Website for son
Elm 3544 asked me a couple questions and I haven't figured out where to post responses so decided to just start a new discussion. First of all, yes I do live in Hawaii. My son and daughter-in-law had the audacity to move here and bring my grandson. So after they had their daughter, my youngest (daughter) and I decided we'd…
Hi! I am new, but, I have been reading for awhile
Hi everyone! I am Angie, and, I have been lurking around for awhile, reading the posts, and, finally decided to introduce myself. I had a lumpectomy, stage1, grade1, lymph nodes clean, invasive ductal carcinoma. I do not have to have chemo, but, will be doing radiation treatments. I do have a great support system, a…
☺When Is It Time?☻
I was just wondering, when is it time to quit posting on here? When is it time to move on? Is there a certain time to move on? Is it after our treatments are finished? Is it 1 to 5 years after our NED news? Or does the site, or, has the site become too much of a comfort blanket to us? A place where any of us can come…
Dissapointed about look good feel better class.
Hi,I was so looking forward to this class.I drove quite a way for it.Got their and no one showed up except one other lady.i was so excited this sounded like it would be pretty neat.me and another lady waited one and a half hours.She was as dissapointed as i was.I called and talked to a really nice lady from Acs.She…
Angels in disquise
just this morning i was sitting outside my motel waiting for my Rad drivers to pick me up. I had on my pink cap with my bc survivor pin on it. A lady smiled and said hello, walked away and then came back to me. She asked if I had BC and i said yes. She said she had survived lung cancer and 2 surgeries for 3 years. She had…
Chemo .. does it help with adult onset "Acme"
I sorry if my question sounds a little vain, but I have been fight acme for years, I am hoping that my chemo will help clear up my adult acme, and I stop purchasing every acme product known to man and women. Anyone with same problem ? Thank you, Vicki Sam
Question on feet swelling.
I had so far 4 rounds AC and Just started last week Taxol & Hercepiten. My ankles swelled up really bad. Had second round today, nurse called doctor and she said as long as the swelling went down she is not to concerned, however I am to call if this continues. Did anyone have this problem ???
Run 4 your money Margo..... Filthy joke of the day..about seamen too! LOL
These 3 sailors hit land at the Statue of Liberty and have 4 days shore leave..... The first night they go out drinking until they can't remember their names! Day 2 they spend on the beach... Night 2 Clubbing...Then One had an idea.... "Hey, let's go visit a brothel!"... one of the others says he's not that keen on soup so…
peg day 6 and 7 rads
everyting went well doing great no burning yet infection all gone god bless dont forget get your free make up kit and skin lotions and free hair care for radiation luv peggy
Arrrrrgh Matey
A seaman meets a pirate in a bar, and they take turns to tell their adventures on the seas. The seaman notes that the pirate has a peg leg, hook, and an eye patch. Curious, the seaman asks, "So, how did you end up with the peg-leg?" The pirate replies, "I was swept overboard into a school of sharks. Just as my men were…
This is for Pammy!
Congratulations On Finishing Rad's Pammy!!!Congratulations On Finishing Rad's Pammy!!!Congratulations On Finishing Rad's Pammy!!!Congratulations On Finishing Rad's Pammy!!!Congratulations On Finishing Rad's Pammy!!!Congratulations On Finishing Rad's Pammy!!!Congratulations On Finishing Rad's Pammy!!!Congratulations On…
If there are certain threads or discussion topics on here that you want to save, reread or want to have incase someone or you might need some info in them, just click on Add to favorites at the top right. Don't forget to click on save after you do that. That way, it will always be in your Favorites and you can refer back…
VickiSam, Taleena, and all those who started treatment today
To all my sisters that started treatment today: This was day one, for some it will be harder then others,that however does not make the road any easier to walk. Yesterday and the days before you were perparing for battle, today you started your war. Today and every day to come you are a hero. You stand against the beast…
Sad News
I am writing to report some very sad news of a fellow BC sister who used to visit this site. Many of you remember Danelle (Young_One). She was a spirited woman, with a quick wit and compassionate heart. Danelle was only around 32 when she was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer. After aggressive chemo and radiation,…
First Day of Rads Today for T...
