My surgery update...

shadow1970 Member Posts: 14
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi everyone,

I had my surgery yesterday , a lumpectomy she said that none of it had spread into my lymph nodes or anywhere else. Well she spoke to my husband not me, I was unable to speak to the Dr. but from what my husband said everything went really well and I go back to the Dr. next wed to go over my treatment options. Since it was totaly removed and not in the lymph nodes do any of you know what my treatment options might be ? I guess the Dr. told my husband that they would biopsie the tumor etc. to know more about it and all and then that would determine the treatment ? Im a little sore and my throat is too from the anestisia but other then that I feel like a big weight has been lifted just knowing it did not spread into the lymph nodes, now just wondering what I might expect now if anyone may know ?

And this is a great group that has really helped me alot , just reading all these posts in the last two weeks has helped alot. I pray for all of you and will continue to do so. Even if I dont always "reply" to a post your in my prayers.

Thanks !


  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I very happy for you. It's very good no spread to the nodes! May ur long road be a short one. Congrats. Do you know ur treatment yet? Prob to soon? Take care Katz
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    OH, man my throat was sore
    OH, man my throat was sore also, it's from the tube they put down your throat. It lasted a few days. Also I had funny tasting burps from the anesthia(sp)or it could be from the lactated ringers in my IV. My Oncology Surgeon spoke to me as soon as I was awake. Maybe you will be asked about the Oncotype DX test, that will tell you if Chemo will be really needed or not. I'll find out today more of my options. What was the size of your tumor? Did you get your pathology report yet?
  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    So glad to hear that your surgery went well! Lots of Hugs to you for a speedy recovery!! Diane
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Glad to hear everything went well with your surgery! Excellent on the lymphnodes also! They probably speak to someone else due to the "fog" of the anesthesia. Did you do Chemo b/4 surgery? It's hard to say what they may do at this point. It all depends on the biopsy. My plan is to try to shrink the tumor 1st w/chemo, Lumpectomy, then more Chemo & radiation. Are you Her2+or-? How about Estrogen/Prog.?(I have to continue the Chemo because of the Her2.) I was wondering why after all that they would still do Radiation... My Onc. explained that it is to zap any "travelers" there may be that they could not find or see. Makes sense! Get it all OUT!
    I too truly have been blessed by finding this site! These women are God sent & help make this journey an easier road to travel. (it always helps to have directions!) :-)
    Prayers & Hugz,
    Keep us posted on the results!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Your treatment options will
    Your treatment options will be decided on your final pathology report. It is dependent on the size of the tumor, etc. I also had a lumpectomy with a microscopic cell in the sentinel node only and therefore I am doing 4 rounds of chemo (completed my 3rd one yesterday), rads and hormone theraphy for 5 years. I am estrogen positive (another thing determined in your final pathology). Wishing you a short treatment program. Good luck!
  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    I'm 2 weeks out from surgery and can really relate to the sore throat. That for me (+ the drains) was the worst just post-op. Your Wed appt will answer most of the TX questions. Depending on the size of the tumor, family history, level of estrogen in the cancer cells that they biopsy you may or may not be referred for chemo. It is wonderful that it had not spread beyone the lump!! :-))
    Mine was that way as well. I had already decided on a bilateral mastectomy based on family history. Since the tumor size was 2.2, (and the magic number is <2.0) the onco dr is recommending chemo only 4 rounds in 12 weeks. This will start this next month. I am also going to be on the estrogen blocker for the next 5 years. This will be my second "forced" menopause since I had a complete hysterectomy (including ovaries) almost 20 years ago and went through it then.
    You have lots of support here. It's been wonderful to ask questions. I've been doing that since the beginning. The onco dr is also telling me there are 2 different chemo tx I could go on and letting me decide which I want (see my thread "Decisions, Decisions, Decisions). These amazing women have shared their ups and downs with both.
    Keep in touch. I'll be thinking of you next wed when you get your results. Let us know. Sending you prayers and internet hugs. Lola
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    It all depends.....
    YEAH FOR CLEAN LYMPH NODES!!!!!!!!! That's big! And each day, you will feel'll be sore but each day gets better........REST REST REST

