denbralou Member Posts: 66
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello everyone, I am 43 years old and have just been diagnosed with invasive carcinoma in my left breast. I am undergoing chemo first which starts on the 21st of this month and then after the chemo am having a double-masectomy. I am also having the mediport installed on the 17th. I am really scared and any insight anyone can give me would be so appreciated.


  • S3
    S3 Member Posts: 28
    I was so scared my first
    I was so scared my first chemo you could hear the shaking in my voice. I called my family doctor for an anti-anxiety, it helped. I am 46 and today is my last chemo than I will be having surgery after Christmas then radiation.
    What I have found to help was educationing myself. Not everything I have read has been the most pleasant.
    Do follow the recomended high protien diet, it really helps. SO does the low fiber for diarrhea, etc. has a lot of useful info for dealing with side effects. I have been able to work through most of my chemo. I felt like going to work also. Walking around the park instead of doing all the house work helped to clear my mind and to do some thinking. Don't expect too much of yourself and rest when your body tells you to!
    If you have problems call your doctor office.
    Good luck and I hope things go okay for you.
  • denbralou
    denbralou Member Posts: 66
    S3 said:

    I was so scared my first
    I was so scared my first chemo you could hear the shaking in my voice. I called my family doctor for an anti-anxiety, it helped. I am 46 and today is my last chemo than I will be having surgery after Christmas then radiation.
    What I have found to help was educationing myself. Not everything I have read has been the most pleasant.
    Do follow the recomended high protien diet, it really helps. SO does the low fiber for diarrhea, etc. has a lot of useful info for dealing with side effects. I have been able to work through most of my chemo. I felt like going to work also. Walking around the park instead of doing all the house work helped to clear my mind and to do some thinking. Don't expect too much of yourself and rest when your body tells you to!
    If you have problems call your doctor office.
    Good luck and I hope things go okay for you.

    Thank You
    Thank you S3 for responding back. I hope all goes well with your surgery. I will follow your advice for the high protein diet, I have read too that this helps. I am hoping to keep working through my chemo. Were you able to go to work the next day after chemo or the day after? Did you have a mediport in? If so, how was that? What area are you from? I live in Pennsylvania.
  • S3
    S3 Member Posts: 28
    denbralou said:

    Thank You
    Thank you S3 for responding back. I hope all goes well with your surgery. I will follow your advice for the high protein diet, I have read too that this helps. I am hoping to keep working through my chemo. Were you able to go to work the next day after chemo or the day after? Did you have a mediport in? If so, how was that? What area are you from? I live in Pennsylvania.

    I am North of Pgh, PA. What
    I am North of Pgh, PA. What part do you live in? After the first 2 rounds I did work the day after. My job doesn't always allow me to drink the required water to help get the posion out of my ssystem, so I stoppped working the day after. Today is my last dose, #6 and I took off next week. The Taxotere causes neuropthy and it gets weird walking, required a lot on my job.
    What kind of chemo are you hsving?
    I did not have a port, wish I would have now that my arm veins are crappy. I also was not on the AC which can be very damaging to soft tissue around veins if you do not have a port.
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    Welcome to our discussion
    Welcome to our discussion board--the club that no one wants to join. I did not have the same dx & treatment as you, but I can tell you what others have said--follow doctors orders, get plenty of rest, & take help when offered. I wish you the best--keep us posted on your progress. Hugs & prayers sent your way...
  • Lynda53
    Lynda53 Member Posts: 210
    You have come to a great place
    I am sorry for you diagnosis. My mastectomy is soon.
    I had 3 chemo treatments ( Ac + taxotere) I opted for Thursday treatments so I could take Friday off and the weekend. I really needed the rest. I found I was very tired and slept a lot. I changed my work to late nights:avoid people,easier daytime sleep/rest.
    FTR I only had the 3 due to reactions to taxo. Followup is rad.
    I had no nausea to speak of,some stomach crampiness,and yes to diarrhea.
    I got softeners and preventers which I took which helped a lot. This was in addition to the pre and post chemo meds.
    Drink your fluids! Very important,on infusion day it makes you rveins better, and it helps to get the rap out of you.
    My warm healing wishes to you, you will be good again!
  • denbralou
    denbralou Member Posts: 66
    S3 said:

    I am North of Pgh, PA. What
    I am North of Pgh, PA. What part do you live in? After the first 2 rounds I did work the day after. My job doesn't always allow me to drink the required water to help get the posion out of my ssystem, so I stoppped working the day after. Today is my last dose, #6 and I took off next week. The Taxotere causes neuropthy and it gets weird walking, required a lot on my job.
    What kind of chemo are you hsving?
    I did not have a port, wish I would have now that my arm veins are crappy. I also was not on the AC which can be very damaging to soft tissue around veins if you do not have a port.

    Thanks everyone. I am near Harrisburg, PA. They have not told me what kind of chemo I am having yet. If there is anyone in my area that was treated locally by a center in my area, please give me your thoughts. The hardest part is making a decision where to be treated and feeling that you are making the right decision.
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Hello and welcome, although I am sorry for your dx.

