"beauty pearls for chemo girls"
Hey out there, just wanted to pass this info along. The book "Beauty Pearls for Chemo Girls" is fabulous! My aunt got it for me and it is FULL of good info on beauty tips and side effects for women going through chemo...I wish I had it before my treatment because it tells everything...I highly recommend it. Anyone else…
Aloe Vera... ugh..
Okay.. I have been putting on my aloe vera twice a day... as instructed... however it has been sticking to my shirt... up until two days ago that was no big deal... just pull on it and it seperates from the skin... well... now to pull it off it hurts like a he**...how do you keep it from sticking to your shirt... ?? Any…
I had my first chemo today
I had my first Chemo treatment today.It has been very imotional for me.Yesterday I cryed off and on all day.And today also off and on.I made it through the treatment without crying.My daughter was with me and I knew if i cryed she would two.But other then that i can not stop crying.I know I have to do this to get well and…
Breast cancer paper doll...
I have a super-inquisitive five year old neighbor and this prompted me to design a paper doll to help explain to her exactly what's going on (she caught me unawares one day and my response to "What's in those bags?" was "My insides." so obviously some better explanations were in order). I realize not everyone wants to be…
Ran my first Mud Bog this afternoon!
YUP - I ran in my first Mud Bog this afternoon and came in 3rd ($30)! A while ago I gave Son my IH Scout. It had been my daily drive for 4 1/2 years before I got something different to drive (it's real cold here in the winter and it has a LOT of 'pneumonia holes') and it had just sat for 4 1/2 - 5 years til Son got it…
I got a question??
Ive read many posts here by women who have a mastectomy then undergo their chemo/radiation or both. What determines to remove then treat or to treat then remove. Ive just began chemo, my onc says mastectomy will come after I finish chemo. My lump is very large (PET scan says 10cm)with liver mets. I fear that what if the…
I'm so upset with my doctor!
It has been well over a month now since my mastectomy, and I have been experiencing shortness of breath, dizzy spells, and feeling very tired. I was dx'd with a malignant phyllodes tumor, and suppossedly did not need follow-up treatment, because all of the tumor was removed and this type doesn't respond to treatment other…
Not only did I DO the Lance Armstrong 10K today~ I was the 2nd place WINNER of top fundraisers!!!
I told Reggie I had to get online right away~ I was the 2nd highest fundraiser for the 10K, and in the biking part of the fundraiser ( it is a Lance Armstrong fundraiser afterall!!) a ONE year Breast Cancer survivor woman took top prize!!!!!! 2 women, both us us BC survivors WON!!!!! Maybe you are not surprised ( I am!)…
Days 10 thru 15 of Sue's Rads
Hi all! Like I wrote earlier, I am sorry that I haven't posted, but, I have been sick and just haven't felt like even being on the puter. I know you all missed my posts...lol Ok, maybe a few did, so, here goes. 10- 15 have basically been the same. I get zapped the same amount of times and it takes longer than me…
Help! I overdid the arm exercises 3 wks post-op. It hurts! Also 1st Chemo in 2 days.
This is the first time I've posted anything on this site. Since my Partial Mastectomy 3 wks ago I've been making gradual progress with the exercises the Dr. recommended: walking my fingers across my head to my opposite ear. However, I decided to try a few repetitions of exercises listed in the ACS booklet yesterday. I…
Hello,back from cruise,had great time,Chemo starts Tuesday.
Hello everyone.back from cruise.I had a wonderful time.It was pretty amazing,just beatiful.But I start Chemo Tuesday.will be without hair in a week or two.I know i can do this but dread all the Chemo and radiation.But it was so nice to get away.hope everyone had a great week.love and prayers.(Pat).
Gone Golfing
One lovely morning, Ben and Thomas were out golfing. Ben slices his ball deep into a wooded ravine. He grabs his 8-iron and proceeds down the embankment into the ravine in search of his ball. Ben searches diligently throught the thick underbrush and suddenly he spots something shiny. As he gets closer, he realizes that the…
Back pain
Hi all,,,I am new here,,,just had my first of 6 chemo treatments on Monday, followed by a shot of Neulasta the following day. They said that bone pain was a side effect of Neulasta, and last night I was awakened with a pounding pain in the small of my spine...not my back, as if it was kidkeys, but in the spine. Did any of…
Are they a tax right off?
chemo induced menopause...
