never had the flu shot and have worked in medical offices or in the public for almost 3/4 of my life. I don't really want to get a flu shot if I don't have to. Last year they were giving them out at work for…
question about mastectomy scar "touch up."
Hey, y'all. I have a question for those of you wonderful ladies who had a mastectomy without reconstruction. I had a reconstructed breast exised and the other "real one" removed. No reconstruction this time. The scars end in "dog ears" (I don't know how else to put this) and I am wondering if anyone else experienced this.…
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Hi everyone. I had my sentinel lymph node biopsy yesterday and wanted to post my experience in case anyone out there is preparing for one. I realize that each hospital may have differing procedures, but hopefully my description will provide enough information so there are no surprises. After registering and getting hooked…
Port installed Thursday, inside my right upper arm ... I am in extreme pain
Ibuprofen is my friend, however, it does not stop the pain when I walk, grab for anything with my right arm. My port brushes against my clothing when walking .. I am right handed so ... perhaps I am using my arm more than I should? Inside upper arm .. is this a regular/normal placement? My onc suggested this site. Did I…
Just Curious
When I sign in to the home page of ACS there are pictures posted at the top of the page. Anyone know how they get there....are they artibrarily pulled from the board...do you have to sign in a certain place in order for your picture to be posted? These are the kind of questions that aren't pertinent, but I am just curious.…
An Indian with one testicle
There once was an Indian who had only one testicle and whose given name was 'Onestone'. He hated that name and asked everyone not to call him Onestone. After years and years of torment, Onestone finally cracked and said, 'If anyone calls me Onestone again, I will kill them!' The word got around and nobody called him that…
PET Scan and upcoming surgery
Good afternoon everyone, I had another week of doctor appointments and test. Thankfully, the PET scan came up clean (except what we already know about). I met with an oncologist earlier in the week. He thinks things look promising and feels that we caught things early. I met with a new surgeon and a new plastic surgeon…
I'm a terrible sister
I need to unload something and this is the only place I can be totally honest and admit to something. I may ramble ... and I apologize ... and maybe no one even needs to read this ... but I just need to get it "out." Next Saturday is my father's 90th birthday. He lives here in town with his wife (my mother died when she…
Thinking of all of you..
Over the last week, I haven’t been as active a participant on the boards, but rather I have been watching in silence, the words that have been shared back and forth. I have read the celebrations, the jokes, the encouragement and the sheer beauty of friendship. Taking time to be silent and still, I have gained so very…
I think some are lost as to where we are suppose to post now. And, I think Nawty Noel might have posted in the wrong spot. Please do not fire her! She is young, I believe, and, gets confused easily. lol So, let's see if we can pull this PUNK ROCK BAND together! Let's hear it for THE RAD B'S! We can ROCK IT! Love, Jeanne JJ…
Radiation.... where do I buy Aloe
Alright... I thought I was already ... and I guess I am, (or as ready as I'll ever be)... though when I think about it, I get butterflies in my stomach and my palms get sweaty... and have I told you how much I hate sweaty hands.. YUCK! I think about going in tomorrow for my first zap, and find tears in my eyes... yikes...…
Hi,i thought i had made my mind up to get the chemo.starting Sept.22.The closer it gets i do n,t know if i made the right decision.I woder,d if i could have some input from you on this websight.Right now I have a 18% chance of recuring Cancer without the Chemo.It drops another 7% with the Chemo.I would still have radiation…
I hope that each and everyone of you are having a Safe and Happy Labor Day weekend. Hugs, Diane
Newly diagnosed and preparing for surgery
I was just diagnosed with DCIS, pretty dispersed within my right breast - low grade to high grade. Plan is for single mastectomy. BRCA testing was all negative. Of coure awaiting post surgery pathology reports, but hopeful that this will be it for me and I can look back and say - yeah that happened. Just wanting to connect…
tattoos and nipples?
Hi everyone, I had tram flap surgery in June and have to make a decision about whether to have just tattoos or both nipples and tattoos. Any thoughts out there? I also haven't started Femaara because I am worried about side effects although they said it would cut my chances of getting cancer again down to about 7%. I'd…
Does your oncologist treat disease or patient?
Does your oncologist treat disease or patient? Mine is a good scientist who is fighting with cancer cells, but often overlooks the patient. If you have similar problem you need to find a good Primary/Internal care physician to help you going through Chemo side effects and rehabilitation after treatments.
Day 34 of Pammy's Rads
Hey....OK, I am celebrating!! Are you with me????? My tech said, "ok. go have a good time! You have ONE left!! You soooooo deserve it!! And it's a holiday weekend!! (I just Love her!!) Well, let me tell you.....I AM CELEBRATING!!!! I know, you expected this kind of excitment on the last day....but....go fiqure...two…
Day 1 of Sue's Rads
Well, it wasn't so bad. It was actually so fast, just like they said it would be. It did take me longer to get undressed almost than to get zapped. Today was a bit longer they said because it was my first zapping. The tech's had hats on that said "Welcome to your first Zap". I couldn't stop laughing. I laid on the tiny…
I survived France!!!
Whew! What a day!!! We boarded the 'luxury' bus (it was nice...complete with coffee for 80 Euro cents per cup...and a toilet on board) at 5am yesterday. Rode for 5 hours thru Belgium and into France to Lille, to the biggest antique market in western Europe! It was huge! And, at the same time, there was a marathon going…
HI,CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT THE MEETINGS ARE LIKE ACS has to show you how to look better
Hi,i have an appointment to go to this meeting with the American Cancer society .Its for showing us how to look and feel better about ourselfs.It sounds like fun,do they have wigs as well as makeup.Sounds like fun to me.thanks(Pat)