    Fear, oh my, fear seems to become a part of life once you are diagnosed and realize that you actually do have cancer. And it is all so overwhelming! At the same time that you are terrified for your life, you have other people making plans for your treatment and you have simply lost control of your future...for awhile. You are turning yourself over to your health care team and are really just along for the ride at this point.
    But once actual treatment starts, and you are actively involved in making yourself better, things sometimes seem easier.

    First of all, chemo is not fun. No matter what your docs say, no matter how you think you feel about it, it is not fun. BUT, it is very doable! And you CAN do it! We will all be here to help you in any way that we can.
    My best suggestion for the time leading up to your first chemo not listen to any chemo horror stories that friends or family may regale you with. If they start to telll you that "Uncle Joe was bedridden and at death's door while on chemo"....just put your fingers in your ears and sing Christmas songs very loudly, so that you can't hear it.
    Everyone has different chemo experiences, and what may be difficult for one will be a snap for others. So please don't go for your first one, with a feeling of doom and gloom.

    I had mastectomy on right breast and 21 lymph nodes removed. I was released from the hospital within 18 hours. Being home to recover was very important to me.
    Having said that, others, and you may well be one of them, will need more hospital care to start your recovery.
    Hopefully, you will have help when you do come home. If someone offers, take them up on it.

    Having the port installed is not a difficult thing. And you will be happy that you have it, as it will save your arm veins and numerous pokes in the future.

    And please don't be afraid to express your fear and whatever your feelings may be to us here. That's where this board has been so helpful to so many. We are all in the "same boat" so to speak and we all just want to help each other in our cancer journey.

    Hugs for you...

  • marilyndbk
    marilyndbk Member Posts: 238 Member
    Welcome to this wonderful
    Welcome to this wonderful club. It has been so good for me for info and strength on this journey. Just to know that what I am feeling sometimes is normal. We really get it even if we are not having the same treatment. I am almost 3 mos post op for bilateral mastectomy with latissimus flap reconstruction. I go in today for 4th filling and will be so glad when process is complete. Both my breast surgeon and plastic surgeon and their office staffs are great. Both told me there was no wrong decision and they would do the best possible job whatever I decided was best for me. Am sending thoughts and prayers and positive vibes your way. Take good care of yourself. Marilyn
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411

    Welcome to this wonderful
    Welcome to this wonderful club. It has been so good for me for info and strength on this journey. Just to know that what I am feeling sometimes is normal. We really get it even if we are not having the same treatment. I am almost 3 mos post op for bilateral mastectomy with latissimus flap reconstruction. I go in today for 4th filling and will be so glad when process is complete. Both my breast surgeon and plastic surgeon and their office staffs are great. Both told me there was no wrong decision and they would do the best possible job whatever I decided was best for me. Am sending thoughts and prayers and positive vibes your way. Take good care of yourself. Marilyn

    I wanted
    to welcome you to our Sisterhood. You say are having chemo first so I am assuming that your lump is fairly large?
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Calleen said:

    I wanted
    to welcome you to our Sisterhood. You say are having chemo first so I am assuming that your lump is fairly large?

    I would like to welcome you
    I would like to welcome you to the site, but, sorry for the reason that you found us. There are several now taking chemo, so, they will be able to answer your questions.

  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    Calleen said:

    I wanted
    to welcome you to our Sisterhood. You say are having chemo first so I am assuming that your lump is fairly large?

    Welcome and join the club
    Welcome and join the club (that no one wants to be a part of). I also have been dxed with invasive ductal carcinoma, 3 tumors and lymph node too. I didn't have chemo but another therapy to reduce my tumors. They are shrinking and I'm going Dec 11 to find out more about surgery. This board has been so helpful and supportive and the women here are courageous and amazing, loving and kind. Glad you found us and please continue posting. We're here for you and we want to know how its going for you.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Sunrae said:

    Welcome and join the club
    Welcome and join the club (that no one wants to be a part of). I also have been dxed with invasive ductal carcinoma, 3 tumors and lymph node too. I didn't have chemo but another therapy to reduce my tumors. They are shrinking and I'm going Dec 11 to find out more about surgery. This board has been so helpful and supportive and the women here are courageous and amazing, loving and kind. Glad you found us and please continue posting. We're here for you and we want to know how its going for you.

    people here are so
    people here are so supportive and kind, not everyone has the same side effects but usually SOMEONE has had it and everyone is quick to help if you are feeling down. the people athat push ad encourage are what gets you through. Hoping everything goes smoothly. I do not have a port yes my arms are pretty bruised.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I had A/C chemo first to
    I had A/C chemo first to shrink my large tumors. Then had Taxotere after surgery and then radiation. I know it's scary but hang in there. Take one day at a time. I was diagnosed in 2003.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    I had A/C chemo first to
    I had A/C chemo first to shrink my large tumors. Then had Taxotere after surgery and then radiation. I know it's scary but hang in there. Take one day at a time. I was diagnosed in 2003.

    Welcome. I am sure that we
    Welcome. I am sure that we were and are still scared. Bc is scary, let's be realistic. But, you will get thru it, as we have and are. This is a great support group. Just breathe and take it as it comes.
