How soon before normal?
I had my last treatment taxotere & cytoxan about 5 weeks ago. When I get tired, I get that smell that I had during treatments and I feel hot and get flushed. My eyes are still dry and they water. How long has it taken everybody on these chemicals to begin to feel normal again? I'm expecting the beginning of hair regrowth…
DCIS breast reconstruction.
Posted earlier about DCIS "re-ocurring". 2006 diagnosis with lumpectomy and radiation. Didn't work so, here I go again. Going tomorrow for an MRI. I'm claustrophobic, so I hope I don't chicken out. I've never seen an "open MRI" machine but I'll sure be asking if the facility has one. If not, doctor has give me some…
Chat room
Would anybody be interested in going into the chat room 2 (since no one is ever in there) and do like a group chat with bc issues. We could maybe just try an hour chat like on a sunday evening to see how that would go. Like Sundays at 9 p.m. for an hour I realize we all have things going on. Any suggestions or interests in…
Question about neuropathy
I am hoping that someone can address this. I have been on Taxol for 12 weeks and have some tingling in my hands. I have been taking B6 per my nurse practioner's suggestion, and it has helped. However, over the past two weeks, the left side of my chin and bottom lip has been numb. It feels like novocaine after getting a…
A Glimmer of Hope Foundation
Passing on information about A Glimmer of Hope Foundation - I received a key necklace (decorated with crystals) from my sister-in-law from this foundation which raises funds through jewelry sales (and other items) to underwrite cancer research in pre-menopausal women at Magee Women's Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. To check…
Anyone on TCH and Avastin clinical trial phase III?
I am to start TCH treatment 3/29 and need to decide if I want to participate in this trial...it adds avastin to the 3 week cycles for one year. I feel a responsibility to participate to help out future research... I am so grateful for everyone that has participated in clinical trials before me so my treatment is available.…
I'm done with rads - But rads aren't done with me!
I had my 25th/last radiation today - Yippy! BUT skin is having problems! Other than slight reddening and a few darker spots until over the weekend there had been no real problems. By Monday, there was a small area under arm that had opened up a bit. Dr. saw it and DC'd the bolus (think that's how it's spelled) but…
Has anyone on these boards received treatment at Dana Farber in Boston? Can you share your experience? I am finally in touch with someone who went to the local hospital and will talk to her today, this is the final question before i decide between the two. went to the local hospital for my chemo teach last friday, really…
discoloration and hardness of breast
I just finished my last round of Chemo Mar.10th. Thank God!!!!! But I still feel concern when I look and touch my breast where the surgeon removed a small tumor. My breast is still very discolored (alot of redness) and very hard to touch. I've asked my Oncologist about it several times and my surgeon, and they both tell me…
Tomorrow is TGF, Teena's Birthday
I know this is early but I wanted to make sure I got this thread out so you would have your birthday wishes on your birthday. I am working early tomorrow in the field. So let's all wish TGF, Teena a very happy birthday even though this is a bit early. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR "TGF,…
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!! Here's to the wearing of the green!
Monahan stumbled into a saloon, half crocked. "Say," he said to the bartender, "how tall is a penguin?" "About two and a half feet." "Thank God!" cried Monahan. "I thought I ran over a nun!" Shamrock Hugs, Chen♥
Weigh In - Weight Watchers
I lost only 4 ounces for a 2 week loss, making total loss 4 lbs. 4 oz. I have, however, continued to walk 5 days per week, 1 hour per day. And...I am going to have to start taking Arimidex within the next week. I don't know how that will affect my metabolism, though I will find out quick enough. Another good way to stay on…
vitamin E ?
I have read that alot of you use vitamin E on the scar area. I get my stitches out Thursday and if my Ps says it is okay I would like to start using Vitamin E. I had a reaction to the antibiotic ointment I was using and had to switch to something else. I am seeing a little difference, but it is hard to tell the area is…
Hello Everyone, I am new to this. I been diagnosed with bc on Dec. 18, 09 and had Mastectomy on 1/6/10. Had 18 nodes removed which 16 were positve. Pet scan showed it met to my liver. Stage 4. Just finished my first round of chemo Taxotere every 3 weeks and I'm taking oral Xeloda 2x daily 6 pills 3000mg. I've been reading…
New to discussions and have questions
Hello, I am new to the discussion boards. I was diagnosed on January 12, 2010 with breast cancer. On Feb. 4 2010 I had bi lateral masectomy with tram flap reconstruction. I am schedule for 6months of chemo with 6 1/2 weeks of radiation. I had my first chemo coctail A/C on March 8th. March 9th I received the Neulestra…
so overwhelmed .....
