Another surgery? Not even
I had a mastectomy on the left and reduction of right when we done implant switch. They are not even. Have anyone had this happen? I think I now have the blues.
her2+ on herceptin having trouble sleeping
I have had chemo, mastectomy, radiation, now only on Herceptin every 3 weeks till end of July. I'm having a hard time going to sleep and then staying asleep. My feet tingle and burn from the taxotere. Also my arms and joints hurt. Would like to comunicate with someone else who is her2+.
Obese Cant find help
Well today I hit rock bottom in being depressed. Went to the Closet at the AMS only to find out Obese people don't have a chance at getting a bra. My sisters wedding is in 2 weeks, I tryed on Tops and dresses. Trying them on I was crying, Felt like a FREAK. Nothing hung the same on me. Cant afford to go buy a bra and…
Soy products and ER+ cells
Soy mimicks estrogen, so I've been doing some research on food. I've read that the "normal Asian diet" of tofu 2 or 3 times a week is OK for women with ER+ pathology but we should avoid soy powder because it's concentrated. H*ll's B*lls! I'm avoiding ALL soy, if I can. Why feed the little buggers? I'm taking expensive…
Taxol with herceptin
Hi Everyone, I am new in this board. My mom was diagnosed on July 27th with Breast Cancer Stage 3C. She had her first chemo (Taxol 80 mg/m2 with Herceptin) last Tuesday and will be on for 12 weeks. Can you give me some advice on: 1. Side effects of Taxol/herceptin 2. What to expect 3. Best way to help her Should she…
what to expect on your first visit with onc
I was diagnosed 2/13/10 with bc in my left breast with positive nods,had masectomy 3/09/10. My first visit to see the Onc what should I expect on my first visit.
Radiation burn
How do you tell if there is infection in a radiation burn? A particular look, what? The biggest open area (approx 4" X 4" now) is pouring (anything I put on is soaked within a minute or 2, I do have mepilex to put on it but but can't keep it in place) yellow liquid that is still basically clear. There had been a 'blister'…
reconstruction of the left breast
Hi everyone, My name is Jean. I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in the left breast and had a mastectomy in July of 2009. I have completed chemo & radiation. My surgeon says I am probably not a candidate for implants due to chest wall radiation. Tram flap will probably be my choice. However, I get conflicting…
Come celebrate with me...a new grandson
On Thursday, March 18, I'll be getting my 4th chemo treatment then I'll be rushing over to the hospital to welcome a new Grandson into the world. Our youngest daughter will be induced on Thursday, I plan to be there and watch that new life enter into this world. I have re-scheduled my chemo for several hours earlier in the…
feeling sad
I am about half way through chemo, bilat mastectomy done, no reconstruction yet, but soon. On Taxotere, Carboplatin, and Herceptin. I notice that my hair isn't all falling out (though lots did), and it started to grow back some. Asked the oncologist if this means chemo isn't working. He said that with this regimine it is…
chemo postponed - possible reaction to disolving sutures
Hi everyone, I had my chemo canceled today, postponed until next week Friday. The reason being is because the scars from the port insertion had become kind of infected, or rather were oozing pus (i am sorry it is gross). I would drain the sites a couple of times a day until either clear fluid or blood came out. I had no…
mom fighting stage IV cancer- extreme pressure in chest causing sleep loss
I'm new to this discussion board. My mom has stage four breast cancer with multiple tumors in her chest, but no signs of cancer in any of her vital organs. She has been undergoing chemo treatment since October of last year and just finished radiation on the cancer found in her neck. She's experienced pretty much every…
I just got back from my oncologist today to follow up on my CT scan. I had second round on Texatare and Xaloda but my scan showed that the cocktail didn't work. In fact, the other tumor gets bigger about an inch. I was givin another chemo today, I don't even know the name, I was so disappointed. Has anybody had this…
I'm done!!!!
Done with chemo, done with radiation, and had my hystorecomy surgery last weds, on the road to recovery from that and I'm taking my life back!!!YAHOO
Good Information to Know for Newbies or Anyone
I just called the 1-800-227-2345 number for the ACS to ask about getting a pamphlet on nutrition while taking chemo and talked to the most wonderful person on the other end. This person gave info that I would have never known about if I hadn't called. The number of services you get from them is tremendous...transportation,…
DONE WITH RADS!! (25 times) Can't believe it!!!!!
