Daft Sods and P.O.D.S Explained for the people who joined recently...

tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Yeah.. Thank you Susan (Christmas Girl) for leaving this to your 'Esteemed Leader" to sort out... Pay cut coming up, official secretary! (Oh, I forgot, we never paid you).. OK you owe us!

This started back in the summer, one member had a new pic up and I commented that it was nice...... she asked "What... the pic of the cat?".... I said "No! You Daft Sod, the pic of you!"

Apparently this is not normal terminology in the U.S. And caused great hilarity and everyone wanting to be called a daft sod, so we started a club...........Anyone who said they wanted to be in the Daft Sods club was automatically there (Yeah, I'm english and it's a term of endearment there)

Then we launched P.O.D.S. (pets of daft sods) and membership grew to (NUMBERS SUSAN!?)

Aortus?....... Do we need to advertise this position?.....LOL

Anyway, that's how it started.



  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    Might I be considered for "daft sod" status? Also, I've got four pets . . . two cats, one dog and a tortoise. Oh, and a boyfriend. LOL!!
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    I dated a Brit so now I'm
    I dated a Brit so now I'm bilingual. May I please join? Pitt :-)))))))
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Congrats on our new recruits, Tasha!
    They're certainly daft enough. Not sure about the "sod" part, but you're the Brit here, not me. Is this the part where we tell them about the turquoise guppies?

    P.S. I just played the word DAFTNESS for 84 points on Lexulous (a Facebook version of Scrabble). The guy I'm playing against is the Dean of my college. I might start out the New Year unemployed, but I sure had fun!
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Aortus said:

    Congrats on our new recruits, Tasha!
    They're certainly daft enough. Not sure about the "sod" part, but you're the Brit here, not me. Is this the part where we tell them about the turquoise guppies?

    P.S. I just played the word DAFTNESS for 84 points on Lexulous (a Facebook version of Scrabble). The guy I'm playing against is the Dean of my college. I might start out the New Year unemployed, but I sure had fun!

    2 new members and a bevvy of P.O.D.S! Great stuff! Aortus, Nice One, I'm a literati addict!

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    2 new members and a bevvy of P.O.D.S! Great stuff! Aortus, Nice One, I'm a literati addict!


    The Official Secretary...
    ... of both The Daft Sods Club and The Pets of Daft Sods Club is on hiatus (from her UNPAID positions) until after the holidays. Oh, Esteemed Leader - c'mon, please give me a break, woman! In just a few days, I'm hosting the big Christmas Day dinner for family, AND it's my birthday! Sheesh...

    Will be back on the job(s), fully functioning, at the beginning of the New Year. Yes, it's one of my resolutions.

    Kind regards,
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    The Official Secretary...
    ... of both The Daft Sods Club and The Pets of Daft Sods Club is on hiatus (from her UNPAID positions) until after the holidays. Oh, Esteemed Leader - c'mon, please give me a break, woman! In just a few days, I'm hosting the big Christmas Day dinner for family, AND it's my birthday! Sheesh...

    Will be back on the job(s), fully functioning, at the beginning of the New Year. Yes, it's one of my resolutions.

    Kind regards,

    You may hereby have a short holiday (Unpaid of course) I hope you have a wonderful Christmas/Birthday.
    I'll see you back, nose to the grind-stone in the new year! Hugz Jxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    You may hereby have a short holiday (Unpaid of course) I hope you have a wonderful Christmas/Birthday.
    I'll see you back, nose to the grind-stone in the new year! Hugz Jxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    With utmost gratitude, dear J...
    Thank you, Esteemed Leader. Actually, I'm looking forward to "working" with you again. :-)

    Kind regards,
    Susan xo
  • newbiefromcananda
    newbiefromcananda Member Posts: 234
    tasha_111 said:

    2 new members and a bevvy of P.O.D.S! Great stuff! Aortus, Nice One, I'm a literati addict!


    me too
    me too please... you are all so cute xoxo