Am I making the right decision
I am a 38 year old female and in August I was diagnosed with infiltrating ductal carsonoma. To make a long story short, I have had a lumpectomy and one round of chemo. I went to a followup appointment with my oncologist today following my 1st treatment. She told me that my PET Scan, CAT Scan, and cardiogram were all clear.…
If the shoe fits
I wanted to share that I received in the mail today a beautiful ornament. It is a minature shoe, all glitz and glamour, and a note that read, As we walk the path together, we deserve beautiful shoes. The ornament truly touched my soul (no pun intended) and lifted my heart. It is so much more than an ornament, it a tangible…
Chen ... ornament question
Hi Chen ... you may have already told us ... but I'm just curious ... how many of "us" out here are exchanging ornaments? I know all of this must have taken a lot of time on your part ... but I've been wondering how many of us are "out here." hugs. teena
Ornament,I got it today,I am so excited.
I couldn,t wait to get it opened.It happened to be a not feel so good day like we have somedays.I just got back from my 80 miles to get my radiation.What a wonderful uplift this was.I never seen one like it.it is a box of choclate glass ornaments.Its gorgous.I couldn,t wait to put it on my tree.And a cute card.Thank…
Encouragement words
I'm looking for some encouragement words for my Mom, she will be receiving her last A/C treatment next week and will begin with either Taxol or Taxotere soon. Any ideas? Thanks!!
Has anyone faced repossession or had to file bankruptcy since their diagnosis of cancer?I have some questions. If anyone has been in this position please PM me. Thanks Deb1969
Groan... LOL
A man was walking through the cities antiques quarter when a mangy cat runs across the road and nearly trips him over. He walks past the doorway the cat was headed for and notices there is a bowl of milk there that the cat is enjoying immensely...he also recognises the bowl as a highly valuable antique. He enters the store…
loss of taste buds
Had 1st round of chemo last Monday. By Thursday, I could not taste anything. I could be eating the tenderest steak and I might as well be eating an old shoe. I can taste hot, cold and spicy Has this happened to anyone else?
Thank you Tommaseena!
Oh my my my thank you so much from the bottom to the tippy top of my heart my friend tommaseena! You hit the mark with those cute little critters, I am an outdoor nut and the dreidel is lovely. And what you could not have realized is how much that lobster would touch my heart, you see lobster was my mom's favorite food. We…
Feeling down
hi girls....geesh, i have had the worst few days. I have been crying all day. I havent cried this much since i was first diagnosed. Im just so tired of not having hair, Ive gained like 15 pounds during chemo and I just dont feel pretty anymore. People say, "oh, you are pretty wiht or without hair, or dont worry about the…
I would imagine most on here do not smoke or probably have not smoked since diagnosis. I am, unfortunately, very addicted. I have quit for a few weeks at most only to return to smoking. It's making me absolutely NUTS! I want to stop. I NEED to stop. My PCP originally told me he didn't want to put me on Chantix because…
Hi everyone! Since my other original thread of recipes was getting soooooooooo big, thanks to all of you, I decided to start a Part 2. I hope each and every one of you will contribute more of your delicious recipes. I know I made most of them and loved them. Thanks! ♥ Noel
Has anyone waxed their head after buzzing it?
I shaved my head the other day - and got wondering, with it so short, will the little stubs fall out - or just stay in place? I'm a patchwork - some is smooth, some little stubble patches. I thought waxing it would make it all smooth and let it all start at the same place. . . any thoughts pro or con? Lori
Don't think too much about this...just groan and laugh~ it's a Monday Joke!!!
Two cannibals were eating a clown. One says to the other,"Does this taste funny to you?" Hugs, Chen♥
Made me Laugh
You know how people never know what to say to you when they see you ? Well I went to a jeweler that I hadnt seen since diagnosis to get my mom a present he was helping me and finally said " Well it looks like you have been going through some crap" I laughed so hard and it sums it up so well, no platitudes, no discomfort…
Advise on Tamoxifen
After having stage 4 breast cancer, going thru chemo and radiation, the doctor put me on arimidex, it hurt my joints so bad i had to quit taking it. Now she wants me to go on Tamoxifen. Truthfuly I am scared to take it. I have heard of emtional swings, and worst of all i have heard it could cause uterian (not spelling that…
Some Good News from my Onc
Had a checkup with my onc today and she said there is definitely some reduction in my tumors, in fact she couldn't feel them, nor the one in the lymph node area. Femara is doing its job, which I was questioning. Before I started on Femara my tumors were 2.2cm and 1.5cm, another smaller one and lump in lymph node. Both the…
CAUTION: Don't bake with your wig on
I just ruined one of my wigs while opening the oven. You'll turn into Little Orphan Annie on a bad hair day. There's no fixing it. I knew better, I just forgot I had it was on.
New Screening Guidelines
New Guidelines/Shorter Lifelines? No need for those yearly mammograms Or those oh so pesky self exams Though we haven’t found a cure We’ve over-treated you for sure Young women needn’t be afraid No matter what their stage or grade For it’s the over 50 set That we deem our attention will get So thank you Preventive Service…
LadyBug22's Birthday
PeggyPeggy - Where Are You?
Peggy, we were taking rads together and then all of a sudden, you never posted again. Did you finish rads? Did you do ok? Are you ok? I have missed you. Hope you see this and post and let all of us know how you are doing! Sue :)
What do you get is you cross P.M.S. with G.P.S? A crazy B1tch who WILL find you!
1 year check-up tomorrow
Ok. My one year check up is tomorrow. All prayers and kindly vibes welcome! xoxoxox Lynn
Last Chemo
Wednesday will be my last chemo treatment. Was gearing up for my 6 weeks of radiation, everyday for the next 6 weeks. Wasn't expecting the news from my radiation oncologist on our first visit. She is questioning my lumpectomy surgery, not enough margins removed, and my MRI. Found something that the other hospital might…
Drains! A question
Hi all, Checking in with the collective wisdom here. I'm 2 weeks post surgery (unilateral mastectomy with expander put in on 11/12) and have only a single drain remaining. I'm getting around pretty well and feeling good. I walk 30 mins, 2x day and can do some light work (computer) from home, but I'm still on a narcotic…
I have just been diagnosised with DCIS. I have a meeting with my surgeon on Monday...does anyone have advice about questions to ask and decisions I will have to make? I am thinking I would also like to see an oncologist before making any final decisions...does this make sense? Any advice would be appreciated!
Inner Peace.....
I was watching a Medical T.V. show yesterdays and the doctor guest on it proclaimed that the secret to finding lasting inner peace was to finish what you had started. So, I looked around my house to see things I had started but hadn't finished. And, before leaving the house this morning I finished a bottle of Merlot, a…
Should Women Start Mammograms at 40--US Preventive Services Task Force
I just received an email from RealAge that outlined the US Preventive Services Task Force recommendations. I sent them a reply. It is as follows: I am a ten year survivor of breast cancer. It was discovered when I had a mammogram at age 46. It was already 2 cm in size. I had just been to the Dr. for an annual exam and she…
Goodbye hair party
Well, finally had to say goodbye to the hair tonight. Told my grandkids that we were having a "goodbye to Nana's hair party" and they loved it. My son did the honors but had some fun with it during the process. First he made a very sparse mohawk, spiked and all, which my grandson wanted me to keep. Then buzzed it all off.…