I saw my oncologist today. I had been hoping that possibly he would not tell me what I already knew from my research, but no such luck. The protocol is 6 rounds of TCH every 3 weeks.. then radiation for 6 weeks and the herceptin will continue every 3 weeks for one year. I will need to get a port(I know I will need this,…
Cancer after transplant
i posted this also on the lung cancer site but decided to put it in this site as well. I'm worried about what we are going to find out tomorrow. If my Dad has a new cancer in his lung, I assume it's most likely a recurrence of the original cancer of the breast. His mother died apparently of breast cancer in her early 70s…
Chat room
Just wondering if anyone else is having issues connecting to chatroom.
I have posted on this site quite a few times. I was diagnosed with triple negative bc in February. I am going to retire from my job in less than two weeks, then move to Florida to get treatment. My original plan was to retire and start full time rving with my husband. Our first trip was to the beautiful northwestern part…
Today is Lynda53"s Birthday
How long after radiation to replace expanders
Hi Pinks, can anyone tell me how long your PS waited after radiation to replace expanders with implants, I HATE these expanders and can't wait to sleep on my side :) I'm only starting my first of 35 treatments today and look at me jumping ahead, one of these days I'll learn to take it one day at a time, lol. Thanks in…
Itching after blood transfusion!
Up until we switched to taxol, I had thought I was doing pretty well. However, when I went in for my first taxol treatmnet, the blood tests showed my RBC was waaaaay low. The dr. said I could either wait and see if it built up on its own, then do the taxol, or we could do the taxol and I get a blood transfusion the next…
Hello everyone,no wig and feeling better.
I just wanted to say hi.I am doing great to you that know me from this sight.I have been going with out a wig or hat now for two weeks.I can style it a little now.I been on my diet for a month now.I thank all you kind hearts for helping me get through some of the darkest days of my life with BC.I read your post and try to…
diabetes; thyroid
Did anyone become a diabetic during breast cancer treatment...specifically taking arimidex? After my cancer dx 20 months ago, my overall health has gone downhill even though I exercise, and eat much healthier. My thyroid is enlarged with nodules also.
Thank for BD wishes + misc. thought
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. It seemed like a rather "odd" couple of days though. It was on March 13th last year ... my 65th birthday ... that I had my first chemo. I specifically chose that date to start because I was telling myslef it was a new beginning. Anyway ... I did just great through chemo…
surgery site has split open!
I had an infection with one of the stiches. It started oozing pus (yuck) and then my surgery site started spliting open! I have a whole that is about 1 inch long and 1/2 deep in my skin! YUCK!! I am now packing it with sterile pads and covering it and taking antibiotics. GOOD NEWS is I can still keep doing rads. BAD news…
Snow Job...
One winter morning a husband and wife in Denver were listening to the radio during breakfast. They heard the announcer say, "We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the even-numbered side of the street, so the snowplows can get through." So the good wife went out and moved her car. A…
Hysterectomy same time as finish-up reconstruction surgery?
Hi. I had a bilateral mastectomy on January 5 with immediate free TRAM flap reconstruction. I will have another surgery on March 29 to finish up the reconstruction (nipples, reshaping, etc.). I'm tired of surgeries (as I'm sure lots of you are!!). This will be my fourth surgery in 8 months (had Achilles' tendon surgery,…
follow up after treatments
I just finished all treatments and was wondering how do the doctors know if they worked? I asked my Dr. if there was any blood test or any kind of test we should do to see if they worked. He said no. He just wants me back in 3 months for an office visit. Did anyone's Dr. do test to check it your treatments worked? Mary
Kids are just great - honest!
A funny story for you this morning! I visited yesterday with a gal who is a 3 year BC survivor. She was in town for a few days with her grandkids. She hadn't seen me since before chemo so hadn't witnessed me with bald head. I walked over to her house with ballcap and we were sitting in her living room chatting when I heard…