    More than likely, your pathology report will determine what additonal treatments will be, I think most oncologists pretty much go by that and any further testing that they think is needed.This is my experience..... I had a lumpectomy on May 20, with clean, clear margins....My tumor was 2.2 cm...less than 1 inch...AND NO LYMPH NODE involvement. Mine was NOT estrogen receptive and it is not the hereditary type.... My oncologist gave us all the "odds and statistics" of, with certain post op treatments and without....I wanted to do everything possible to avoid a possible reccurence.....also my oncologist is very agressive in wanting his patients to have the best "odds." I had 4 rounds of chemo, 3 weeks apart of TAXOTERE and Cytoxan with a Neulasta injection the next day.....I finished chemo in August and I just had my 7th of 33 radiation treatments.......By doing BOTH we feel that gives me the best odds of beating a reccurence in the breast or anywhere else in the body. IT's all a personal decision guided by what your doctors feel is the best treatment for you....

    There's lots of decisons to make......I took 2 weeks after my lumpectomy to just try and have some peace......I was so happy to just have the "beast" out of my body that I didn't want to have to think about anything relating to further treatment. I decided those two weeks were going to be my two weeks of "peace" and they were. I didn't do a darn thing but lay around and be waited on! I am so blessed that I don't have to work and was able to just take it easy......That's what I would suggest you do for now......"think about the rest tomorrow!"
    I'm happy your surgery is over and I wish you the best.....
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
    Hi Shadow
    I had bilateral mastectomy, cancer was only on the right side but opted to have the left removed when they felt there was something suspicious on the left. It turned out to be nothing but I am happy that both were done. I am estrogen/progesterone neg but her2positive and my cancer only spread to the sentinel node but no other lymphnodes were involved. I guess the her2postive cancers are more aggressive so I am getting aggressive chemo and herceptin which is not actually chemo for 1 year.

    So you can see from all the posts that it will depend on the pathology reports but I would be relieved about the lymphnodes...thats a huge positive.

    You are right about the support on this site...I have never seen so much friendship as I have seen here...and it is truly genuine!!

    Hugs to you and let us know how you come out

    Linda T
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    mlmjt1 said:

    Hi Shadow
    I had bilateral mastectomy, cancer was only on the right side but opted to have the left removed when they felt there was something suspicious on the left. It turned out to be nothing but I am happy that both were done. I am estrogen/progesterone neg but her2positive and my cancer only spread to the sentinel node but no other lymphnodes were involved. I guess the her2postive cancers are more aggressive so I am getting aggressive chemo and herceptin which is not actually chemo for 1 year.

    So you can see from all the posts that it will depend on the pathology reports but I would be relieved about the lymphnodes...thats a huge positive.

    You are right about the support on this site...I have never seen so much friendship as I have seen here...and it is truly genuine!!

    Hugs to you and let us know how you come out

    Linda T

    so glad!
    Dear Shadow,

    Thanks for giving us an update. Such good news about the nodes! Glad too that you're doing better! As everyone else said ... you'll know more after you get the pathology report.

    I've been thinking about you and wondering how things were going.
    So glad to know that you're better and it seems like you're getting some very good news!

    Here's to more!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    so glad!
    Dear Shadow,

    Thanks for giving us an update. Such good news about the nodes! Glad too that you're doing better! As everyone else said ... you'll know more after you get the pathology report.

    I've been thinking about you and wondering how things were going.
    So glad to know that you're better and it seems like you're getting some very good news!

    Here's to more!

    Hi Shadow! Great news that
    Hi Shadow! Great news that your nodes are clean!

    Your final pathology report will determine your future treatment. Your oncologist will discuss it with you at your next meeting with him. And, be sure and get a copy of it for your records.

    Sue :)