Well, yes I finally made it! Rang that bell in the lobby so loud I think the whole Mayo Clinic heard it!! hahahaha... I am super sore tho! My Dr. said that it will be at it's worst 1-2 weeks from now, great! I am using the vinegar soak, the silvadene, and the xeroform, gauze and ace bandage..whew! It takes alot of my time,…
From Chemo to New Grandbaby in 4 hours
I made it to the delievery of my newest Grandbaby. Cayden March 18, 2010 7 lb 2 oz Stacy and Cayden doing great. Meme (that's me) was on a chemo high and did great. I just realize that chemo can either put you to bed or chemo can let you be in control and watch the birth of our 12th grandchild. Did I mention we have 7…
post-chemo question
Its exactly 2 months past last chemo and last night and this morning, I'm having that metal taste in my mouth again. Does chemo leave the body in stages, like bursts here and there? My stomach is still not right. Its almost like its a "chemo week" again.
One year (and a day)
Yesterday was my one year anniversary of my diagnosis date. I'm living with Stage IV and plan to for a long long long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ Libby
mastectomy scars
I have a question about mastectomy scars. I feel kind of vain for asking. I mean---the cancer is gone----who cares about the scars!!!!??? But, I guess I do. What, if anything, are you using to minimize the scarring? I know they will never look the way they did. I'd just like to get rid of the angry looking red lines sooner…
Any book recommendations???
Hello, I had my lumpectomy last week, waiting for pathology report and eventually rads. I'm wondering what books you have read and found helpful for things like diet, living with and after treatment, etc. Thanks for your help, Victoria
How long until radiation exhaustion and chemo brain go away? I am also somewhat depressed since finishing rads and all my treatments. Is this common? prv
Anyone get financial assistance from drug makers?
Hi, I've posted some here but never introduced myself. I'm 56, had a double mastectomy Jan. 25, immediate expanders placed, will start chemo on March 23 followed by estrogen blocker/inhibitor, genetic testing and probable removal of ovaries and uterus.(Goodness, have I just described myself as a medical case?! I'm much…
Lack of Interest in Intimacy
I was diagnosed at 37 and have undergone full treatment and Phase II of reconstruction. After getting the "new girls" I thought intimacy would become more appealing. My husband and I have always had a great relationship and he was wonderful throughout the treatment process. He has been patient, loving and kind. The hints,…
My PCP made me feel great
I had my annual physical today, and the first thing my doctor, of almost 30 years, asked was how I was doing. I said that I'd had a sh*tty year but that I was good. I brought him up-to-date with my bilateral mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction, a D&C which showed polyps (those were removed and I've been fine since), and…
Mouth Sores while taking Doxil and Herceptin
Hi, My mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. She is currently taking doxil and herceptin. One of the side effects she is dealing with are painful mouth sores or ulcers. The doctor gave her a prescription for magic mouthwash but it only helps temporarily and makes her entire mouth numb. Does anyone have any…
BC, BRCA1, Pnumonia????
I am BRCA1,triple neg, Breast Cancer..Last Chemo July 8th 2008. I have been dx with pnumonia while taking care of my daughter who had strep in the hospital. I was told it was questionable pnumonia and to call my oncon for a consult. I want to know what the difference between how pnumonia looks & cancer looks on a chest…
I Can't believe I am done.
It's been a journey. First all the test's. Then the surgery. Then Chemo. Then Rads. I am finished today ( except for herceptin and Tamoxifen ). Feel's good on the one hand and a bit scary on the other, but I am glad it's over.
Arimidex, a good story :)
I haven't posted in awhile...but i just had to report the recent turn of events in my journey... I was on tomax for about 8 months after chemo (had single mastectomy), had my ovaries removed, and started arimidex a month after surgery…I will tell you i was so afraid to start it…I had hurt SO BAD on tamox..i felt like a…
What the heck?
If it's not one thing ... it's another. A few days after my last radiation appointment I developed what looked like it could be a pimple or bug bite near the nipple of the radiated area. Another day or two it was the same size as my nipple and dark in the center with infection. The spot and regular nipple became very…