Any stage IIIC survivors out there?

bejuce Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi everyone,

I just joined this group and would love to hear from stage IIIC survivors out there. I was diagnosed in February, had chemotherapy and then a bilateral mastectomy on Aug 12th. My path report showed no more tumor in the breast (I started out with a 12x10cm) but 11/13 nodes were still found positive with residual disease (estimate about 5% left).

I'm going to start radiation next week and will be on Herceptin for a year (HER-2+/ER-/PR-). I am very worried and afraid of recurrence. I'm only 38 with 3 young kids to raise.

If there are any stage IIIC survivors out there (especially those long-term), I would love to hear from you! Please let us all know how you're doing and healing from this.

Thank you so much!!!


  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Hi, I'm not 3C but I just
    Hi, I'm not 3C but I just wanted to welcome you and wish you all the best. Sounds like you have your hands full. Lynn is right, accept all the help that is offered. We wish you a speedy recovery.

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    Hi, I'm not 3C but I just
    Hi, I'm not 3C but I just wanted to welcome you and wish you all the best. Sounds like you have your hands full. Lynn is right, accept all the help that is offered. We wish you a speedy recovery.


    Hi. I am stage1, but, I
    Hi. I am stage1, but, I wanted to welcome you to the site. Good luck to you!

    Kylez ♥
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    III a
    Hi, First welcome, although I am sorry that you need to be here. You will find lots of support, humor, compassion, and prayers here.

    I'm not a IIIc, but I am stage IIIa. I don't know what makes the difference between a, b, and c. I had a double mastectomy in April of '08 and 6 (or) 7 nodes were positive, 16 weeks (alternate weeks) of A/Cand then T chemo in May/June/July/Aug and....finally rads from early September through October of '08. I am not Her2+ but I am ER+/PR+. I now take Arimidex and Boniva. I still tire fairly easily and am working on getting all my strength back through yoga, walking and swimming. I've heard that it can take up to two years. I am 59, so I am probably slower to recover.

    Being 38 with three small children is a challenge in itself! Accept all the help you are offered. The best gift you can give your family is to take care of yourself.

    xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    Hi and Welcome
    I am a stage 3b, and had 8 out of 10 nodes positive. I understand you fear of reocurance, but know that you will be followed for a very long time and because of that IF should come back the chance of catching very earlie is very high. Do not let fear rule your life, you have 3 little ones to enjoy. Be aware, not afraid, it will make you stronger.
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Stage IIIa
    Hi and welcome.

    I'm stage IIIa and HER-2+. Will be finishing Herceptin in late Oct./early Nov.

    I had mastectomy & lymph nodes removed...12/21 positive. Had A/C chemo & Abraxane chemo. Then rads.

    Sorry about your dx, but happy that you found us. Keep your chin up & keep the faith. We are all here for you.


  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    I am glad that you came to the site. It has helped me so much, the women and men are so full of knowledge that it will be so helpful and a comfort for you. I'm stage 2a but I'm sure someone will respond and help you through this. Just hang in there and keep us posted and let us help you!! Hugs, Diane
  • Stage III B
    Hi there!
    So glad to have found this sight. This is my first post!
    I discovered a lump on Thanksgiving Day and was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I had 5 positive lymph nodes and the lump was 5.3 cm.
    I did 20 weeks of chemo and 6.5 weeks of radiation. I'm now growing hair and getting ready to go back to work.
    *shakes hand* nice to meet you.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Stage III B
    Hi there!
    So glad to have found this sight. This is my first post!
    I discovered a lump on Thanksgiving Day and was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I had 5 positive lymph nodes and the lump was 5.3 cm.
    I did 20 weeks of chemo and 6.5 weeks of radiation. I'm now growing hair and getting ready to go back to work.
    *shakes hand* nice to meet you.

    Hi and welcome. It is nice
    Hi and welcome. It is nice to meet you too! You seem so positive. That is a huge part of getting thru bc. Post more and let us get to know all about you!

  • cynthiat56
    cynthiat56 Member Posts: 11
    III C
    I am very new to this site, but I wanted you to know that you are not alone. I too was a IIIc and for 3 years have been cancer-free. Life gets better everyday.
  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member

    III C
    I am very new to this site, but I wanted you to know that you are not alone. I too was a IIIc and for 3 years have been cancer-free. Life gets better everyday.

    Just wanted to say welcome to all of you
    Wow so many new people on just one thread, welcome to all of you. This is a great place to find comfort and support, I'm so sorry to hear of your Dx's but wanted you all to know you came to the right place, We are all here to help you in any way we can.

    Please post often,

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Stage 4
    I was a stage 4 in 98 and had a year of chemo and rads, I was cancer free for 9 year then had a recurrence in 07. It is scary to hear that you have had a recurrence but please listen to TJ's advice, you will be monitored well by your gp and oncologist and if it returns it will most likely be found early. I am fine now and enjoy my life. I wish you all the best!

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Just saw your post bejuce
    Just saw your post bejuce and wanted to say hi and welcome. I am stage 1, so, I can't help you out, but, I see others have. Good luck to you and keeping you in my prayers!

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Just saw your post bejuce
    Just saw your post bejuce and wanted to say hi and welcome. I am stage 1, so, I can't help you out, but, I see others have. Good luck to you and keeping you in my prayers!


    Stage III C
    Thank you all for inspirational discussion that gives hope and courage. I am glad that we are fighting cancer together; this community is a great support! I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage III C about 14 months ago at the age of 46. Over the past 12 months I had radical mastectomy, FLAP reconstruction, six chemotherapy treatments, 8 weeks of radiation and currently on hormone therapy.
    Do not be scared. Cancer should be scared, not you.
  • bejuce
    bejuce Member Posts: 2

    Stage III C
    Thank you all for inspirational discussion that gives hope and courage. I am glad that we are fighting cancer together; this community is a great support! I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage III C about 14 months ago at the age of 46. Over the past 12 months I had radical mastectomy, FLAP reconstruction, six chemotherapy treatments, 8 weeks of radiation and currently on hormone therapy.
    Do not be scared. Cancer should be scared, not you.

    Thank you all!
    Thank you all for your support! We will win this battle!!
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Hello and welcome
    I was stage 111a, 6/24 lymphnodes involved, ER and PR neg, Her2 pos. I am done with chemo and radiation and have herceptin for the rest of the year.

    I am not as young as you and my kids are grown, but you can do it...and go on to live a long and fulfilling life. I think we all worry about reocurrance I can only say that I think with each passing year of survival it will get better.

    I wish you all the best and am so glad you found us here.
    Hugs, jackie
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I have stage 3 w 28/30 pos. nodes. I've started my 6th round of chemo, rads to follow in Nov. I feel like a survior, because there isn't a choice. You have 3 children. I think of women like yourself alot. It's got to be stressful for you. I have 3 kids also, but the youngest is 20. Focus on getting well and take one day at a time. Good luck and love to you, Katz