Has anyone else had to face this... I am 36 and currently have chemo induced menopause has any other women out there dealt with this. No one knows if it will be permanent or not. One doctor told me most likely and another said because of my age it shouldn't be. The hot flashes are the worst one minute I am sweating buckets…
Mastectomy/Hysterectomy/Port photos...
I hope it's all right to post this here... I read the terms and it seems that only commercial sites or volunteer/project solicitations are prohibited. I couldn't find a lot of mastectomy photos when I was about to have one, so I had mine photographed and put the pictures online at CancerVacation.com. There are lots of…
Got my Flu Shot today, did you get yours?
Saw my PCP to get my flu shot today and have my check up and go over all my treatments. Got the regular flu shot, but will NOT get the H1N1 when it comes out. We talked about it and have decided in my case against it. But I urge everyone, if your Doc ok's it, to get your flu shots now. Doc said going around early and…
please help
I have stage 4 invasive aggressive metastatic breast cancer that was HER2Positive I took adriomicyn adriomicyn cytoxin it is a rough chemo but the,taxol was worse ,28 days radiation and 18 mo of herceptin they gave me 8 mo.in Sept 2005 I just celebrated 4years out and cancer free any questions feel free to email me at…
Full lymph node dissection, has anyone had this?
After six months of chemo, I am finally having surgery this Friday 9/25. I am scheduled for a partial mastectomy and a full lymph node dissection. I'm o.k. with the partial mast. but when I asked my surgeon if he was going to do sentinal node mapping he said no he was going to take my lymph nodes, when I asked how many he…
Half finished with chemotheraphy_Getting rid of baggage
I have been hanging around here for a while just keeping up with everyone. It has been a while since I posted, but I am back now. The chemotheraphy treatments has not been too bad. The side effects of the drugs has been managable. The steroids sends my blood gluclose levels into orbit for a few days right after treatments.…
grieving and depression
My last herceptin treatment was on May 20, 2009. I was 43 when they found the tumor and I was told that I would have two surgeries and once they sent the tumor off for analysis, we would proceed with what type of treatment was best for me. It turned out to be an aggressive form of cancer. I had support from my doctors,…
Strike Up The Band ! Cousin NED is in Town For The Weekend!!!!
Start the Music, please! NED has his dancing shoes on and is raring to go!!! I got my dance-card filled today~ it said that NED was requesting the honor of my company!! Whooooo hoooo! You know how much of a flirt our NED is~ he will be changing partners and boogy-ing with as many of us as he possibly can! How nice that…
still tired
It has been four months since my last herceptin treatment. Why does this fatique still linger?
Triple Negative Breast Cancer
I just received my diagnosis on Friday, Sept 4, 2009, and I am lost. I just moved to a new place for a new job that does not offer health insurance. I only have a limited coverage health plan that I pay for myself. What I want to know if I can't pay for treatment is it OK to ask for just pain control until I pass? I do…
Help please , scared out of my mind
This past thursday I went in for my first mammogram , I am 39 years old , since it was my first they also did a ultra sound , I was told by the Radiolgist right after the ultra sound that He believed I had cancer if not he would be very surprised, friday I went for the biopsy and sat. morning he called with the results…
Silver Sneakers Program
I'm 67 and on Medicare with a supplement through AARP. I recently received notification that one of the benefits was being able to participate, at no cost to me, in a program called, "Silver Sneakers." Combine this with research on the ACS information network that 1 and 1/2 hours of walking at a pace of 2 -3 miles per hour…
Port installed - Petscan
Hello all! I had my port installed Thursday morning and I got my wish they did general on me. I had a great plan of staying awake for 2 days so I would be sleepy, but I arrived at the hospital and they gave me a starter sedative and it did NOTHING!! So when I got to the OR the anesthesiologist gave me another sedative thru…
Is anyone having headache's with Taxol & Hercepitin. I don't know if this is from treatment, flu shot or stress. Flu shot was done over a week ago so I don't think it would be that. Did not have this while on AC. Only going on #4 round. Just something new for me.
Please help, need advice on yucky topic!
Okay everyone, went to ER yesterday for what I thought was a burst ovarian cyst. I have been having cramping for days now and it seems to always be in the morning times (when I usually have bowel movements). This goes on for a few hours, and it is so uncomfortable. I thought maybe I was over it after yesterday but its…
day 2 post chemo
Hello everyone. This is my second day post chemo and things are going well except for a mild amount of nausea, which the medications are taking care of. I had the Neulasta shot on yesterday and have felt no major bone pain as of yet. The nurse told me that I may not feel any side effects until the third day. I have faith…