Any metastasic (bone and lymph nodes) Triple negative BC survivors out there?

sobrevivire Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am 36, was diagnosed last year with a IIIA ductal invasive BC with 3/19 positive lymph nodes. Unfortunately, cancer cells passed to the lymphatic system and after 8 chemo cycles, a lumpectomy, 2 more chemo cycles, radiation therapy and 3 months of happiness thinking I had left cancer behind, I had a recurrence... This time, both breasts, several lymph nodes in the thoracic area and a spot on my pelvis. I am currently back on chemo, but determined to be a VERY long time survivor!!! For me and for my 2 year-old!!! Both times my response to chemo has been great, meaning that tumor(s) and lymph nodes have shrunk significantly very quickly.

Please give me hope and tell me there are long term survivors with similar conditions out there!



  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Hope always Hope
    Yes there is hope, believe that!!!!! I was 40 when I got it, (runs in my family) I was a borderline stage 2 I had no active lymph nodes. Had lumpectomy, 6 rounds of chemo and 6 wks of rads. I was good for 6 months when it came back in my sentinel lymph node and chest muscle at which time I was a stage 4. I then had 18 more rounds of chemo and 10 more weeks of rads. I was cancer free for 9 years, it returned in 07 stage 2 on other breast. Had mastectomy and 4 rounds or chemo. I am in the midst of reconstruction and am doing fine. I do have issues as a result of the cancer battles but trust me life is good and life is worth fighting for. You sound like a fighter and you sound positive both will serve you well. I have lived 12 years with cancer and plan to live a lot longer. There are folks who will also answer this who have been surviving even longer! Never give up hope and happiness, cancer takes our health, our body parts it does not deserve our happiness!!!!

    Sending BIG HUGS your way,

  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    There is always hope...
    There is always hope... remember stats are just numbers.. everyone falls on the curve somewhere so why not you be on the far right.... I also am 36.. I have 3 children (7,4, &2) . I am stage 2b with 2 positive nodes. and I am a triple negative BC

    We have to believe in HOPE... for our children and our selves.. Otherwise, we'll just stop fighting... For me I will fight till my last breath. I cant' leave my kids motherless They are what drives me to get out of bed everyday...

    Best of luck to you...
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    e_hope said:

    There is always hope...
    There is always hope... remember stats are just numbers.. everyone falls on the curve somewhere so why not you be on the far right.... I also am 36.. I have 3 children (7,4, &2) . I am stage 2b with 2 positive nodes. and I am a triple negative BC

    We have to believe in HOPE... for our children and our selves.. Otherwise, we'll just stop fighting... For me I will fight till my last breath. I cant' leave my kids motherless They are what drives me to get out of bed everyday...

    Best of luck to you...

    Hope and determination
    I am very sorry that you have reoccurrence. There is always hope and determination to battle cancer for your son.
    I was diagnosed with Stage III C 15 months ago at age of 46. I had radical mastectomy with 10 /2 positive, reconstruction, 6 Chemo cycles (two drugs) , 36 radiation treatments, and currently on Tamoxifen. I am not back to what I used to be, but I think I am OK.
    My son is older, but still needs me and my support. My Mother is 70 and still needs me as well.
    My goal is to see my grandchildren.

    Good luck with your treatments