Strike Up The Band ! Cousin NED is in Town For The Weekend!!!!
Start the Music, please! NED has his dancing shoes on and is raring to go!!! I got my dance-card filled today~ it said that NED was requesting the honor of my company!! Whooooo hoooo! You know how much of a flirt our NED is~ he will be changing partners and boogy-ing with as many of us as he possibly can! How nice that…
still tired
It has been four months since my last herceptin treatment. Why does this fatique still linger?
Triple Negative Breast Cancer
I just received my diagnosis on Friday, Sept 4, 2009, and I am lost. I just moved to a new place for a new job that does not offer health insurance. I only have a limited coverage health plan that I pay for myself. What I want to know if I can't pay for treatment is it OK to ask for just pain control until I pass? I do…
Help please , scared out of my mind
This past thursday I went in for my first mammogram , I am 39 years old , since it was my first they also did a ultra sound , I was told by the Radiolgist right after the ultra sound that He believed I had cancer if not he would be very surprised, friday I went for the biopsy and sat. morning he called with the results…
Silver Sneakers Program
I'm 67 and on Medicare with a supplement through AARP. I recently received notification that one of the benefits was being able to participate, at no cost to me, in a program called, "Silver Sneakers." Combine this with research on the ACS information network that 1 and 1/2 hours of walking at a pace of 2 -3 miles per hour…
Port installed - Petscan
Hello all! I had my port installed Thursday morning and I got my wish they did general on me. I had a great plan of staying awake for 2 days so I would be sleepy, but I arrived at the hospital and they gave me a starter sedative and it did NOTHING!! So when I got to the OR the anesthesiologist gave me another sedative thru…
Is anyone having headache's with Taxol & Hercepitin. I don't know if this is from treatment, flu shot or stress. Flu shot was done over a week ago so I don't think it would be that. Did not have this while on AC. Only going on #4 round. Just something new for me.
Please help, need advice on yucky topic!
Okay everyone, went to ER yesterday for what I thought was a burst ovarian cyst. I have been having cramping for days now and it seems to always be in the morning times (when I usually have bowel movements). This goes on for a few hours, and it is so uncomfortable. I thought maybe I was over it after yesterday but its…
day 2 post chemo
Hello everyone. This is my second day post chemo and things are going well except for a mild amount of nausea, which the medications are taking care of. I had the Neulasta shot on yesterday and have felt no major bone pain as of yet. The nurse told me that I may not feel any side effects until the third day. I have faith…
Cancer World
Okay, new experience today. Went to ER for a non cancer related prob...ovarian cycst rupture. Anyways...was there 6 hours!! Took them 2 hours to decide to do an exam then another 3 of waiting. They refused to diagnose me or prescribe anything until they spoke to my oncologist. Of course, its Saturday and couldnt get a hold…
Newly Diagnosed
I had a lumpectomy on 9/4/09 On 9/10/09 I received the diagnosis of invasive mammary carcinoma of the ductal kind. What a devastating day that was. It totally was not what I expected...I had myself convinced that I would get a good report for being cancer free since everyone was telling me that is usually what happens in…
A Blessing I recieved..
I posted a week or so ago about being asked to be a part of a oncotype study.. The rules were they would pay for the testing and I had to follow thier rules... When I went last Friday to sign the papers I got really emotional. I did my best to discuss with the gal my fears of this study and she told me I really really…
First round of chemo
Hello everyone. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it. I had my first chemo dose of AC and Avastin or placebo. Everything went well. I was there for 4-1/2 hours. They fed me lunch and offered me all the drinks I could drink. I am home now and feeling great. Port site worked like a charm.…
I'm sorry, I fell down a Well................
