Is any one newly diagnosed and just freaked out?
I was just diagnosed last week and waiting to do an MRI and next to do surgery, Is any one new to all this like me? Sometimes I just do not believe its true. im really just on a major roller coster.
Think before you speak
I have a dear friend and co-worker who has been keeping me entertained as I am an "resting" at home. She sent me the following and I thought I was going to pop out the last drain stitches and all. Since most of the BC sisterhood is clustered east of the Mississippi (I'm almost done with the map), this should be a great…
I'm confussed
I'm currently taking Taxol/Herceptin chemo treatments. I have 7 more to go. One of the side effects is hair loss. Which was no problem as I lost it when I was having the A/C treatments. This morning after taking a shower I noticed in the mirror that I have peach fuzz growing on my head. Does this mean that my hair is…
Any stage IIIC survivors out there?
Hi everyone, I just joined this group and would love to hear from stage IIIC survivors out there. I was diagnosed in February, had chemotherapy and then a bilateral mastectomy on Aug 12th. My path report showed no more tumor in the breast (I started out with a 12x10cm) but 11/13 nodes were still found positive with…
New member looking for inspiration
Hi, I was diagnosed with stage IIIc breast cancer just over a month ago, I think this is all starting to sink in now that my hair has fallen out. I shaved my head and the stubble is painful and sticks to everything, any advice on how to make that go away, I can't get it shaved down any closer....
I was under the impression that my appetite would be sacrificed with chemo. I am having the opposite "problem". I want to eat everything in sight. Granted, I have only had one treatment of 6 so far. I guess my appetite will change furter on down the line. If it doesn't, I will be a blimp by the time my treatments are over.…
A Story about getting even
One December day we found an old straggly cat at our door. She was a sorry sight. Starving, dirty, smelled terrible, skinny, and hair all matted down. We felt sorry for her so we put her in a carrier and took her to the vet. We didn't know what to call her so we named her 'Pussycat.' The vet decided to keep her for a day…
Hair today, gone tomorrow joke
I found this joke on a blog here, thought it was appropriate due to recent discussions of losing hair. A woman woke up one morning and found 3 hairs on her head. She thought, " I think I will put my hair in a braid today". She put the three hairs in a braid and went out and had a terrific day. The next day she woke up to…
Does anyone get period after chemo?
I've had 2 rounds of chemo and get my period 2-3 days after. Whats up with that??? I thought you were suppose to be put into menopause when you having chemo?
Diabetes drug could be effective in cancer therapy -- including triple negative
Ladies, According to the journal "Cancer Research" the diabetes drug metformin, used in conjunction with the chemo drug doxorubicin (Adriamycin) eliminated cancer stem cells in laboratory tests at the Harvard Medical School. It is believed that cancer stem cells initiate tumors and are resistant to standard chemo. The…
FOR ZAHALENE! You made my day!
MUSIC TO MY EARS..........23 year survivor! Oh how I needed to hear that.....I am 4 months after lumpectomy.......5 weeks out from chemo......and had my 4th rad today.......29 to go...There is light at the end of the tunnel. But to hear "23 year survivor" Oh how that made my day! After rads are completed, I know there are…
Anyone anxious about upcoming Chemo? Positive thoughts on it. Anybody had a reaction to Taxotere?
Today was my first Chemo Treatment. I'd pretty much worked thru a lot of anxiety, and although I know its not anyone's first choice for a fun outing, I got to thinking--what if there were a very limited supply of chemo drugs? Those of us who need it to give ourselves a better chance of beating this would be clammoring to…
Worry Wort
Fresh out of business school, the young man answered a want ad for an accountant. Now he was being interviewed by a very nervous man who ran a small business that he had started himself. "I need someone with an accounting degree," the man said. "But mainly, I'm looking for someone to do my worrying for me." "Excuse me?"…
First Chemo Session Starts Tomorrow, 9/24
My turn has arrived and I can know start chemo. I will be on Taxotere, Carboplatin and Hercepin. The course of treatment will run every three weeks for 4-6 cycles. My hubby will be coming with me and will probably take Friday off as I don't know what to expect. I feel much better about finally getting started. You see, I…
Hey Thanks everyone
I just want to say thanks to everyone for all the advice on side effects. As some of you know I had to go to ER for cramping....they had no idea what it was. I was able to self diagnose after reading your comments, took stool softener and drank warm prune juice and had no cramping today for first time in a week or so! You…
For pet lovers
Taken from Gun Dog magazine, written by Jerry Thoms. How Many Dogs Does It Take To Change a Lightbulb Golden Retriever - The sun is shining, the day is young,we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid light bulb? GSP - Just one. And then I'll fix any wiring that's not up to code.…
Slept great last night thanks to you all
Took your advice and called my Doctor to ask for something for my anxiety. He gave me adivan and I slept all through the night and feel much better today. That was a very hard phone call for me to make because I feel weak having to ask for something but your encouragement made me realize that its not weak to ask for help.…
Excuse my dumb question
ok I'm new here so who's NED and why do we want to dance with him?