Hey, T - hope all went really well for you today, your first rads treatment! One done means now on your way (finally - in more ways than one!) towards the finish line. Kind regards, Susan
Question for Pammy
What ever happened with the biggest loser contest? I can not find the results. I wound up gaining 5lb myself but I made myself a bracelet anyway!
Day 35 of Pammy's Rads....Last One!!
WooooHoooo....I am women, hear me roar!! (then cough, sniffle, and blow nose!). Last day of Rads and wouldn't it just be my luck that I woke up with a cold? Sigh...at least it hit me on the last day, so all I need to do is stay in bed if I want to. No more everyday appointments! No more hospital gowns that didn't fit! No…
Day 6 of Sue's Rads
Even though I am just starting, it was nice to have 3 days off from rads. Everyone at the cancer center was in a great mood and had a great holiday. I talked today to a woman that had her grandfather there. She is a nurse, so, she was getting a bit technical about his treatment. He is doing chemo and rads at the same time.…
Thank you sisters in pink
There was a discussion earlier regarding when it's time to go. I responded with a huge "thank you" but wanted to make sure that you all were really aware of my gratitude for all of you. It's a very scary and fast moving situation to be thrown into once one is diagnosed with breast cancer. There is way too much information…
peggy day 5
hershey called down where i was getting my radiation and got me new oncologist i clicked with him didnt like my other did not explain enough went well assured me this infection was normal 4 to eight weeks after surgery will be gone in a week if not i will go to hershey but i told this dr i wil trust him and give him…
Plus or Minus?
Can someone tell me please what the plus sign means that is next to your name? I don't seem to have one. :( Thanks, Angie
This is for Pammy 2
Congratulations, Pammy! You've made it. You are officially a Rads Graduate, Class of Summer 09.
Fatal Allergic Reactions Triggered By Common Chemotherapy Drug
A chemotherapy drug that is supposed to help save cancer patients' lives, instead resulted in life-threatening and sometimes fatal allergic reactions. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/153147.php
Breast Cancer - MammoSite RTS
I have just posted my story in the Gallery. This is a relatively new procedure. Please read my story. This may not be for you but anyone with breast cancer needs to ask their surgeon if they qualify for this option. Search MammoSite.
Savi catheter - anyone had one?
Hi there, I was supposed to have a mammosite catheter but it would be too close to the skin and burn it so they put in something that looks like a telephone cable with with wires sticking out of my breast. They are supposed to start radiation next week. I am really scared. FGirst of all I look like bionic woman and second…
Extreme faction of the Daft Sods
The Rantin Crazed Flakos is a splinter group of the Daft Sods, it is fully exceptable to be a member of both groups, the Flakos are mainly here for when one feels way pass Daft and down right Flaky. We will be offering classes: 1) in Being flaky 2) classes in how to use it to your best advantage 3) how and when to rant…
I had the whole process... with good results... in June. I want my surgeon to refer me for another mammo in Dec but he says NO... wait til next June. I'm wanting to find another doc. Am I pushing the panic button too soon? I know my health is my decision, what I'm asking is what have those of you who have had the same…
Breast prosthesis
I would like suggestions on the best place to purchase a breast prosthesis in the Northern VA area. Thanks!
This time my cancer has metatisized. Now I do not have the support from my husband, since he past away 2 years ago. I have one son, grown and married. Even though my son lives relatively close. I have not seen him or spoke to him since January. How can you cope with this?
Just checking in
Hi there everyone, this is me just checking in after a week so thay you know that I am ok. I am still working on the issues that need to be dealt with, but did not want you to worry. Yes I have been spotted by a few of you on fb, and I still check my email here daily. No I have not been keeping up with what is going on…