Hello everyone, I am 43 years old and have just been diagnosed with invasive carcinoma in my left breast. I am undergoing chemo first which starts on the 21st of this month and then after the chemo am having a double-masectomy. I am also having the mediport installed on the 17th. I am really scared and any insight anyone…
Another happy ornament recipient!
Just picked up today's mail, and there was a nice package - such excitement! Thank you, thank you Marlene_K (at least I think that's who it's from; the note inside tells the sender's "real" name, and I'm guessing she is the sender). If not, please let me know and I'll do some more investigating. The ornament is a beautiful…
Reaction to taxotere/length of time
I have IBC,the intent was to shrink the cancer prior to the mastectomy. It has shrunk.I see my onco and surgeon tomorrow. I am sure they are moving my surgery up a few months. I am concerned w/my taxotere side effects. (My throat closed)I still have shortness of breath. I had cardiac catheterization Monday (ouch),but no…
Tip of the day:How to send a privet message
Many of our sisters on the board have been wondering:How to send a privet message (PM) It is very easy, let's try Go to: http://csn.cancer.org/csnhome Under Connect and Communicate (deep blue) You will see "CSN Email" tab then click on this tab and it brings you to your mailbox at CSN network Have Fun!!! New Flower
how do you pick a surgeon????!!!
I am in need of feedback - I am 47 and diagnosed with Stage1 breast cancer. I will most likely need a mastectomy and live in the New London County area. Doctors have suggested other doctors, which is okay, but I would like to hear from the ladies who have been through the mastectomy/reconstructive surgery. I don't want to…
New on site ??'s about eyebrows & eyelashes
Hi all, I have been reading this site for months and have learned so much from you remarkable ladies. I've decided to join in with the hopes that maybe I can help someone else or get help myself! I was diagnosed May 27th and have had a lumpectomy, sentinel lymph node biopsy and 4 lymph nodes removed, 1 with cancer. I am…
HOW TO CALL THE POLICE WHEN YOU'RE OLD AND DON'T MOVE FAST ANYMORE. George Phillips , an elderly man, from Meridian, Mississippi, was going up to bed, when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window. George opened the back door to go turn off the light, but…
Guess I just need to voice..........
You know God really does orchestra everything. I had been talking to my husband about getting my hair cut short. We both love long hair. Ours were the same length up to a week ago. A few days before I was going to get it cut, I had a dream that my hair looked like Julia Roberts in the movie Steal Magnolia right before she…
Hi Tasha, Did you find out anything at wednesday's appointment regarding stopping the tamoxifen last week? Hope you got some good answers and can share them with us. I for one have been sitting on the fence still reading and reading up on the pros and cons of taking any hormome type pill while I am taking an anxiety…
ELIZAROSE...thanks so much for the lovely ornament!
Beth, Receiving the ornament yesterday was such a thrill! YES, I do love snowmen and I did notice the pink scarf on the penguin :) ) I will treasure this always and forever more, I will remember you, my pink sister, whenever I see a snowman. Thank you! Oh, and the candy that you sent I will, of course, share with my kids.…
Time to vent about health insurance
We get calls from health insurance salesman and when we tell them I had cancer and now Parkinson's, they can't get off the phone soon enough. So now when they call we tell them they won't cover us and why and they say thank you and hang up. The only reason I've got health insurance at all is a high risk pool through the…
Chen~You Cheated!!
Hi Chen! I received a beautiful holiday card today!! WOW! I sure wasn't expecting it! It was so nice of you but, you cheated!! lol It really cheered up my day! Tomorrow is my first chemo, and I'm a bit nervous about it. So this was just what I needed. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Sending big warm fuzzy(((((Hugz)))))
I got my ornament today
Hey all!!! My ornament came today...I was going to wait to open it, but I thought, why wait til xmas when its an ornament, right??? Anyway, its a beautiful glass angel which came all the way from Canada and it lights up with a really beautiful note included in the box. So Im excited to get it on the tree...and it came on a…
Does head soreness go away after hair comes out?? (hopefully??)
I have finished my 2nd chemo yesterday and for the last 3 days - MON, TUES, and TODAY my hair has really thinned out, handfuls in the shower each morning...head REALLY sore today..does this soreness go away after hair falls completely out? And thoughts would be helpful. Thanks, Tracy
Hello...Call me GG
Hello...Call me GG. Just learned via biopsy I have breast cancer. Don't know much more. Wearing out my computer trying to learn since I got the report. Glad there's a place that has many shoulders to lean on (and maybe cry). Have many questions...in time. Right now I am trying to find what to do, where to go, what's next.…
Anyone else here taking arimidex and what are the side effects you've experienced?
a question for cr1954
did your lump from cancer hurt? and to anbody that is reading this did your lump hurt when you found it.
i pray in the name of my lord jesus christ for every soul on this site, i bind up cancer in jesus name and say go dry up at the very root. amen gal3:13 for all believers and all who dont too. i love and feel for all of you. fear not i am with you. even to the end. i also had stage 3 breast cancer. 7 node pos. her-2 pos. on…
Sending my Ornament out tomorrow!!
To my Secret Sister... I'm sure you check your mail everyday wondering if your special ornament is ever going to arrive.. It will be on it's way tomorrow!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did picking it out for you!!! Calleen
Mammosite insertion
Lady Parvati, how did it go? How are you feeling? Wishing you the best! Did they answer all your questions? Do you have your first treatment Friday or Monday? Connie
spot on lung
CXR showed pulmonary nodule. Followed by CT scan but it was also abnormal. Told me today need to have a PET scan. Never had one. Not sure what this will tell that the other tests didnot. No one has said this bad yet. But nodule in the lung doesnt sound very good. Could it really be nothing?
Hi Jane ... just wondered how you were doing ... resting and taking those drugs? hugs. teena
hello and how is everyone? today was my 2nd chemo and i just have a little vent, the day of my chemo i feel very good but then a few days after i am so tried and i dont understand why, i try to drink a lot of water and rest. I know this is going to sound crazy but i dont know if i can rest anymore everytime i look around i…
Been a while
I know it has been a week or two since my last post here, and well I dont really have an excuse other then all the new dx is so overwhelming, I am afraid to look some days. To all the new people I am so sorry you ever had to find us. Please know that you can do this. Its hard and there will be day where you will wonder if…
First round of chemo done!
I know I know, I'm late as usual!! Had my 1st round of chemo today (Taxotere & Cytoxan) 3 more rounds to go!! I get to the infusion place, and they proceed to tell me that I'm not on the schedule!! WTH??? They did make room for me!! I had my port placed at surgery 5 weeks ago, and of course it was kinda clogged. The nurse…
TGF - Has the Ornament Made It?
TGF - Did the ornament get there? I'm so nervous - hope you like it! Lori
Lola - How did #2 Go?
Lola - Just checking in to see how it went - I think you were scheduled for #2 today???? I hope you are doing great! Lori
Heard back from ACS in re: Latest Mammogram Guidelines
I got a 2 page email back from ACS regarding the latest guidelines. They have assured me that they will continue to support the guidelines in place. "Please be assured that, despite the Task Forces findings, the American Cancer Society is not changing its screening recommendations. The Society continues to recommend annual…
Lanie, i haven't seen you around for a while...just wondering how you are.
bruising and gummy mouth
I seem to bruise easiy, and my mouth is so dry and sticky on taxol. I am drinking tons of fluid and am not dehydrated, do I need something from the Pharmacy or just to do mouth care more often?