New Worry
This Thursday will be my first mammo since diagnosis. I found my lump on Saturday, 9/20/08 and on this past Saturday, 9/19/09 I found another lump in my other breast. I cannot fathom having to go through this again so soon, so I am praying its just a fatty deposit or bruise or something. Say a prayer for me, please.... Pat
Had My First chemo
Well I had my port put in on Wednesday,MUGA test,Petscan and then a chemo class on Friday. Layed in my husbands arms Sunday night and cried like a baby scared to death of chemo on Monday. My Mom, Husband, and Aunt went with me to chemo. Of course I cried like a baby once the nurse started talking to me. I felt ok and I am…
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
oh how many I've had to make. Well, the followup with the surgeon went fine. 1 drain out, 1 to go (by Thursday at the latest). She went over the pathology report with me and then I met with the oncologist. They both said cancer is stage IIa,T2,NO,MO. Which is T2 (tumor was 2.2 cm); NO (not in lymph nodes) MO (not…
Day 16 of Sue's Rads
Hi! It is me again. Aw, day 16! I am halfway thru my rads already! I can't believe it. It really has gone fast so far. I feel lucky too because I haven't burnt yet or even turned pink anywhere. My breast is swollen, which is normal. I joked with my rads oncologist about shooting some radiation on the other one so that it…
Studies on Chemo-brain
I've never had chemo, and I am forever thankful for that, but I've heard a lot of you talk about chemo-brain. I thought you would find this article interesting, in that they are finally doing studies on chemo-brain and its impact on both social and professional lives. Because of the results of the study, hopefully there…
About my Arimidex and draining.
Hi Everyone, The doctor has taken me off Arimidex until Oct. 19 when I go back to see him. Don't know what he will do then. Also had to go back to my oncology surgeon yesterday, after they took the drain tube out over a week ago, it had never closed up and was still bleeding, plus my chest area where I had the mastectomy…
always worrying
I was recently diagnosed and scheduled for a bilateral this Monday - what I can't seem to get past is the constant worry that everything is worse than it is and that I'm near deaths door. I wake up in the middle of the night with panic attacks and/or in tears convinced I am dieing - does anyone else experience this or am I…
CHEMO TOMORROW,need advice please,help.
Hi everyone,well I am home on a dreary day thinking of Chemo tomorrow.It is like do I go shopping or stay home and think about it all day.or maybe i need to think about it today.i find myself crying off and on.so what do you think get out of house and stay buisy or let myself take the day and cry and think about it?I know…
Swine Flu Vaccine
I just read on another board that the initial swine flu vaccine in nasal dose is a "live virus". The shot, when it is available, will not be a live virus. This statement was made by a RN. My question is, do those of us that are on chemo have to avoid individuals that have received this? I remembered from years past a…
No break between treatments .. Is this normal ? 18 weeks straight of chemo
Hello my sisters in PINK . .. I just finished my first cycle of chemo and I was informed by my onc RN that she would be seeing me next Tuesday for my 5 to 6 hour - 3 chemo cocktail. I mentioned to Barbara that I was under the impression that I would have 1 week off between cycles, she laughed and said no -- according to…
Road to Recovery
Hi everyone. Thanks for all your good wishes. My surgery was on the 10th and I came home on the 12th. The sentinel node was negative. I will find out Oct. 9 if I need chemo and when it will start. I have been trying to rest but it is very hard not doing what I usually do, which is everything, or so it seems. I am still…