Depression as I have only imagined it. Ok I am starting to claw my way back up now. Not very well, but I am getting there. Thank you for all your support. Sorry I havn't been here for anyone, THIS IS NOT ME! I have been 'Lurking' in here and in the chat-room.............just too down to get involved, speak or join…
Nausea, Nausea Go Away
Just finished my 2nd round of chemo and the nausea almost killed me this week. Anyone have a great combo drug that works. My doctor gave me the patch today. If anyone has suggestions, please HELP! Patti
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
On July 23 I was told I have Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Aug. 6 I had a biopsy. Triple negative. I had a port installed three weeks ago. In my youth, I had a drug problem. I am on methadone now. I am scared to death of chemotherapy. When I was 23. my mother was diagnosed again with cancer. This time in her throat area. She…
Three golf jokes since I am playing golf today
LOST BALL A man walked into the clubhouse and noticed a friend sitting in a corner wearing a neck brace. He sat down and asked his mate what happened. "Well, I was playing golf and I hit my ball into the rough," replied his friend."Then I met a chick who was looking for her ball too. Finding mine, I thought I'd give her a…
Last Chemo today!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Happy to be done with chemo after today!!! Yes I still have rads to go, but whoo hooooo!!!! to no more chemo!!!
Not about cancer but guess what today is?
My kids informed me that today is "Talk like a Pirate" day. Ok mate. error. Opps that Austrialian and computer. I'll have to brush up by watching pirate movies. Who knows pirate talk.
ROLL CALL: I have a crazy weekend planned, how about you?!! Weekend Plans!
Ok, I know I haven't been posting much lately. I've been reading everyone's posts and wishing everyone well in my head, but I haven't been able to translate that to writing. Why? I am swamped at work. Crazy, I know. Usually, I am here typing away, but I actually have a conference deadline coming up and I need to produce a…
A warm welcome to newcomers and hello..
to old friends. Sorry I've been away for awhile. Mostly it has been the pressures of work and simply coming home mentally exhausted. Some have asked about my MRI report, I cannot get it yet (I don't know why, but I have to wait 2 weeks) the receptionist told me it's normal. Fine with me. I guess the growths they have found…
Lymphedema/Flu Shot Reminder
Just a reminder - Protect yourself. If you are planning on getting a flu shot (or two), be sure and have it on the side that did not have lymph nodes removed. That goes for blood draws and blood pressure readings as well. xoxoxoxo Lynn
From Daft sod, to Gormless Bugger! Emails?
OK, As an old timer on this site I really hate to admit this, But.... How do you send a message to a friend on here? The only way I know is to hit reply, but what if you want to start a NEW message?.. Sorry to be such a gormless bugger, but I seem to have tried everything with very unencouraging resuls (or lack of)…
Hello, I am almost 7 weeks from surgery and had my first Radiation consultation today, going for simulation on Thursday, and starting Radiation (thanks PAMMY) next Monday. I am doing well as far as range of motion, healing, I am active, excercise doing arobics, ride a bicycle, I physically feeling good now that I am rid of…
First Day of Chemo
I had first day of A/C today, not so bad today. I guess most side effects come on day 2 and 3. I go for shot of Neulasta tomorrow. I was wondering if anyone experienced a funny taste and smell when your port gets flushed? and what causes this? is it something the port is made of ? just wondering. Thanks Deb
Wig or scarves???
I feel kind of bad posting this type of question when there are so many other important aspects of this disease but here goes. I probably have a week or so before I lost my hair and was just wondering what some of you out there have used...a wig or scarves? I've read some comments that wigs are hot, itchy, etc and that…
This is For TUX
It seems that this is in order!!!!!!!!!! .myspace-marquee {height:75px;width:400px;background-color:green;font-family:Cursive;font-size:22pt;color:blue;border-width:4;border-style:double;border-color:purple;} Congrats on Finishing Rad's I hope you're out Celebrating now! Aurora ♥ ♥ ♥
Second to last taxol treatment last monday
I have so many aches and pains anyone else have this and how do you fix. love to hear from someone with same problem
Aurora....how did first day of Rads go?
Lately there has been soooo much activity on here, that I am having a hard time keeping up with the boards and with what everyone has going on. So, sorry if I missed something important, never intentional. Aurora....wasn't this your first day of rads? How did it go? Taleena....how are you doing with your treatments?…
I am kinda of in a funk today
I feel kind of down in the dumps today. For starters, my youngest is off to college tomorrow so its the empty nest thing going on here today. I feel bad because I have been going thru mastectomy, a/c, taxol and herceptin and trying to work. I work full time and have been managing about 30 to 35 hours per week. I really…